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, i want to ask him if he can refer me to some 'specialist' or whatever that can take my "bone age", (To see if my growth plates have closed, to see if I still have potential 2 grow more)

I'm a girl , 16, and still 4'11

I hate being this short, and I just want to know if I can grow more, or get tested for if I have some kind of growth or hormonal disorder thats affecting my height...

, although I'm EMBARRESED to ask, and also because last time i asked he just brushed it off like it was nothing saying.."O you'll probably grow A LITTLE until your 18"
, BUT I WANT TO KNOW the facts based on tests and X-rays.....not just 'probably'

I also get very irregular periods like (only 4-5 times a year or so), I got my 1st ever period at 12 yrs. old

I got a bloodtest b4, to check about my 'irregualr periods', but it came back saying i was 'fine'

How can i convince my docter that i want an X-ray and more 'tests' done on me.. or do u think I'll just b wasting my docter's time?

2007-01-30 15:15:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

25 answers

most doctors do not want to waste time on stuff that is "unimportant" to them. They also don't want to expose you to too much radiation. The only way i know of to get the x-ray you want... is to go to either your family doctor, physician, or any doctor you personally know and have them set it up for you. I did and it worked. But i know this sounds crazy to you.. but i am 5'8" and i am so insecure about my height because i am way taller than all the boys, i would prefer to be 4'11".

2007-01-30 15:30:46 · answer #1 · answered by samee 3 · 0 0


2016-05-28 09:17:53 · answer #2 · answered by Tammy 3 · 0 0

First. I am so proud of you for being your own advocate! You are never too young. Going to the Doc for blood test was very wise indeed because it ruled out anything urgent. Do get a second opinion if it makes you feel better.
My daughter found a benign lump in her right breast. No big deal, she had it removed, but she was smart and learned early to pay attention to her body. She was 15 when she found it. She's 18 now and she is 4'11 and so am I. Tall girls want to be short and short girls want to be tall. Love your body! It's the only one you got. She has finally come to the place where she found something good in being short. People call her 'adorable' and that's not necessarily a bad thing is it?
While it may be normal to have irregular periods, you are still smart to be aware of it and keep an accurate log so when the doc asks about it you are prepared at your visit.

2007-01-30 15:40:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Welcome to the world of petite. You are 16 and female, and you have pretty much stopped growing. The doctor would not order xrays simply to satisfy your curiosity, it would not be good medical practice to expose you to the radiation to prove what is already fairly well obvious. Even if you were slightly deficient in growth hormone, it would be too late to do anything about it. Those have to be supplemented while you are still capable of growing, and you are not. It is expensive, and doesn't necessarily result in a height you would have prefered to be. And you are within normal limits for folks, just shorter than you would like to have been. So you aren't an Amazon, neither am I. I won't be slam dunking any basketballs. On the other hand, being small, I never have a problem with pants being too short- and you can always hem pants, but you can't add to them. I never have to duck, or worry about hitting my head on things. Good things come in small packages, diamonds being one of them. It's just in your view of things and how you want to feel about being petite. Not that being upset about it is going to change anything, so you might as well adjust. So far as the irregular periods go, get yourself to a proper gynecologist. He or she can prescribe a birth control pill to help regulate things, and at 16 it is time that they were. That particular problem can be fixed, and needs to be. Otherwise, so long as you are healthy overall, be happy at the height you are. It isn't going to change, no matter how upset you are with being short, and there are plenty of other things to put all the energy into. I happen to work with children, and I find my height to be a distinct advantage. Since I don't tower over them, I am no threat, and we relate much easier. It's all just in the attitude you want to take with it. Might as well chose something you can change.

2007-01-30 15:30:43 · answer #4 · answered by The mom 7 · 0 0

They can check your growth plates in your ankles with a simple x-ray. My daughter sprained her ankle badly two years ago (when she was 13) and the doctor told us that she was going to be a lot taller than she was at that point...he couldn't give us an exact number, but she is now a good 5 inches taller. Don't EVER be ashamed or embarrassed to ask your doctor anything. If he doesn't take you or your questions seriously then you should talk to your parents about finding another doctor. Just make sure that you are asking clear, concise, thoughtful questions...you might even want to write them down a head of time. And make sure he understands that you are serious and concerned.

2007-01-30 15:24:20 · answer #5 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 0 0

What type of doctor are you going to? well look at your mom or dad..are they short? if so then u probably took after them. Don't worry so much about your height, nothing u can do now really, i've been 5'ft since 6th grade and i have no problems..and a plus guys like shorties lol ;) and i got my period whenever i was 12 too and i too had irregular periods. u got to take that seriously... go to a gyno...quick. U might have ovarian cyst like i did, which caused me to have irregular periods. The doctor said that i was lucky to get checked out at a young age (i was 17) because if i would have waited a few years to get checked, there was a high risk of me being illfertile. so The doctor put me on birth control and i never had problems with my periods after that and my cysts wents away. good luck girl and don't be afraid to ask questions...you're paying and they seriously don't mind..they have heard it all! Plus i suggest getting another doc. if your regular one is just acting like he doesn't care. good luck

2007-01-30 15:31:38 · answer #6 · answered by cindylu3000 2 · 0 0

I don't think that you have any problem. It could be just genetics.. If one of your parents are short, or one of your grand parents are short, it is likely you inherited their short-ness genes. There's nothing wrong with that. And you could still grow an inch or two more until you are 18, so just take care of what you eat and also take vitamin supplements. I have read that most women don't take enough calcium for bone growth. Drink milk - it has a lot of calcium, and vitamins A and D.

Do some exercise and athletics.. it might help your body metabolise faster and help you grow faster. And don't be afraid to ask your doctor. You're probably just going through some 'growing pains' ..

2007-01-30 15:28:36 · answer #7 · answered by Think Richly™ 5 · 0 0

Who ever said that girls have 'irregular periods until they have kids' is WRONG. I've never had random periods like that. Every 28 days like clockwork since I was 13. And NO I don't have kids...
If you're concerned you should definately seek help from your doctor. You are supposed to be able to trust your doctor to take your health seriously. If you are seriously concerned, then he should be too. That's what you pay him for. As far as periods go... sometimes they're irregular due to eating habits (anorexia and bulimia tend to mess with the cycle.), or stress. I've had friends in middle and high school that were put on birth control to regulate their periods because they had a similar problem.

2007-01-30 15:30:04 · answer #8 · answered by Darling Nikki 4 · 0 0

When he was about 14 my son broke his arm. The MD looked at the xrays and said he is going to be a very big guy, he has so much groth space in the joints or something like that. Well he is not small but he did not reach 6' and I am 6'2". The MD implyed he would be bigger than I am.
I just don't think they can be sure.
I hope all works well for you:)

2007-01-30 15:28:33 · answer #9 · answered by Nort 6 · 0 0

Actually that's a fair question and I doubt the doctor would
think it unusual at all. In fact he can give you a pretty good
idea of how tall you will be at maturity. Don't quote me on
this but I hear it may be possible to give a patient HGH
human growth hormone and increase their height somewhat.
I don't know what the down-sides are to this though.

2007-01-30 15:38:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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