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Are you pro life or pro choice? And what is your religion (or lack thereof)? And what is your reason for being either pro choice or pro life?

2007-01-31 00:28:25 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I've heard some good answers so far. Here is my answer to my own question:

I am pro choice
I am an athiest
I am pro choice because I believe that a child is not alive until it has developed enough. (about 20 weeks). It would not be able to surive before this on its own, therefore it is part of the mother and it is her choice if she wants to keep it or not. I think a lot of people are "pro life" simply because of religion and they think that abortion should be made illegal just because of their religious beliefs. That is why we have the separation of church and state. It's religious beliefs that keep things like stem cell research from happening.

But keep answering, I'm enjoying these.

2007-01-31 00:51:12 · update #1

By the way, I've had an abortion. I am 21 years old, and was not raped. I was simply not ready to bring a child into the world when I was unable to give it the best life possible. And I WAS using birth control, by the way. Nothing is 100% effective. But it was my choice and my fiance's choice and we made the decision together and are much better off for having made it. When we do have children, we'll be ready for it, and our children will have the best lives possible.

2007-01-31 00:58:58 · update #2

48 answers

Pro-chicken sandwich, you? EDIT: You gave me more thumbs downs than the guy talking about ripping the brains out of unborn babies? I guess you people must really hate delicious grilled-chicken sandwiches.

2007-01-31 00:31:43 · answer #1 · answered by Prophet ENSLAVEMENTALITY (pbuh) 4 · 4 11

pro life and Bible believing reformed chirstian

for many reasons.

1) a fetus develops gradually. The unborn baby plays, responds to music, memories are held over from before birth to after and can feel intense pain. I think the unborn should be protected back as far as possible

2) it is a trauma to the woman and adoption is a choice that could be looked back on with less regret than abortion for most and more reversable

3) children enrich lives. children are a gift from God and we all have to give an account of what we did to God someday

4) the reasoning behind Roe V Wade is pretty faulty... and changes all the time... Roe, which we now know was based on a made up story, held that in the first trimester the state should not interfere.. why? because the court was UNQUALIFIED to step in when leaders in theology, science and medicine could not agree
so in the end... maybe the child is a person... but we dont know??????? so kil it?????? and allong the line the 1st trimester became all trimesters, for any reason and paid for by the government ... bad policy bad reasoning... and the way it changes speaks volumes that the reaoning is faulty

2007-01-31 00:52:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Pro Life. Athiest. My grandfather used to drown kittens, when there were too many cats at the barn. That's cruel. Removing a tiny zygote the size of a marble that has no cognitive ability is no worse that removing a cancerous tumour. It's the fundys that think that humans have souls (and by the way, they think your cat Fluffy does not have a soul) that are riled up about this, and show pictures of aborted 6 month old fetus' when in fact 98% of abortions are performed within the first trimester. The anti-choice group would rather that every baby be born, end up on welfare, get abused by their drug addled parents and end up in foster care and subsequently on the streets, and it's those same anti-choice hate mongerers that blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors and receptionists, and patients and children of patients. THAT, my friends, is murder.

2007-01-31 00:49:39 · answer #3 · answered by blondes tease, brunettes please 4 · 4 0

Pro-Life. Abortion is murder. A baby in the womb can feel pain after just six weeks. you can detect a heart beat at nine, alone with brain waves. Why would people choose to kill their children? What I don't understand is that the governement can take kids out of abusive homes, (which is an AMAZING thing, don't get me wrong!) but doesn't do anything to the fact that people are unjustly KILLING their children. In fact, they made it LEGAL in 1973. It is just common sence to NOT kill a Child. Common Sence: something people lack a lot of these days. Oh yeah, I'm Christian, that has a lot to do with why I believe this way.

Ps/ There is a safe and legal alternitive to abortion: ADOPTION

2007-01-31 01:05:45 · answer #4 · answered by NamNam 3 · 1 1

Pro Life Anti Abortion Christian.

