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My doctor said that i have borderline anemia, and she gave me iron suppliments. My schools blood drive is tomorrow and i signed up for it before i knew. I want to know if my borderline anemia will prevent me from donating blood. do they check my blood before they take it out?

2007-01-30 14:39:04 · 4 answers · asked by crazyrexy 1 in Health Other - Health

4 answers

Definitely let them know this at the blood drive - I dont believe you can donate

2007-01-30 14:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by noway983 2 · 0 0

If they don't they are supposed too. I would pass on donating til your feeling alot better, giving blood and being anemic would put you at risk of passing out or feeling lightheaded. The whole point is right now your blood is low on iron and not able to carry as much oxygen to your body as would be ideal, so loseing even more of that capacity by having less blood to pump is not a good thing for you.

2007-01-30 22:49:19 · answer #2 · answered by southforty1961 3 · 0 0

http://www.redcross.org/services/biomed/0,1082,0_557_,00.html Yes if you are healthy in every other way and under treatment and doing well you should be able to as long as you tell them before hand.
Thank you for your donation.

2007-01-30 22:51:05 · answer #3 · answered by teeger671 3 · 0 0

Don't do it. Sounds risky.

2007-01-30 22:49:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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