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You here it spoken anytime someone is grieveing over a loved one that as passed on before you.Or you think silently to yourself,I or you will see them again in heaven .sometimes the only confort a grieveing person has is to be told or believe they will know and see their loved one again.90% of me believe in God, Heaven,Jesus,and eternal life.It has been my practice at being a christain going on 10 yr's now.10% don't know what to believe,and I wonder Is there eternal life,do you know and see your loved one's again,does your spirit go to heaven to be with God or hell when death occurs.I wonder if it is all a myth at times just word's to comfort one's soul,because we cannot accept the real truth.Because I have also heard that the real truth of the matter is that when you die and go to Heaven you remember nothing of your past life,or of yourself and loved ones.And untill Jesus come's back to take us all up with him or not with death you are of the earth ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

2007-01-31 01:24:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

The real truth is that there is no Heaven. That is superstition. There is no afterlife. When we die, we're dead.

As for comfort for the grieving, my wife died after suffering cancer for three years. I was much more comforted knowing she lived a good life and no longer was feeling anything. The idea of a god arbitrary deciding to put her into some vague "Heaven" or torture her forever does nothing to comfort me.

2007-01-31 01:28:57 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 6

Have you ever been to a funeral where the minister tells the grieving family that their loved ones will not go to heaven? If Christendom's churches believe and teach the hellfire doctrine, then why do they not say that some will be tortured forever? If they tell every family that their dead loved ones will be in heaven, then who do they believe will go to what they call hell?
Only a small number of anointed Christians are selected from among mankind to rule as associate kings and priests with Jesus and his Father in the heavenly government. All others, including those whom Jesus resurrects from the dead, have the hope of living forever here on earth, which will be transformed into a paradise worldwide.
Hell is not a place of fiery torture, but is mankinds common grave. Soon death and hell will be done away with as Revelation 20:14 promises--"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire."
What a wonderful promise---no more death and no more graves.

2007-01-31 02:10:19 · answer #2 · answered by Micah 6 · 1 2

Yes. The Thessalonian Christians were apparently very concerned about their Christian loved ones who had died. They expressed their concern to the apostle Paul. So, in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Paul deals with the "dead in Christ" and assures the Thessalonian Christians that there will indeed be a reunion. And yes, believers will recognize their loved ones in the eternal state.
We are told in 2 Samuel 12:23 that David knew he would be reunited with his deceased son in heaven. He had no doubt about recognizing him. As well when Moses and Elijah (who had long passed from earthly life) appeared to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mat 17:1-8), they were recognized by all who were present. Furthermore, in Jesus' story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31, the rich man, Lazarus, and Abraham were all recognized by each other in the intermediate state.

2007-01-31 03:58:57 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 1

As long as you keep listening to church "doctrines" you will be confused. Every Protestant church says that their teachings are based on the verses in the Bible. And when you have them explain them from the Bible - sure enough - those scriptures are there. It is a very clever Satanic deception. It seems that a particular church really is based on the Bible. Just as an example. Take the "doctrine" of the immortal soul ( which is what you are specifically referring to in your question). Get a Strong's exhaustive concordance. It has every word in the Bible and tells every verse that word is in. It also has a Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek dictionary in the back. Now if you look up the word "soul" in the dictionaries in the back you will see that a "soul" is a fleshly body. In Genesis 2 verse 7 you will see that after God formed Adam's body out of the dirt He breathed into the dirt nostrils and he "became a living soul". The immortal soul "doctrine" is the first lie recorded in the Bible. In Genesis 3 verse 4 Satan said God had lied and he told Eve that she and Adam would NOT die.
Ecclesiastes 9 verse 5 says that the dead know nothing - they are totally unaware. Use the Bible itself to teach yourself about things - not some church "doctrine". John 3 verse 13 says that no man but Jesus has ascended to heaven. In fact, there is NO scripture that says that we will go to heaven. In fact Matthew 5 verse 5 says that the meek shall inherit the earth. Study your Bible and get a concordance to protect yourself from Satan's so-called "christian" churches. Satan is "the god of this world". 2 Corinthians 4 verse 4.

