Ok, so sometimes after eating (especially when I eat seafood or wine) I get a really bad pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. It almost always happens when I got out to eat. Only once it happened at home. Has anyone else had this? Could I be allergic to these things. I know I should see a doctor, I've seen 3. First they thought I was pregnant (nope), then they said it was acid reflux (nope) , then they did an ultrasound because they thought it was my ovaries (nope), then I had a tube down my throught to check out my stomach. Nothing was wrong, they told me it was due to stress but I'm a lot less stressed out now and it still happens. So anyway, does anyone have any ideas on what is causing this?
9 answers
asked by
➔ Other - Health
It could be a number of things- IBD (irrittal bowel disease) not very serious by the way or it could ulcerative colitis,ileitis, diverticulitis,or chrons disease. Have a colonoscopy. If this is also negative then maybe you have strong sensitivity to some foods and you should avoid them. Hope this helps. By the way, your ileim in on the left lower side. GOOD LUCK!!!!
2007-01-30 09:18:12
answer #1
answered by PROUDJEW 4
It sounds really odd because the lower left side of the belly houses the last bit of the colon, ovary, and a kidney. None of these things are affected by a meal for many hours, even liquids. I don't mean to put you done but have you been asked if it was psychosomatic or caused by your anxiety in public places or anything like that? Other then that, I think your only chance would be to continue asking around medical sites until someone can come up with an obscure diagnosis that would fit your symptoms.
2007-01-30 09:12:30
answer #2
answered by n_m_young 4
I found the book to be very informative and easy to read.
I've lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I'm just concerned that I'm losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven't followed the guide exactly. I'm not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off.
It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.
Get started today!
2016-05-19 21:34:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yet, they didn't do a colonoscopy? Because the pain you have seems to be in the area of your descending colon. Contact a gastroenterologist (intestine/stomach doctor) and get a colonoscopy done. Yeah, it sounds horrible, but it isn't. You will be asleep for it. That's the only thing I can think of since that's where the pain is. In the meantime, eat things at home that you know don't do this to you.
2007-01-30 09:10:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps you are allergic to some kinds of foods or gastric disturbance or nervouness brings on the stomach pains.
2007-01-30 09:19:10
answer #5
answered by JoJoBa 6
i would also eat in smaller portions to see if it helps and don't eat foods that lay real heavy in your stomach...mine hurts that way...i get it everyday...but as you get older your body changes...your body (stomach) probably cant handle the foods you eat.....but keep a diary everyday what you eat and how much.
you could be allergeric to the seafood and the wine.
2007-01-30 09:12:03
answer #6
answered by Jeanette M 4
it could also be the amount of food you eat. the best thing to do is to keep a log of what food and beverages make you sick. it could also be that your stomach can't digest the food that easily. i have that problem with pork and spinach. it causes a sharp pain that makes you feel as if you were stabbed and all it is is that your stomach can't handle these certain foods.
2007-01-30 09:07:30
answer #7
answered by ber-ber21 2
A lot of information on causes of stomach ache and home remedies is available at http://www.aches.in/stomachpain.html
2007-01-31 00:05:47
answer #8
answered by Lisa W 4
Sounds to me like you are having an allergic reaction to something. Or maybe the food is greasy, or someone is handling it who hasn't washed their hands.
2007-01-30 09:06:01
answer #9
answered by kallmetigger 4