you could just do the traditional thing as in send her flowers and a card, she would be flattered and think you went overboard! promise :)
2007-01-29 02:09:20
answer #1
answered by puppy love 6
I would keep it simple and sweet. Here are some great Valentine’s Day gift ideas:
1. This site has wonderful flowers in many different prices ranges:
2. Or we love chocolate, here are some assortments that come in special boxes:
3. If you want to make it a bit more personal try a heart shaped musical box:, you can inscribe a message that reads I wish you all the happiness in the world.
You can find more unique Valentine’s Days gifts at Yahoo! Shopping’s Valentine’s Gift Center:
Hope this helps!
2007-01-31 20:59:59
answer #2
answered by Claudia C 2
every girl likes flowers, even as a friend. instead of a bunch of roses, keep it less romantic by getting a mixed, colorful bouquet of other flowers.
don't go overboard by sending a bunch of chocolates as well... and especially don't send a page-long love letter.
2007-01-29 10:10:59
answer #3
answered by iheartzakka 4
Hm...well. you can ask her but dont make it a big deal. just send her some flowers and some candy. I'm a living testimony to lonely Valentines days and you dont have to be alone. You can send that girl things for valentines day to let her know you still care about her but i wouldn't make it a big deal. save that for your real girlfriend
2007-01-29 10:10:33
answer #4
answered by texastreasure 3
is it a long distance relationship? if so then dont do it....not worth the heartache that comes in the end. but if u are just away during that time period then send her flowers w/card saying u are thinking of her on this day. u will get the point across.
2007-01-29 10:09:43
answer #5
answered by jenivive 6
Ask her to be your valentine. If she doesn't wanna be your valentine, just send her something as a token of love from u to her. Good Luck!
2007-01-29 10:09:19
answer #6
answered by ♥Butt3rfLyKis5ez 3
you sound sweet
ask her to be your valentine...
say you're not asking for a relationship
no matter how far away you are, you can send her flowers through the magic of the internet...
send her flowers.
all girls love flowers.
2007-01-29 10:09:48
answer #7
answered by praavita 2
To be honest you may want to wait just a little while longer. There must be a reason why shes not ready. If you take the leap and do ask her, you may be turned down and heart broken. No one wants to spend v-day heart broken!!!
2007-01-29 10:11:39
answer #8
answered by wp_ashro7 1
Just call and tell her happy valentines day and when you see her make up for what you couldnt give her.
2007-01-29 10:10:32
answer #9
answered by Glamour&Glory 1
well there's nothing wrong with sending flowers and chocolate, but don't over do yourself with it. it might just be a waste.. hehee but why not? GO FOR IT!
2007-01-29 10:09:58
answer #10
answered by T-NEE 3