Okay mike, listen closely.
At 8pm, start drinking beer....approximately 6 beers should do the trick.
Then run upstairs and get on the internet....surf some porn and watch some free trailers....beat off, A LOT.
When you're done...get on a treadmill and run 3 miles.....in your bare feet.
Take a shower, drink some milk...and hit the hay....final night night time should be about 11:30pm.
Good luck....Dr. Sole has spoken.
2007-01-30 15:16:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Boy, can I empathize. I am 32 and I usually don't fall asleep til between 3 or 4, but I have to get up at 7:30 with my daughter to get her off to school. Most days it is not an option to be able to go back to sleep. By the time bedtime comes, I have gotten my second wind and it is impossible to sleep. I recently seen an article that suggested eating certain foods close to bedtime may help you sleep. Some examples were bananas, warm milk, oatmeal. This was on yahoo news maybe you can find the article. I have not tried this yet, but it's worth a shot.
Every couple of weeks I splurge and take some sleeping pills. I don't want this to become a habit so I just do this once in a while when I know some sound sleep would do me some good. Good Luck!!
2007-01-30 15:19:46
answer #2
answered by sarabear318 3
you have to train your body to sleep at a certain time. this is your body clock. If you keep going thoughout the day with a few hours of sleep, it will wreck havoic on your body. Not healthy. Try taking a relaxing hot shower before bed, read a book or put on some soft music. Don't eat late at night or watch tv, both will keep you up. Do whatever you need to do to get as comfortable as possible and lay down and close your eyes. try this for a couple of days..ure body has to get use to the new routine. Ps. u might want to invest in a new bed..temperpedic (works great) or maybe some really good blankets. If all else fails..see a doctor. Good luck
2007-01-30 15:19:53
answer #3
answered by cindylu3000 2
Different people need different amounts of sleep. You're young you probably eat many high-calorie foods and your body replenishes easier than an older man's would. If this is wearing you out you should see a doctor or counselor.
Here are some tips if you want to change your sleeping pattern:
Get up earlier than usual and do not permit yourself any rest until the end of the day.
Do not listen to catchy songs that get stuck in your head, quiet is better.
Drinking milk can keep you up because of the calcium content, so don't have a glass anywhere near your bed time.
2007-01-30 15:17:32
answer #4
answered by Ted H 2
Try changing your schedule around a little. Do some more exersise during the early day. If your not tired, maybe you are one of those people that dont need much sleep. Dont worrie about it if your not tired during the day.
Do not take naps during the day. Try some coffee before bed this something has the reverse reaction to people that cant sleep.
Go see a doctor if it becomes a problem. But I wouldnt worrie if your happy and not tired.
Good luck!
2007-01-30 15:14:52
answer #5
answered by ohdarnitsmeagain 3
could be you don't start relaxing until you actually get in bed, which frequently will help. have you tried hot bath in the evening?lower the lights, turn on non-stimulating type music or white noise, distract yourself by reading something non-stimulating, perhaps. are you drinking caffeinated beverages after 6pm? try not to. could also be mania, or a part of bipolar, or an effect of obsessive compulsive disorder. seriously, if you continue to have problems with this, i would see a sleep specialist doctor first, or a psychiatrist. (that doesn't mean you're nuts.) best of luck.
2007-01-30 15:27:57
answer #6
answered by Auntie M. 3
I have found a nice relaxing shower or bubble bath helps alot. I have a 6 month old baby so I cant take something thats going to knock me out. But you could always talk to your dr about some of the sleep aides out there and find one that best fits you.
2007-01-30 15:15:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have had this problem before too. I started taking low dose over the counter sleeping pills. When my daughter is in a no sleep stage I give her new and challenging things to do. It helps her so maybe you could find something like that...word and number puzzles or what ever.
2007-01-30 15:16:42
answer #8
answered by Tasha 4
Please don't eat steak before you pass out, It will tax your heart.
I actually had that problem, stress was the problem.
I suggest trying to learn yoga for winding down. Any yoga instructor will be able to teach you, take a few classes a week and practice the moves at home before bed. Aroma therapy is also very usefull, and it is real simple to google.
And visualize how peaceful your life will be when you can sleep. it worked for me.
good luck.
2007-01-30 15:19:06
answer #9
answered by Paulie P 3
so what is the problem ,that people need a special amount of sleep is a fallacy invented by workers
some people need very little sleep especially if they do not have a physical or stressing job,
as you get older you need less and less
so count your lucky stars ,you got a lot more time to play in ,or educate yourself
social habits have perverted mens physical or mental requirements
2007-01-30 15:18:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous