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124 answers

Your Dad is taking you to a place he feels comfortable, with food he knows he'll enjoy. It is his treat to you, therefore his choice.

If you were really that upset with his choice, you would have told him that you expected to be taken somewhere else.

Just be thankful your father acknowledges the day at all. Mine never did.

2007-01-31 01:42:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Anyone, including my father, can take me out to eat anywhere they want to if they want to do it. I've never been to a TGI Fridays and would love the experience. When we were young my parents didn't have the money to take us out to eat. The only time we ate out was when we went school clothes shopping in August. We always looked forward to it. Dad and mom would stop at a grocery store and make us 3 kids wait in the car. They would always come back with chocolate milk, a loaf of bread, a package of hot dogs, a package of sliced cheese and some type of cookies or small cakes. What a treat! The hot dogs made a fantastic cold sandwich. This was the only time we got hot dogs, chocolate milk or bought cookies. (I know this makes me sound really old but I'm only 40 so it wasn't that many years ago, my parents were really poor when we were growing up). Now my father is in very bad health conditions and my mom isn't much better. I live only a couple miles away and take care of them. I relish all the time we have, and still can spend together. Life is worth much more than the expense of the food, it's the times and memories spent together. Go with your father, enjoy his company and love him for who he is. Happy birthday, by the way!

2007-01-31 01:50:40 · answer #2 · answered by cowboys21angel 4 · 4 0

24 isn't exactly a milestone birthday and TGI Friday's is an excellent place to go out to eat. They are not a cheap restaurant. Other restaurants like Ruby Tuesday & Applebee's are cheap knock offs of TGI Friday's.

I suggest ordering ANYTHING with the Jack Daniel sauce.

2007-01-31 01:45:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is only cheap if he insists - and then expects you to pay the bill.

Seriously, I hope you are joking with this question and just trying to get a bunch of people to "sound off" and answer a question you threw out there. Otherwise, I'd have to say you're a lot like my 4 year old who is going through a typical childhood phase where she just wants more "stuff" and doesn't appreciate what she has - only you're 20 years older and should know a lot better. Maybe your dad should do with you what I'm doing with her - take away some of the things you really love so you'll appreciate what you have more.

2007-01-31 14:07:59 · answer #4 · answered by yrg 2 · 0 0

You should not evaluate what someone gives to you or what someone does for you on your birthday. You should be grateful that he is taking you out at all. At 24 you shouldn't be even expecting anything. Besides TGI Fridays is not like going to McDonald's. I'm sure that he will tell you to order whatever you want so eat up and drink up because he is picking up the tab. I don't want to spoil anything but maybe he has something else planned for you at that location and needs to get you there for the surprise.

2007-01-31 01:47:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Is it cheap? Well, not knowing his financial background, it's hard to say. I'm sure there are tons of people who would love just to spend time with their dad...with or without TGI Fridays. If you want to go to some place more expensive, perhaps you should treat him to the night out as a thank you for being there for you.

2007-01-31 01:45:33 · answer #6 · answered by oklady 3 · 1 0

TGI Fridays is not cheap nor is it expensive, so No, your father is not being cheap by taking you there. Be grateful you have a father, and one whom remembers your birthday and wants to take you out to celebrate. After all there are many people without caring fathers or whose fathers have passed on. Enjoy your self and your time with him.

2007-01-31 01:41:48 · answer #7 · answered by HappyGoLucky 3 · 3 0

U are ungreatful just for asking that question...i would give anything for my dad to take me out on my 24th birthday but guess what he cant cuz he died the day after Christmas..I am 22 years old....and you should be greatful that your dad is still around to even take you to go eat at TGI Fridays...Hell I wouldnt mind going to Mcdonalds..it is not where you are that matters in life it is who you are with and the memories that you are making at the moment with that person that you will remember for the rest of your life...im just saying be greatful more cuz you never know tomorrow you may be wishing that you were eating at the cheapest restaurant in town only you wont have your dad to join you, it could happen it did tooo me dont take things for granted please cuz if you do you will show resentment towards yourself when taht persons life on earth is done...good luck sweety and please tell your dad how much me means to you before it is too late you dont want to make the same mistake i did...believe me it hurts terribly

2007-01-31 01:45:15 · answer #8 · answered by LUCKYGIRL 3 · 2 0

no, i don't think that its cheap. i think that you are ungrateful! you should be happy just having your dad say happy birthday to you. where i live there isn't even a TGI Fridays with in a 3 hour drive. so for me it would be exciting to go. and my dad hasn't told me happy birthday in 4 years now. what did you do for your fathers last birthday? did you take him out to dinner? did you buy him an expensive present? and if you are going to be turning 24 years old aren't you old enough to know better than to behave like this? just think about all of the money your dad has worked hard for your entire life to take care of you? i think that you sound like a spoiled brat.

2007-01-31 01:49:53 · answer #9 · answered by searching4something 3 · 5 0

No,I would think it's you who is an ungrateful little twit. Someday lady, when your dad is no longer with you, you'll regret being such a snot about where he's taking you to dinner. The cost of the meal isn't important , it's the time he taking to be with you.
Don't go then, but I can tell you , you WILL regret it once he's dead.

My father's been dead for 20 years this sunday and I'd love if he could be here to take me anywhere.

Grow up and start acting like a 24year old woman and not a spoiled 12 year old.

2007-01-31 01:46:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Why would you even ask this question? But since you asked, I will answer it!

I don't think it is cheap at all for your father to take you to TGI Fridays for your birthday! I take it that he picked the restaurant? Do you even like TGI Fridays? Be glad that he is taking you out to dinner. My dad doesn't get me anything for my birthday most of the time, and hardly remembers it! I am 23, and I have gotten only one gift from my father since I have been on this planet! Be glad your father remembers your birthday.

I could understand if your father is rich, and he isn't willing to take you to a nicer restaurant because he is cheap, or he is only taking you there because of the three-course meal deal or whatever that they having running right now!, but I don't think it is cheap of him to take you there. You should like the restaurant he is taking you too though. It is YOUR birthday! If you don't like that particular restaurant, then ask him to take you to another (affordably priced) restaurant. Your 24! Your father doesn't have to take you out at all. What do you want, a party to be thrown for you? I don't get it! Have your boyfriend take you to the ritzy restaurant that you want to go to, or dress up fancy with some of your closest girlfriend's and take some of your birthday money and treat yourself to a nice dinner or spa day! Don't take it out on your father that he is taking you there! Is it only going to be the two of you, or will mom, your brother, your sister, aunts, uncles, and everyone be there? He might want to pay for your dinner and everyone elses meal too, and an affordable place will allow him to do that. Happy Birthday!!!!

2007-01-31 01:59:02 · answer #11 · answered by asya 2 · 5 0

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