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Everything that we can physically see had a builder. An 80 story building.....a car.....a bridge......a stadium......they all had builders and designers of some sort. Our universe is no different.....it too, had (and still has) a builder......His name is God. The belief that we all came from some primordial soup and all just poofed into existance over millions of millennia is nonsense.
That would be the equivalent of placing a Cadillac onto a cargo plane....taking it apart....flying up to 20,000 feet......dumping it out the back of the plane.....and then expecting it to reassemble itself before it hits the ground.
The fact that you cannot physically see our Creator is not proof that He does not exist......in fact....He is under no obligation to answer to us or prove anything to us anyway.
Just have faith to believe.....

2007-01-31 02:06:34 · 15 answers · asked by primoa1970 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I cannot believe the amount of non-believers who attempt to answer questions on this forum. May God have mercy on your souls when you meet Him face to face someday.

2007-01-31 02:19:22 · update #1

15 answers

Dear Primoa1970,

I do believe in our Creator, so I hope you will forgive me for answering.

As a friend of mine who is a leading chemist in his field told me, it is more likely that I would win the Powerball every day of my life than it is for life to have originated in some primordial soup.

Before he put it in those terms he was telling me a number with about 25 miles worth of zeroes behind it and I just couldn't begin to wrap my limited mind around it so then he used the Powerball illustration.

I can commiscerate in part with the poster who asked who made God because I used to wonder that when I was a child. Night after night I pondered that exact question but didn't come up with any answers. As an adult the LIGHT bulb finally went on and I realized that nobody made God because God IS, always has BEEN and ALWAYS WILL BE! Praise the LORD!

2007-01-31 02:32:15 · answer #1 · answered by JOYfilled - Romans 8:28 7 · 2 1

It is in fact true that some mainstream scientists are leaning more towards a creator. That does not dismiss the Big Bang or evolution. The idea of a creator does not really conflict with the Big Bang. The two ideas can work together in complete harmony. Even those that do not believe in a creator, but only in the Big Bang and evolution still can NOT give any answers to where the 4 original atoms came from. Nor, are we able to identify the 4 completely. We still do not know what Dark Matter is or if it even exists. The idea of Dark Matter is still in debate. In addition, just because 1 man makes a claim about the origins of life, does not mean it's true. This is the argument many non believers of faith throw at those that DO believe, however, the argument is flawed. Just because one is a scientist and makes the claim about the origin of life, does not mean they are right, either. Personally, I find those on both sides that can argue as if they are right, is really arrogant and down right stupid. No one knows or has the answers. We are all guessing. It makes more common sense to me to have an open mind and relish ALL possibilities, and not dismiss one idea over another based on your own prejudices.

2016-03-28 22:15:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ah, the 'First Clause' argument, put forth by Plato, Aristole and Thomas Aquinas.

The problem is... which creator?

Yahweh? Zeus? Wotan? Gaia? The Flying Spagetti Monster?

Or, are we talking on a deeper level about some sort of God which defies the boundaries placed upon it by each religion (I personally think giving God a gender is silly - if it exists, it's a force, not an individual, and would be above such petty concerns)?

I personally think that the thing which created the universe is ... the universe. if God exists, it is a part of every atom, of every being, both external and internal to all things. 'Godverse' is what makes atoms spin, what makes the rules work. Whether it cares if we're good or evil or if out lives matter at all (or if it is even aware of this) is of course a different debate...

2007-01-31 04:38:11 · answer #3 · answered by Stu 2 · 0 0

Your argument is flawed. First of all, taking a cadillac apart, dumping it out of a plane and expecting it to reassemble is not, in any way, similar to the theory of evolution. Evolution states that after MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of years, things finally came together in such a way as to produce us. It didn't just get dropped in a scattered way. Plus, we didn't get "taken apart" and reassembled.
And the fact that you cannot physically see God isn't proof of anything, true. But there is no real evidence. And some people need evidence. Some cannot go by faith alone.
Also, granted the Bible says the planet was created in seven days (or six days plus a day of rest). Who's to say how long a single day was for the Bible? Maybe each "day" was several million years, as God put together His paradise. After all, builders take time to create their masterpieces.
Let me set something straight. I do believe in God and I believe in Jesus, but I feel that if you are going to "attack" those who do not believe you need to understand both sides of the argument and acknowledge their views.