2007-01-31 02:20:31 · answer #4 · answered by euhmerist 6 · 2 2

I can only offer you what I know and have experienced. Yes, we will be reunited with loved ones in heaven. My mother developed a heart condition near the end of her life where her heart would stop for various lengths of time. Three days before her death, she had one of those attacks and was brought back. I can still see the look in her eyes as she described her experience. She said she saw her mother, brothers, aunts and uncles waiting for her on what she described as the other side if a fence -like separation. My grandmother passed when my mother was only 12 years old. She wanted to go to them "so badly" she recalled but her mother told her to go back, stating "it was not time yet." I know this to be true because the look in her eyes was filled with life and I remember wondering how this could be when her life was near death. Eternal life is true. We will remember the good accounts from this life and that includes loved ones. Any good deeds or works we have done apart from love that are self serving, self motivated are dead works and will be burned up in the ash heap. Only the things motivated by love and done in love will remain.

2007-01-31 01:57:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Hi, I know what you mean,at times of loss the grief can really test our faith,and yet it is just that a test of our faith.
We say that we believe in God and Heaven but there is still a part of us that is weak and unsure at times,we really have to cling on even by our finger-nails to the hope that we have in Christ.
Yes there certainly is a Heaven and we will see all those that we loved on earth but the road is long and paved with self doubt and sometimes fear,we have to be brutally honest about these conditions and admit them to ourselves and before God, the God who knows and understands our daily dilemma,and will not leave us orphans, ever.

2007-01-31 01:36:43 · answer #6 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 2 1

no heaven, no after life. People tend to lie to themselves and others, to overcome the pain easier of a loss.
It is easier to explain things with lies, then accept the cruel reality.
Hope keeps many people going, it is the last reort, hope is what we lose at last. Without hope there is pure despair, and humans are not working well when in despair.
So there are those lies to give humans some hope for the future.

I will be in a huge pain very soon, because my beloved dog will die very soon. I dont believe in heaven, I will suffer a lot and miss him. But I had many wonderfull years with him, and I will remember the good times. THAT is real, and that will make me happy and thankfull for the time he was on my side.

In the end, it is up to you, what you want to believe, and its up to you how you want to comfort yourself.

2007-01-31 01:36:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I dream of my brothers and mother quite often and when I awaken I feel as though I've had a lovely trip back home. Sometimes I will dream of two brothers at a time and it makes me feel so happy. Does this mean I'm getting really old?

2016-05-23 22:35:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only the saved go to Heaven, so in order for you to see your loved ones in Heaven both you and they have to be saved. There is life after death, but you only get to choose to be saved while you are here on earth.

2007-01-31 01:30:27 · answer #9 · answered by Christian93 5 · 2 1

Ok - Dont quote me on this.

I THINK that I have read in the bible that we will KNOW eachother, and that we will rejoice to see eachother, but we will not have relationships like we did on earth. Because there is no human nature in heaven, we wont need to foster emotions, memories or relationships...

Does that makes sense? Its hard to explain, and Im at work, so I cant look up the verse.

Good luck!

2007-01-31 01:31:33 · answer #10 · answered by Soon2BMommy 3 · 2 1

Your question focuses on your doubts as a Christian.

I see you doubting, rather than concerned about who will know in Heaven.

You need to speak to your Spiritual Adviser - your father, your mother, your pastor, your preacher, your 'whomever'! You are in a very 'dry place', in your walk . . . and everyone goes though the 'dry places.'

If you 'press on' and 'run the race that is set before you', you will come out closer to the LORD . . . at a deeper level. It is possible to come to a place where you allow God to know the answer and you are fine with NOT knowing.

2007-01-31 01:39:25 · answer #11 · answered by Clark H 4 · 2 1

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