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i have never known my father. he is married with 3 daughters. they know nothing of me. their mother does not want them to know. my dad did pay child support for me all of my 18 years. i am now 40. he did come to visit me a couple of years ago. he came a few times but then stopped. i think his wife had something to do with it. he did not come to visit me when i was growing up. he is not well. my question is, will i be in the will? if not, am i entitled to anything? should i go to the funeral? i really don't want anything i mainly want to know if he thinks of me. i would really like to have a father/daughter relationship but i do not think that is possible. what if he is in the hospital. can i visit him?

2007-01-31 05:03:10 · 11 answers · asked by peaches 1 in Family & Relationships Family

11 answers

just make peace with him before he dies ... dont worry about what you can get out of it materially ... just make peace ...

2007-01-31 05:09:07 · answer #1 · answered by Bella 5 · 0 0

We have no idea if you are in the will or not. But, my mother went through this too. Her father never saw her because of his wife. She died, he changed the will. He's in a home now and even me and my sister were put in the will. Not for much, but it is nice that he did care about us and that it was his wife all along.

2007-01-31 13:07:41 · answer #2 · answered by Groovy 6 · 0 0

After 40 years, he's proven what type of a father he chose to be. Expect nothing from him. He's letting his other family control him and do all his thinking for him. To be left anything upon his death is a gift to you. Don't hold your breath waiting to receive anything from him. If he should be hospitalized, expect problems from his wife and kids. They're too prone to act like fools.

2007-01-31 14:32:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If he's in the hospital, you can go visit him. Your dad's wife is probably jealous. I'd not ask the question about the will, I'd just call your dad and talk to him. Tell him something interesting that's happened to you recently, just talk to him like someone you care about.

2007-01-31 13:10:50 · answer #4 · answered by John 4 · 0 0

It really is completely up to him who he does or does not put in his will. He may include you, but not explain who you are, or he may omit you. If he omits you and you feel you were entitled to something then you'll have to enter into a bitter legal battle against the executor of his estate half your fathers other relatives.

2007-01-31 13:08:14 · answer #5 · answered by rchlbsxy2 5 · 0 0

I think you should follow your heart. If you want to contact him, then do so, regardless of what his wife thinks. He IS your father, and you do need to have some kind of relationship. If you don't try now, you may be very sorry later. Give it a go.....good luck, and God bless.

2007-01-31 13:10:50 · answer #6 · answered by kj 7 · 0 0

Your relationship is betwen the two you and no one else has the ability to intefere with it unless they are allowed. You can do anything you want to reach out to him. But the will can't be predicted by anyone on this site. You should talk to him.

2007-01-31 13:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by lil Trouble 2 · 0 0

you are entitle to be there rather his new wife or kids like it or not, if you are left out of the will you can pretest it going to probate court but it will get expensive.

2007-01-31 13:09:26 · answer #8 · answered by cowgrl3611 5 · 0 0

When my father died my step sisters got everything including his alcoholism. THAT WAS THE END OF THAT, hes dead so what he never loved me any way so I take care of my self and so should you.

2007-01-31 13:06:15 · answer #9 · answered by swimmyfishy 4 · 1 0

I am hoping for you sake he does think of you, and consider you in his will. And yes! you are entitled "However" it will be totally up to him. If he has come to see you a few times apparently the desire is in his heart, and that is somewhat an observation that obviously proves that he loves you, but his new wife and family apparently gave him a hard time about it, which is pretty sad, because they have robbed you of something that is of great value to a persons life.

Even so! Your dad should have been stronger than he was with his responsibility to spending time with you, but he did not. What has been done in the past can not be redone. Consider the little time you had as a great blessing.

There are many people who knew their fathers, and their fathers have never paid any child support for them ever, and have never spent time with them, and those who's fathers only spent time with them for their own selfish reasons when things weren't going well with the families they left them for. And you must not forget, then there are those who have never new who their fathers were, and those who didn't no either of their parents. Go figure!

You must not invest anymore time with what Daddy would , should, and could of done to prove his love for you. It's not what will be left to you in the will that will make it alright. Love is a greater value than things. I advise you, for the rest of your life not to expect anything from anybody in this life! It will be less disappointing, and less painful when lost. You have suffered long enough.

Nothing in this world is designed to be everlasting or a guarantee to us, therefore you must be strong and move forward by focusing on what the future holds, which is so much more, than focusing your energy on what you did, or didn't have, or what you've lost, in the past.

Our heavenly Father doesn't put anything on you that he feels you are unable to bare. The Father that has created you has been there for you all alone, and he is still there, he hears your weeping heart.

God has not left you. God knows everything about you, he's waiting for you to lay all your burdens upon him as he has commanded all of us to do, so that he can lift our burdens, and continue to provide his grace, and mercy on us as he's done thus far.

God is waiting for you to ask. Gods promises are never broken. Nothing of the world, or in the world is promised to be everlasting, but in heaven eternal life is.

Your Dad will have to answer to the one and only Heavenly father. When our Lord grants us blessing, and we misuse and abuse, and not honor them. Our heavenly Father is not pleased. God reigns over heaven and earth. He is the one and only judge.

I think you should try to find out if your Dad is in the hospital and visit him. Sometimes when people are in a place of possible departure from the world, many things are desired to be expressed, especially to those whom they have hurt the most. Maybe this will be when you'll receive all the answers to the questions you may have had unanswered. Closure is good.

It is also important that you prepare yourself, for it is not always a guarantee you'll get the response, in hearing what your heart greatly desires. But, you'll never know, until you try. Results are always an accomplishment weather we think they are or not, regardless to if they are considered good or bad, results are manifested from both.

If you decide to visit your dad compel to kneel down in prayer, and ask God to be with you. Ask God to comfort you, and provide you with the right words to say, and most of all, ask God for the strength to stand strong in all the trials, and tribulation you have to face from this day, and forward. Believe with your heart, mind and soul. You must not doubt God. His love is real. I am a living witness.

By the way. I'm in my forties. I didn't grow-up with the love, and comfort, of a healthy relationship with my father either. I crew up with my mother who raised five of us children alone, with out help from my earthly loser father, she worked very hard to put a roof, and food in our mouths, and clothes on our back. If she would of had any help from my loser, selfish dad, she would have been able to spend more personal time, and provided for us in other areas we lacked in our personal development, and because of this lack we've endured a lot of heart ace, pain, struggles, and many difficulties, but en lieu of it all, God has truly blessed us.

We are all still here, and alive with the exception of one brother who died at age 22. We have been given a chance to live happy healthy lives that will be based on our choices we make.

We are old enough now to change our past into happy, healthy futures we desire. Having gain wisdom to knowing that none of us are perfect, and knowing that we will never have the perfect storybook life in this world.

You must understand we will all face great disappointments, trials and tribulations, for the rest of our lives, and the best part about it is that with Christ we will be able to endure anything we are faced with on earth, even death.

My prayers are with you.

Many Blessings,


2007-01-31 15:38:13 · answer #10 · answered by Mady 1 · 0 0

i'm sorry but u are going to hell

have a nice day.

2007-01-31 13:11:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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