2007-01-31 02:23:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This kind of argument smacks of desperation. It has been comprehensively demolished many times before now. In itself, "everything we can see has had a builder" is a non-starter as far as the origins of the universe is concerned.

If you are as confident as you like to sound, which I doubt, you should stop worrying so much about the beliefs of people who somehow manage to make sense of the universe and life in it without recourse to figures which you yourself admit you only have faith to believe. In all other cases where faith was required in the past - the nature of rainbows, the origins of morality, the symbiosis of the natural world - a creator has proved less than irrelevant. Believe what you like - but don't expect anyone else to fall into the same feeble arguments that work for you. Faith enables you to believe in anything, after all, not just your god. You should expect more.

2007-01-31 02:23:14 · answer #5 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 4 1

Primoa, great question. Apparently, some of those who responded didn't really read the question, or some of your other statements. Doesn't surprise me.

Sometimes I think we have it all backwards: "give me proof, then I'll believe." I honestly believe that even for those who don't believe in "organized religion" should look at things in reverse.

Example: Most scientists now believe in "big bang" (which ties directly back to a moment of creation)...all things began at some point in time. Big bang even states that the universe around us is expanding away from us, placing us somewhere near the center of it all...interesting.

Most Scientists also state that, when looking at all living things on this planet, DNA, cells, the balance of chemicals....and the planet itself, creation must have had a "designer." The balance of life, the placement of this planet, it's distance from the sun, it's perfect angle and rotation creating seasons, ...the things that had to occur for life to evolve here.....it all speaks to someone or something designing it all.... most say "It could not have been accidental", even those not claiming to be religious.

I personally cannot look at creation and all it's detail and NOT see a creator. Regardless of what you choose to call that creator, it must have all been designed and created by someone or something.

I remember reading a scripture that said, in effect "if you were not here, the rocks would cry out My name."...which basically says that , regardless of man's narrow views, creation itself says "The Creator was here."

I really think that science and "God" are often saying the same thing, but man get's in the way, making us too dumb to "get it".

2007-01-31 02:37:15 · answer #6 · answered by talldude 3 · 4 2

I didn't - I have two parents. All my DNA comes from either of them.

No creator, or designer. Sorry.

You do realise how ignorant it sounds to use the teleological argument 140 years after Darwin published 'the origin of species', dont you?

I had another look at your explanation - you think evolution is series of random things, accidents falling together, do you? Well nobody believes things just come together by chance, least of all 'evolutionists'.

*Let me get this straight - you ask why we don't believe in a creator and then complain that non-believers are answering your question? OK, now we know what kind of mind we're dealing with.*

2007-01-31 02:13:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

How do you know his name? Why do you think you are so intellegent that you could possibly have the entire universe figured out? Just because the universe exsists doesn't mean we automatically can assume that some god created it. It is a huge assumption on your part. And collective belief does not equate fact.

2007-01-31 02:17:15 · answer #8 · answered by Militant Agnostic 6 · 6 1

All of the things you stated evolved. 80 Story buildings could never have been built if people had not spent thousands of years building shelters and then improving on them. Same for Cars, Bridges , and Stadiums.

2007-01-31 02:19:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

That argument was refuted centuries ago, read Humes 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion'.

Just have faith to believe in Zeus.


Did you just want an 'Amen' then, who else do you think is going to answer a question like that?

You are shocked that there are so many people who do not buy into your fairy tales?

2007-01-31 02:14:18 · answer #10 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 5 1

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