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I see a huge amount of people and people in the service disagreeing with this war,so thos who are in the service and don't agree witht his war, why do they fight? and for those who are not fighting a still disagree with it, would you fight? Me, thats a NO!

2007-01-30 04:05:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

10 answers

We disagree with it and my parents have said multiple times that if I was drafted we would move to Canada to avoid it. Not because I and them are cowards, but because I refuse to give my life for oil, and other corrupt lies and causes.

2007-01-30 04:25:03 · answer #1 · answered by aaaaaaaaaaaaaa555 3 · 0 5

I am retired from the military, but I would still have to say no under this condition. The only war I think we should sacrifice our loved ones for is it in our defense. If we are physically threatened like what happened on 9/11, Pearl Harbor or when we have been assaulted overseas.

We have never been the aggressive invading force without request so Iraq was done all wrong, but I do have my reservations about going against the CIC.

I think we should have sent a couple forces in to kill Saddam specifically. This is the sort of black bag operation that we performed back in the 80s without being an aggressive force but still making changes in a particular country.

2007-01-30 12:41:17 · answer #2 · answered by jeremiah 1 · 0 1

NO ONE agrees with war. War is an ugly vile and hard fact of life, but a fact of life just the same. The men and women of our armed forces are dealing with a problem that they did not have during WWI and II, it's called television. You can't fight a war on television and you can't fight a war with out "infringing on someones rights" People get hurt people die and entire cities get demolished, it's war but if we don't do it we are putting our freedom and our society at serious risk. Americans cannot afford to sit back and wait for the world to become a better place, it's not going to happen. The men and women who don't agree with war, but are still fighting in it do it because they are preserving your freedom to ask these kinds of questions in an open forum and not be marched into town plaza and stoned to death. Be grateful.

2007-01-30 12:30:43 · answer #3 · answered by stephyhall 2 · 2 0

Too many people want somthing for nothing...they see the military as a way up or out with college incentives and the awesome benefits for a career serviceman and his family and they sign up. You hafta be some kind of a moron not to realize that the job is for a warior and it may mean that you have to fight if the Presidents asks you to, whether you agree or not. Heck, any job you take may have tasks that you dislike or even things you might not agree to...even if you work at McDonalds. If you sign up for the job, you have to do what you're told until your job is finished - or you die...but that's what you signed up for. .

2007-01-30 12:30:06 · answer #4 · answered by NEWTOME 3 · 2 0

If I made the decision to join the military, then essentially I have already agreed to fight in all wars that my superiors feel are necessary. While I may not agree with the current war, I would have to live up to my word given and fight in the war.

2007-01-30 12:26:35 · answer #5 · answered by greid13 2 · 3 0

What are you, stupid? Once you sign that paper, you BELONG to the US military! You do not get a choice. You do what the hell you are told. You are not asked what you like. You are not asked what you think. You are not asked how you feel. You are told what to think, what to like and how to feel ! That is what the military is all about. Where the hell are you from? You do not have a clue. If you do not want to be a soldier, and fight for this country, then don't join the military! You join only for the benefits? That is the biggest bunch of bullshit I ever heard of! Those SOLDIERS that you speak of chose that. They chose to be soldiers. Soldiers go to war. Soldiers fight. Soldiers die! That's the way it is. That's the way it has always been. Go be something else if you don't like it. Dig a ditch or something.

2007-01-30 21:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by Darryl L 4 · 0 1

Because when you volunteer to join the military you agree to abide by certain rules. Most people are honorable to abide by their given word so fight. It is the few without honor and pride that are unwilling to do as they promised who refuse to fight. They knew what they were getting into when they joined and now should be subject to the penalties they agreed too for not following orders. It's very cut and dried. If your word is no good then your word is no good. Prison is the penalty for failing to keep that promise.

2007-01-30 12:27:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Once you sign your enlistment contract, you have to do as you're told. Well, not really. You can do as you want if you're ready to face the consequences of disobeying orders.
So, if you were in the military and were given order to go to Iraq, you'd refuse? Wow! There's a guy named BIG BUBBA in the brig looking for a honey. You ready for THAT?

2007-01-30 16:57:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i wouldn't fight, but a lot of those people are career military and they fight to earn an income to support themselves and their families.

2007-01-30 12:24:21 · answer #9 · answered by Doogie Plowsher 2 · 1 1

they are professional soldiers, paid to do it. and a sense of loyalty and duty figures into the mix.

2007-01-30 12:27:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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