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Popular argument #1:
Homosexuality is a sin according to the Christian religion: There is controversy over whether or not the Bible actully condemns homosexuality. It seems to me that God was mad at the Soddomites because they were using sex frivolously, not just because they had same-sex partners.

It is unnatural: Scientists have discovered gay sheep and whales...if animals are homosexual, why wouldn't humans be?

Our civilization will end!: Our current rate of population growth is far too high. It has multiplied over 2x in the past 50 years. We need to get to ZPG (zero population growth) or we may put too much pressure on Earth's ecological processes.

2007-01-31 01:42:27 · 13 answers · asked by Shanana 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Absolutely nothing is wrong with gay marriage... except for semantics... people get uptight sharing the word marriage with something that they have problems with... they don't want there "perfect hetero" marriage to be tainted by "sinful gay marriage" (their words not mine)

And think about all those unwanted children that are left over because the right wing doesn't like abortion... think of all the loving families that could be created through gay marriage. Loving families that could adopt these unwanted children.

Honestly it's pretty ridiculous and I can not wait until my gay friends can walk down the aisle.

2007-01-31 01:57:57 · answer #1 · answered by akholler 3 · 3 2

Gay marriage is famous, added that Elthon John is a gay that make whole world that gay is still a human kind not to be eliminate. and presiden bush give legal right for gay marriage. firstly, god want just joy to the people on earth. TIMES CHANGE & PEOPLE CHANGE OK GOD KNOWns. SEcondly, scientist discover some male orgasm change in other ways that never scare all the male around the world . Male now still love having sex with female OK ALL MALE AGREE WITH THAT. Also ur third theory r wrong also human population still keeping grow on earth. Like China, india and some other country. Some countries try a lot to reduce population OK. ALso if ALL male is gay then u never get a chance to marriage. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-01 08:05:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One of your answers was:
"... God made sex to be a joyful bonding experience between a man and a woman, not to be a meaningless solo experience. So, your best bet would be to pray for forgivness and ask God for the strength to overcome temptation in the future. God bles"
Why would you later say that "There is controversy over whether or not the Bible actully condemns homosexuality."? I do not believe that GOD made any controversy here. We read in Romans 1:26-27 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. What can we find to be confusing here??

#2) Do you assume that sheep and whales are setting the standards for men and women? I certainly do not. I don't eat, drink, or behave as they do... and don't intend to either.

#3) The Zero Population Growth is a little unrealistic. We may at some point reach it but not by becoming anti-religious or SINFUL. GOD does not expect us to do so.

Follow the BIBLE. Read, study, and follow HIS WORD in the New Testament. It is our guide in this world as GOD Created it. Have a great day.

2007-01-31 10:48:16 · answer #3 · answered by Eds 7 · 2 2

I'm all for it, because I can't wait to see if they are as DUFUS about marriage as heteros are and if so, I can't wait to see a Gay Brain Surgeon have to provide 20 years of spousal support to his wannabe dancer or actor spouse who gets fed up with the Doctor never being around much and files for divorce.

They forget there is a DOWN side to marriage in this world of "no fault" divorce.

Marriages are NEVER equal partnerships. One is always far more affulent and successful and one is often far behind and lives a better life because of the marriage.

The bottom line is that only the lawyers will benefit for these changes!

2007-01-31 10:14:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

1) There is no controversy. The Bible does condemn Homosexuality, in BOTH The Old Testament, and The New Testament.

2) I have seen no Scientific Articles that say Homosexual Behavior Occurs Naturally in Nature. Homosexual Behavior is against Nature.

3) Agreed, our Civilization will not end, but it WILL BE JUDGED by God for allowing the Codifying of a Sin He calls an Abomination.

With all respect, I do not mean to be Hurtful, or Hateful. People who Choose this "Life Style",(and it is a choice, if it were not God would not condemn it), are Sinners, but THEY aren't The Abomination, the act is an Abomination. In my Work I've known several Homosexuals, and they were kind, caring people,( of course there is always the Rosy's). We are not to hate someone because of their Sin, we are to Pray for them, and Love them anyway !

2007-01-31 10:10:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

You covered both sides of the argument pretty well by yourself.

#1 I don't base my morality on an ancient story about visiting angels, fathers who offer their daughters to a mob to be raped (and this was said to be the one "righteous" man in the whole city), and women who turn into piles of salt.

#2 As you and others have pointed out, homosexuality occurs in at least 1,500 species, including man.

#3 There were a lot of people who thought that the world would end when a woman ascended to the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives and a Muslim-American put one hand on the Qur'an for a photo opportunity. Didn't happen. The sun came up just as usual.

Bottom line: homosexuality harms no one. To persecute someone who has done no harm is immoral. "Gay marriage" is about equal rights, not sex. There is no rational justification for denying our gay neighbors the right to marry if they so choose.

2007-01-31 10:02:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

There is ABSOLUTELY no controversy as to whether the Bible condemns homosexuality. If you would take time to read it, you would read in several verses.....but my favorite is 1st Corinthains 6:9.......very explicit.........against Homosexuality

It IS unnatural. Many diseases and injuries are passed on by this unnatural sex. Aids is passed on by gay men FAR more than any other method.

You know who pays for their treatment in many cases?.....you....me..and every other tax payer

I'm not willing to give up the social security that I have worked all my life for because two men want to marry , one dies and the other can draw S.S. benefits as a surviving spouse.
S.S. is almost broke as it is.....

You are reaching pretty far on the sheep and whale comment

And you make a good point yourself about the population....If we decide to be gay, manking would die out in one generation

2007-01-31 10:06:14 · answer #7 · answered by kenny p 7 · 2 3

There's nothing wrong with it. Some people believe in the reasons you posted. But mainly I think they're just scared. For example, why do Christians always say Wiccans are "evil followers of satan"? Because they don't understand it and are scared of it. The same thing applies to same sex relationships.

2007-01-31 10:04:28 · answer #8 · answered by Wiccan~Momma 3 · 4 1

There is nothing wrong with gay marriage. For health reasons and emotional well being it's a good idea if people have stable relationships. This is true for gay people as well, so let them marry if they want to.

2007-01-31 10:03:08 · answer #9 · answered by katinka hesselink 3 · 4 1

What is "wrong" with homosexual "marriage" is the same thing that is "wrong" with flying cows. It is impossible. Flying violates the definition of "cow", and homosexual relationships violate the definition of "marriage". You can give a cow permission to fly, but that won't change the reality. The state can give homosexuals permission to go through the motions of a wedding, but no-one who knows what marriage is will ever recognize such couples as being married, because in God's eyes they are not.

2007-01-31 10:37:43 · answer #10 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 1 4

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