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I'm pretty sure there will not be one to speak of. Your thoughts?

2007-01-30 02:05:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

To hussaen ali: Do you think they need to listen to the people for a change?

2007-01-30 02:21:21 · update #1

22 answers

Absolutely not. If these Pro illegal people have their way, there will be no more America. No, American pride. Our country will be easily infiltrated, by immigrants, terrorists, and who knows what else. Making us vulnerable to disease, over crowding and population, terrorism. None of them seem to see that. But when and if that time comes, they will have their eyes set on somewhere else to mess up. Canada.

2007-01-30 02:23:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

No, this government (both parties) are quietly working in the background to form a north american union which will negate our sovereignty & our constitution.... a company from Argentina (Macquarie) that is also one of the largest toll road developers in the world is buying many of the newspapers in Texas..the general consensus is this is being done to silence the opposition to the TransTexas Corridor...a toll road that will begin in Mexico & eventually go all the way to Canada with no border crossings on the road....this was first proposed by bush #41 so we all know bush 43 is in on this.... if this is allowed to continue America as a nation is doomed. Virgil Goode (VA) is putting before congress a proposal to stop this....with very little backing from other members of congress! This does not bode well for middle-class Americans on for America as a free country with constitutional rights! Below are links to both articles....pls. read then contact congress to stop our demise!

2007-01-30 10:25:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I personally have no doubts as to if there will be a USA in 5 years.Of course there will be,and in 50 years if there is still an earth there will be the United States of America.I have faith in America and in the American people .we will overcome all obstacles that are
placed in our path.We are a strong nation in our military and in our convictions.This nation will not perish.Do not think because we bicker among ourselves that we will not rise up as one to defend this nation. And our way of life against all enemies, both domestic and foreign.

2007-01-30 11:06:02 · answer #3 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 2 0

Oh, there'll be a United States. But it will be a less desirable place to live in. Our standard of living will continue to gradually decrease. Our antagonistic foreign population will swell even further. Our rights as citizens will be further eroded. In other words, it'll suck more than it sucks now.

2007-01-30 13:42:26 · answer #4 · answered by lucien_kastner 2 · 2 0

Only IF we can subdue the corruption currently in politics, will the USA thrive. It has gotten too far out of hand. People need to start being held accountable for their actions, on both sides. Or else, I fear another world power (oh say China) is going to sneak in while we're too busy pointing fingers at each other to notice.

2007-01-30 10:22:44 · answer #5 · answered by T S 5 · 3 1

Mexico will push its border North and Canada will push it South. They will meet like the Russians met the Americans at the Elba.

They will rename this nation with an anagram of Mexico and Canada:


Please answer my question:

2007-01-30 11:18:33 · answer #6 · answered by Malcolm Knoxville 2 · 0 1

Absolutely. Even though our President Bush is getting beat up by the polls, congress and even other republicans our country will be standing tall in 5 years and way beyond because Bush has the balls to take a stand against these terrorists. In the years to come he will be viewed as a great President because of his Wyatt Earp diplomacy.

2007-01-30 10:18:22 · answer #7 · answered by Ricardo 2 · 2 3

in a war that will not end tens of thousands of soldiers dead from both fronts. probably a bigger and intense war with IRAN the fight will be over who is the most powerful in the middle east, Basicially a Holy War. Maybe just maybe we can focus on stuff that is more important like healthcare,jobs and U.S economy. Wars keep us off the focus of helping our own people.

2007-01-30 10:12:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

we will be a great nation led by the hard working hispanics of this nation, if all goes well we should open up the borders and allow these people to come and work the jobs that most americans are too lazy to work.

2007-01-30 11:28:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

There will be too many people all requring the same serives this, I believe it enable a much greater need for services with costs to go way up.I lazy, I need someone to type for me

2007-01-30 12:07:21 · answer #10 · answered by Zoe 4 · 0 2

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