hi you can take vitamin E vitamin A tablets for your hair growth as well as you have to take diet full of protein because growth of hair require lots of protein. you can contact me on dr_sweet_jony@yahoo.co.in
2007-01-28 04:56:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You should make yoga and mediation for the relieve of mental stress, use coconut oils regularly for hair conditioning and addition of vitaminous foods like vegetables, tomato etc... may help you to control the hair loss and support hair growth. you may use "Fast Grow "vitamins for faster hair growth. Avoid using chemical hair conditioners
2007-01-28 06:35:21
answer #2
answered by priya j 1
Faster rate Or slower rate of hair is due to the insufficient vitamins, mental stress, irregular hair conditioning etc...
You should make yoga and mediation for the relieve of mental stress, use coconut oils regularly for hair conditioning and addition of vitaminous foods like vegetables, tomato etc... may help you to control the hair loss and support hair growth. you may use "Fast Grow "vitamins for faster hair growth. Avoid using chemical hair conditioners.
Thank you for giving such an opportunity to share my knowledge
2007-01-28 04:57:13
answer #3
answered by sankar s 2
Sometimes the growth of your hair can slow down because of stress. Try to relax and just be good to your hair
2007-01-28 04:31:46
answer #4
answered by Ying Yang 2
the vitamin E is essential for hair growth.
which is available in almond oil.
and you should tied towel on your oily hair which is wet with warm water so the heat of towel help to absorb oil quickly and hair growth will definately increase.....
2007-01-28 21:06:01
answer #5
answered by chirag_smilever 2
look up fish oil, i know it promotes healthy hair and nails, but look it up, it may also promote hair growth. you can buy it in pill form from walmart
Also, go to the ethnic hair section (buy the shampoos and hair care products) of walmart ot target, they have a lot of creams and other things that promote hair growth
2007-01-28 04:34:37
answer #6
answered by Angela G 1
Biotin and vitamin E are really good ways to get your hair growing.
2007-01-28 04:33:09
answer #7
answered by Kristopher T 2
Use Olive Oil PURE result will come within two months. This is for application only.
2007-01-28 04:35:24
answer #8
answered by Rajesh T 1
check it once wehther any split ends u have
after that take tablets
multi vitamin SUPRADYN
vitamin e evion 400mg daily once
2007-01-28 20:09:45
answer #9
answered by mpvijay555 3
Biotin and Inositol
2007-01-28 04:26:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous