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I am interested in the Jehovas Witnesses, ive investigated the mormon church for 11 months now, and now its this.

Why do they believe that jesus was Michael the Arch-angel?

Thanks to you all

2007-01-31 03:27:59 · 16 answers · asked by Jim 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Jehovah's Witnesses understand the Scriptures to teach that God's Kingdom will soon replace all earthly governments.
(Daniel 2:44) God of heaven will set up a kingdom... It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

That Kingdom will rule over the vast majority of mankind, most of whom will have been raised from the dead after Armageddon.
(John 11:23,24) Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”
(Acts 24:15) There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Until that resurrection, there is no suffering in "hell", or the grave. Sometime after the resurrection, death and "hell" will themselves be destroyed.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire

While a limitted number of humans will be resurrected to heaven to share in ruling over mankind, the vast majority (literally more than 99.9%) of Jehovah's Witnesses expect an EARTHLY hope, the same hope given to Adam and Eve.
(Genesis 1:28) God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill THE EARTH and subdue it [caps added]
(Genesis 2:17) You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die [so never eating from that tree means never dying]

Interestingly, the Scriptures are full of references to this earthly hope.
(Psalms 37:11) 'the meek will possess the earth'
(Proverbs 2:21) 'upright will reside in the earth'
(Isaiah 45:18) 'God formed the earth to be inhabited'
(Matthew 5:5) 'the mild will inherit the earth'
(Revelation 21:3) The tent of God is with mankind

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Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the bible term "angel" properly refers to *ANY* spirit creature. The resurrected Christ Jesus is a spirit creature, so Witnesses believe that it is not technically incorrect to refer to Jesus as "an angel"; it would be incorrect to believe that Jesus was a mere angel on a par with other angels. Even before he came to earth and was impaled, Jesus the Son enjoyed a position higher than any other creature in existence because of two different reasons.

Firstly, as the firstborn of creation, Jesus likely spent thousands or millions or billions of years in exclusive association with Jehovah; this unique opportunity allowed Jesus to learn so much that Jesus is spoken of as the "image" and "reflection" and "exact representation" of Almighty Jehovah God.

(Colossians 1:15) [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation

(Hebrews 1:3) [Jesus] is the reflection of [Jehovah's] glory and the exact representation of his very being

Secondly, the bible teaches that Jesus worked alongside Jehovah to CREATE the other angels (and the rest of the heavenly and physical universe).

(Colossians 1:15-18) By means of him all other things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. 17 Also, he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist, 18 and he is the head of the body, the congregation. He is the beginning

(Revelation 3:14) These are the things that [Jesus] says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God [see 2 Cor 1:20]

(Proverbs 8:22) Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.

(John 1:1,14) In the beginning [Jesus] was... So [Jesus] became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of undeserved kindness and truth.

While Jesus enjoyed an elevated position since his creation by Jehovah, the bible teaches that Christ Jesus the Son has been given even GREATER glory and authority than he previously had. Since Jesus' resurrection to heaven, the bible indicates that: no salvation occurs without Christ, accepting Christ's sacrifice is a requirement for true worship, every prayer must acknowledge Christ, Christ is the King of God's Kingdom, Christ is the head of the Christian congregation, and Christ is now immortal.

In fact, it is only since his resurrection that the bible explicitly and plainly states that Jesus (the Son) is now "better than the angels" and that Jehovah (the Father) elevated him thusly (emphasis has been added to most of these citations)...

(Hebrews 1:3-4) [Jesus] sat down on the right hand of the Majesty [Jehovah] in lofty places. 4 So he HAS BECOME better than the angels

(Matthew 28:18) And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been GIVEN ME in heaven and on the earth.

(Acts 2:36) God MADE HIM both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you impaled.

(John 3:35) The Father loves the Son and HAS GIVEN all things into his hand.

(Acts 5:31) GOD EXALTED this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand

(Psalm 2:2-6) The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah AND against his anointed one... Jehovah himself will hold them in derision..., Saying: "I, even I, HAVE INSTALLED my king [Jesus]

As the agent of creation for the other angels, who better than Jesus to be their "Chief"? The term "archangel" is always in the singular, and actually means "Chief of the Angels". The bible teaches that the one and only archangel (named "Michael") is actually the heavenly pre- and post-human Jesus.

Note that Jesus the Lord calls with an archangel's voice:
. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-16) Jesus died and rose again, so, too... the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel's voice

Note who leads angelic armies (Jesus is "Logos", "The Word"):
. (Revelation 19:13-14) the name he is called is The Word of God. Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him

. (Revelation 12:7) And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled

Who returns and stands up during a time of distress such as has never happened before?

. (Daniel 12:1) "And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book.

. (Matthew 24:3-21) the disciples approached him [Jesus] privately, saying: "Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?" And in answer Jesus said to them: "...All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. ...But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. ...for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.

Once you study it, the bible really teaches that Jesus is Michael. Although anti-Witnesses sometimes pretend that Gabriel (and sometimes "Lucifer") are also archangels, the fact remains that the bible itself speaks of only one single solitary archangel. Who would be above Jesus among heavenly creatures?

Interestingly, the Scriptures refer to *ALL* angelic spirit creatures as "morning stars". Jesus is not excluded from that terminology, but he is elevated by the unique description "the BRIGHT morning star".

(Job 38:4,7) When [Jehovah] founded the earth... When the morning stars [or "angels"] joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause

(Revelation 22:16) I, Jesus... I am the root and the offspring of David, and the BRIGHT morning star. [caps added]

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2007-01-31 03:47:56 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 7 0

At Thessalonians 4:16 the command of Jesus Christ for the resurrection to begin is described as "the archangel's call" and Jude says that the archangel is Michael. Would it be appropriate to liken Jesus' commanding call to that of someone lesser in authority? Reasonably, then, the archangel Michael is Jesus Christ.

2007-01-31 03:40:50 · answer #2 · answered by mufasa 4 · 3 0

You should invite them over and ask them. I'm actually Mormon, but I had the Jehovah Witnesses come over quite a few times and we went through many of their teachings. They also gave me some great books that answer many questions and would also get you some. In the end we just agreed to disagree too many times. Because I'm not Jehovah Witness I don't think I'm actually qualified to answer. Good luck.

2007-01-31 04:14:16 · answer #3 · answered by straightup 5 · 4 0

They believe very differently from most so-called christians.
They say life eternal will be on a transformed earth, paradise.
They use Psalms 37:29 as a basis.
Death is simply non-existence.
The dead are conscious of nothing. They use Ecclesiastes 9:5,10.
The soul dies. Ezekial 18:4.
There is no hell-fire, no trinity.
They 'deduce' Michael and Jesus are the same person since both are spoken of in very surprisingly similar terms.

2007-01-31 03:46:01 · answer #4 · answered by Uncle Thesis 7 · 4 1

The name of this Michael appears only five times in the Bible. The glorious spirit person who bears the name referred to as "one of the chief princes", "the great prince who has charge of your (Daniel) people," and as "the archangel." (Dan. 10:13; 12:1; Jude 9) Michael means "Who is Like God?" The name evidently designates Michael as the one who takes the lead in upholding Jehovah's sovereignty and destroying God's enemies.

At 1 Thess. 4:16 the command of Jesus Christ for the resurrection to begin is described as "the archangel's call", and Jude 9 says that the archangel is Michael. Would it be appropriate to liken Jesus' commanding call to that of someone lesser in authority? Reasonably then, the archangel Michael is Jesus Christ. Interestingly, the expression "archangel" is never found in the plural in the Scriptures, thus implying that there is only one.

Rev. 12: 7-12 says that Michael and his angels would war against Satan and hurl him and his wicked angels out of heaven in connection with the conferring of kingly authority on Christ. Jesus is later depicted as leading the armies of heaven in war against the nations of the world. (Rev. 19:11-16) Is it not reasonable that Jesus would also be the one to take action against the one he described as "ruler of this world", Satan the Devil? (John 12:31) Daniel 12:1 associates the "standing up of Michael" to act with authority with "a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time." That would certainly fit the experience of the nations when Christ as heavenly executioner takes action against them. So the evidence indicates that the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and is known also by that name since return to heaven where he resides as the glorifed spirit Son of God.

2007-01-31 03:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

We believe because we are Christians who truly love Jehovah God and his Son, Christ Jesus, and have faith that what the entire Bible says is inspired and beneficial for teaching, for reproving and for setting things straight.
We adhere to the Bible as a standard for all our beliefs.
We worship Jehovah as the only true God(Psalms 83:18 Exodus 6:3)
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the first of all God's creations, that he sacrificed his life for imperfect humans so that we have the chance to receive everlasting life,something that our first parents Adam & Eve lost.
We believe that God's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind; that it is a real government; that it will soon put an end to all wickedness, including all human governments, and that it will produce a new government in which righteousness will prevail.
We believe that God's original purpose for the earth will be fulfilled; that the earth will be completely populated by worshipers of the true God and that these will be able to enjoy eternal life in human perfection; that even the dead will be brought back to life with an opportunity to also share in those blessings.
We believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing; that they are experiencing neither pain nor pleasure, that they exist in God's memory, so hope for their future lies in a resurrection from the dead.
We believe that we are now living in the last days, that some living today will also see the destruction of the wicked; that lovers of righteousness will survive into a paradise earth.
We remain separate from the world just as Jesus commanded us to do.We remain neutral when it comes to politics or warfare against our fellowman.
We believe that blood is sacred and that life is in the blood and that our lives rightly belong to God. (See Gen.9:4, Leviticus 7:27, Acts 15:20, Acts 15:29. )
We strive to apply Bible counsel in every aspect of life.
By preaching to all nations, we are fulfilling the Biblical prophecys found at Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20.

We know that Jesus is also known as Michael the Archangel.
Revelation 12: 7-12 says that Michael and his angels would war against Satan and hurl him and his wicked angels out of heaven in connection with the conferring of kingly authority on Christ. Jesus is later depicted as leading the the armies of heaven in war against the nations of the world. (Revelation 19:11-16) Is it not reasonable that Jesus would also be the one to take action against the one he described as "ruler of this world", Satan the Devil? Daniel 12:1 associates the 'standing up of Michael' to act with authority with "a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time." That would certainly fit the experience of the nations when Christ as heavenly executioner takes action against them. The name “Michael” means “Who Is Like God?” thus indicating that this foremost prince upholds Jehovah’s sovereignty. Since Michael is also a champion of God’s people, we have reason to identify him with the unnamed angel that God sent ahead of the Israelites hundreds of years before: “Here I am sending an angel ahead of you to keep you on the road and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Watch yourself because of him and obey his voice. Do not behave rebelliously against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; because my name is within him.”—Exodus 23:20, 21.
This, too, argues that Jesus and Michael are the same. Interestingly, the name of Jesus is linked with the word “archangel” in one of Paul’s letters. The apostle writes: “The Lord [Jesus] himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16) The context places this event during “the presence of the Lord,” when Jesus has started to rule as king.—1 Thessalonians 4:15; Matthew 24:3; Revelation 11:15-18.

2007-01-31 04:03:59 · answer #6 · answered by Micah 6 · 5 0

Stick with the Mormon Church... Adam was Michael the Archangel just for your information by the way. Keep investigating us, we are the only complete and truthful religion.

2007-01-31 08:28:56 · answer #7 · answered by Beast8981 5 · 0 4

i'm no longer a witness now yet i grew up in a witness family contributors. basically they have self belief that good now the international belongs to devil good now. quickly nevertheless, this is going to develop right into a paradise, after armageddon. after armageddon, people who accompanied jehovah would be waiting to make it into the paradise and could be suitable. in addition they have self belief that jesus gave his existence for us and that jesus is jehovahs son. jehovah fairly skill, he who motives to develop into and jesus' heavenly call is michael there are particular witnesses that are annointed and as a exchange of residing in the paradise, will circulate heaven. there'll only be 144k of the annointed witnesses that get to circulate to heaven. they dont have self belief in hell. while people die, their bodies turn to airborne dirt and mud. in addition they dont have self belief that as quickly as we die, you circulate to heaven in case you have been ''sturdy'' on your existence. thats all that gabriel is, for loss of a greater advantageous thank you to place it, god's extensive form one guy. they dont have fun holiday journeys via fact they're pagan holiday journeys that are taken way out of context they do have fun jesus' dying and function a memorial each year based on the date nissan 14. stated, nye-son. thats all that i will think of of fantastic now.

2016-09-28 05:48:55 · answer #8 · answered by philibert 4 · 0 0

If you want to know the history of this, the JW's were taught this by the Seventh day adventists. The background and rational of this that the JW's use is found in the book Questions on Doctrine.

2007-01-31 23:05:46 · answer #9 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 3

Stick with the Mormon church...it is the only completely true gospel on the earth. Others have many half-truths or just incomplete doctrine...the LDS church is the only church with the fulness of the gospel.
Good luck.

2007-01-31 05:43:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Baby if I knew I would tell you. I have a cousin who is a Jenova Witness and she can't celabrate Birthdays and it is very sad. This Christmas that just pass she was there while we all wrapped gifts for our kids and I felt sorry because her mother don't allow for her to recieve gifts for Christmas. They are also not allow to tell on anyone, they suppose to keep all things to themselves. I think it is a crazy reglion, but I do respect everyone and the fact that they have the right to believe in anything that they want.

2007-01-31 03:35:54 · answer #11 · answered by rcprachel 2 · 0 5

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