sounds like you need to go to the doctor. a combination of pain and loss of balance (or dizziness or vertigo) usually indicates an inner ear problem that could be amenable to prescription medications. If left untreated, it could lead to permanent hearing loss; get it checked out ASAP.
2007-01-28 19:46:20
answer #1
answered by michael_bfl101 2
If it's ear wax, you just need to drain it. Get a warming pad and wrap it in a towel and lay your head on it until it drains out. You could also use peroxide and warm water. Bausch & Lombe also makes a kit for this.
Inner ear infections are more serious. You may want to go to a doctor.
2007-01-28 19:54:16
answer #2
answered by nonono 3
might sound odd but it works i do it everytime i or my husband get an ear ache. pour a lil peroxide in the one ear or if two then both but one at a time of course then let you should hear it bubble up wait till you dont hear a fiz or bubble sound then put that ear against a towel so it will drain and repeat with the other side then put piece of cotton ball in your ear(s) and keep it/them warm
2016-03-15 01:42:02
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Could be TMJ are you a grinder. This is a very common problem with TMJ but also can just be a simple ear infection. You can use a blow dryer temporarly to relieve the aching.
2007-01-29 00:42:29
answer #4
answered by bdat40oz 2
go to the health food store and get garlic oil. Garlic oil is highly anti-bacterial. Put 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening. Put a cotton ball in to keep it in. It worked for me, although, mine was not as advanced as yours. You may need to get to the Dr. and get some antibiotics, because hearing loss is a real danger if you let this go on too long. Sounds like it's already been a few days.
2007-01-28 19:47:10
answer #5
answered by itry007 4
This happens whenever there is a drastic change in altitude such as driving up a steep hill or taking off or landing in an airplane. The pressure builds behind the ear drum and efforts should be made to equalize the pressure on both sides of the ear drum. This is accomplished in two or more ways. One is to literally hold your nose while attempting to exhale without opening your mouth. This reduces the pressure somewhat. Chewing gum is also renoun as a means of relieving the pressure of altitude changes.
You should see your physician and have a thorough ear examination just in case it is more serious than merely altitude popping.
Excerpts below from source below:
Causes of Earache
Physical Examination
Otologic Causes
Middle ear or mastoid process
Otitis media, acute otitis media, chronic otitis media
Preceding URI
Bulging, red tympanic membrane
Acute barotitis media (barotrauma)
Rapid change in air pressure as in air travel or scuba diving
Hemorrhage on or behind the tympanic membrane
Acute eustachian tube obstruction
Gurgling, crackling, or popping noises, with or without nasal congestion
Unilateral conductive hearing loss and decreased tympanic membrane mobility
Acute mastoiditis
Fever, postauricular pain, otorrhea. Previous URI, incompletely or inadequately treated otitis media
Fever, postauricular swelling and tenderness to palpitation. Sometimes, downward or lateral pinna displacement, edema of posterior portion of external canal
External ear
Otitis externa
Earache localized to the canal, particularly in a swimmer, diabetic, or patient with seborrheic dermatitis
Erythematous, edematous ear canal; exquisite tenderness with movement of the tragus, and thick white otorrhea
Bullous myringitis
Sudden pain, sometimes history of herpes
Small blebs on the tympanic membrane, sometimes herpetic lesions adjacent to tragus
Cerumen, impacted or foreign body
Vague pain accompanied by hearing loss and without other symptoms
Nonotologic Causes
Nasopharynx, pharynx, tonsil, base of tongue, larynx
Often tobacco and/or alcohol use
Varies; sometimes unilateral or remitting middle ear effusion
Tonsillopharyngitis, peritonsillar, or other oropharyngeal abscess
Pain with swallowing
Pharyngeal erythema and sometimes swelling
Neuralgia (trigeminal, sphenopalatine, glossopharyngeal, geniculate)
Severe, lancinating pain episodes
Post-tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy
History of surgery
Temporomandibular joint disorder
Pain with jaw movement
Lack of smooth temporomandibular joint movement; trismus
2007-01-28 19:57:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
consult a doctor
2007-01-28 19:45:55
answer #7
answered by mali 6
u need to see a doctor because it may be more serious than you think
2007-01-28 22:55:04
answer #8
answered by just_missp 2