I just don't believe in murder as a form of birth control.

Trust me, I realize that there are exceptions to the standard (rape, incest) and this leaves me uncomfortable to say what women in those circumstances should do. Very much so.

But for someone who was just having sex with someone, well you should have both kept your pants on if you weren't ready for the possible consequences.

2007-01-31 00:55:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am pro life, and a Baptist.

My reason for being pro life has to do life being precious in Gods sight, and the fact that the life in the womb is just that, life.

To abort a child is no less than murder in my eyes.
As a matter of fact, many abortions are done on viable lives.
Once the baby is removed, the doctor has to kill it.

Anyone who looked in the dumpsters behind an abortion clinic would agree that it is killing the unborn.


2007-01-31 00:50:03 · answer #6 · answered by Theophilus 6 · 2 1

I'm pro-choice.
I'm an atheist.
I'm very highly into women's rights. And I don't believe the fetus to be a human being until it's further along than the 1st trimester. It's simply a parasite and under the complete control of the woman.

That being said, there's plenty of options that are better than abortion. Reliable and safe birth control being available to all women. Better Sex Education for girls and boys. Better resources for women who've been left to raise their children alone. Harsher penalties for rapists. Until those conditions improve, however, we have to accept abortion as the only choice for some women.

2007-01-31 00:59:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The topic of abortion will never be solved by 1 law for either pro life or pro choice. There needs to be an evaluation process of the situation before a choice can be made as to wether the woman should be allowed to terminate the pregnancy or not. e.g if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, she should be allowed to have an abortion.

If the woman takes no precautions and falls pregnant, and also has the means to raise a child then she should not be allowed to have the abortion, as it is for selfish reasons.

2007-01-31 00:35:44 · answer #8 · answered by anouska1983 4 · 1 3


all religions

as for why there are many reasons why I am. First and for most is that my beliefs should have no impact on what somebody else does.

Second is because if it was made illegal you would have more little kids going to back door inexperienced doctor shops or trying to do it towards themselves. If a mother and babies life was on the line if she tried to give birth... Rapist, ect. ect. If you made it illegal not many doctors would be experienced enough to do it under any circumstance so you can't say well it's o.k. to have an abortion if both the mother and child will die by giving birth.

I have more experiences that I could share however the experiences really never had an impact on my stand.

2007-01-31 00:42:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

professional decision. i do not precisely approve abortion as an ethical decision, yet i imagine that if a woman needs to get an abortion, she must have each proper to. i ought to not in any respect get one myself except there grow to be an difficulty that should be volatile to me and/or the toddler (jointly with ectopic being pregnant) or if I were ever raped (God forbid). I also imagine that no count number what the regulation says, each body is continuously going to decide on abortions. i ought to a lot extremely have those people get their abortions finished in a sparkling enviroment via a well being care specialist who's time-honored with of what the hell they're doing than in some again alley with a coat hanger.

2016-12-03 06:50:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am pro-choice. I am an atheist. Somehow I knew that the Christians hypocrites here would automatically give me a thumbs down just for saying that.

I am pro-choice for two reasons. First, prior to birth, a fetus is part of a woman's body. It should be her choice, and her significant other if she so chooses to include that person, what to do with her own body. I support abortion on demand up to 20 weeks into the pregnancy.

Second, abortion is opposed on strictly religio-political grounds. If religious people don't want abortions, they don't need to get them. But they should keep their noses out of other people's business. This seems to be a big problem for them.

It is a strawman of the worst kind to say that women get abortions because it makes it easy for them to live an amoral lifestyle. I don't know any woman that takes such a procedure lightly.

And for those that say that abortion is murder, then God is the biggest murderer of all because far more fetuses are spontaneously aborted.

To those that say life begins at conception, please delineate how a viable zygote is any more alive than a sperm or an ovum. I'm sorry, but your definition of when life starts is a definition of convenience and defies logic.

2007-01-31 00:46:28 · answer #11 · answered by gebobs 6 · 3 5

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