Miss, I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure you even want a puppy. All of the behavior you're describing is normal puppy stuff. Pups bite and poop and throw up, that's just part of being a pet parent. It's inhumane to tie her to a tree, plus who knows who will come by and pick her up. There are some real sickos out there. When you get a dog, it's like having a child, you can't say "Oh this one isn't cute anymore, so I think I'll go get a better one." You have to take the animal with all of it's vises. As for not enough time to go get her fixed, it's not like you're doing the surgery. An hour tops to go drop her off at the vet, if you don't have that much time then you certainly don't have time for a new puppy this summer. My suggestion to you is take the dog into the Humane Society building during business hours and get a fish instead.
2007-01-27 17:14:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm going to try and answer your question without losing my temper, which is why I didn't respond when you first posted it yesterday.
First you're complaining about how horrible your dog is. You didn't mention the age of the dog, nor how long you have had her. Dogs learn by repetition and positive reinforcement. You said that you're tried everything, but you don't mention if you've bothered taking the pup to obedience school.
You also can't expect your other two dogs to teach the pup what to do. It is your responsibility , and your alone. If your puppy is misbehaving, it's not her fault. It's yours for letting it continue.
Next, you say that you want to take her back to the humane society, which I completely agree that you should as it would be best for the pup. However, you don't want to give your name and instead, you want to tie the poor thing to a tree and leave her leave. Not only is this a criminal act, it's cruel. It's the middle of winter unless you live in a warm climate. Either way, the humane society knows who that dog went to whether you walk in or if you just leave the poor pup. Humane societies keep excellent records, so your dog probably has either a microchip or a tattoo, and they is going to know who adopted her even if you have someone else bring her in.
The best thing that you can is just be honest and take the poor pup back to the humane society and be truthful. You're record with the the humane society will be scarred whether you intentionally give her up or "misplace" her.
Please do the right thing for the pup. Take her back, but don't tie her to a tree. . She deserves a chance and a home with someone who will love her and invest the time and effort to train her correctly.
2007-01-28 14:02:17
answer #2
answered by HDB 7
OMG where do I start. How can you call your pet a lil bastard to begin. What is wrong with you. How old are you because you are acting like a spoiled little 9 year old that isnt getting its way.
You should not have a pet or child at all. Your a poor excuse for a human being. You made her like this you idiot ~~!! If she poops all over its YOUR fault. Your not walking her long enough if at all. If she bites your fingers you have not taught her better so that shows you dont work with her....
"Try again this summer" Oh hell no . I am sending a copy of this to my humane soc so they can pass it accross to all the offices. Tie it to a tree", that shows how little morals you have.
I think ill stop there Im so mad now , You need to seek professional help. Your not playing with a full deck. Please if your dont have any more sense then this please get up and step away from the computer..............
Why would you want another pet if you couldnt handle this one. Getting a pet is a life long thing "now in 6 months ill try again".
I am sorry if you feel we were being mean however from what you said you dont care about her cause in your words "you hate the lil bastard......."
I really dont care about the best answer points, they mean nothing to me, but i have done animal rescue and just cant stand people want the animals cause theyare babies and cute and then just dont want them when they have them a few months.
The government should require new pet owners to attend a 6 month class before allowing them to own any pet. Maybe some would take it more serious.
You said why are you so bad just cause u dont WANT THE DOG ANYMORE. Hello........ you wanted it, when u take on something that depends on you for care you cant just throw it away when your done playing with it. Why not start collecting bells. plates, flowers, flowering baskets, none of those have a heartbeat. Run a free ad in the paper if you dont want her....... advertise online on free classified .
Our animal shelter here is using chips on the dogs so they can track them if they are lost or dumped back to the owner. I really do hope yours has a chip so they can come ask you why you left the poor thing.
2007-01-28 07:45:10
answer #3
answered by tammer 5
OMG!! PLEASE tell me that you are just a troll, and that this is some sort of sick joke?! Of all the stupid questions I've seen posted on these boards, this one really takes the cake. And you can't even understand why people are "dissing" you?? Are you mentally ill?? It's a puppy!! That's what puppies do. Any behavioral problems beyond being a "normal puppy" are *your* fault, not the pup's.
You definitely have no business owning dogs: please turn your puppy AND both of your other dogs over to the Humane Society -- ASAP. Have enough character, though, to turn them in, instead of *illegally* abandoning them by tying them to a tree, like a total creep (again, are you for real??). Then, after you've surrendered your animals, please immediately seek therapy, because you clearly need help (are you even human??). And don't ever, ever, EVER get another animal again. Maybe somebody ought to tie YOU to a tree or abandon you on a freeway somewhere. Sick, sick, sick.
2007-01-28 14:44:57
answer #4
answered by seamonkeyavenger 3
maybe you should have thought a little harder before you got her in the first place and i think it is absolutely horrible to even THINK about tying her to a tree because you "need to keep a good record with the humane society so you can try another dog this summer" - sounds like you need to learn what responsibility is and the rest of us can only hope that the humane society catches on and realizes that you shouldnt have any more pets.
2007-01-30 08:22:03
answer #5
answered by jessie777 1
Here it comes again....
I sure hope you don't plan on having kids any time soon. *shudder*
Your puppy is a little bastard probably because you spend all day hanging out with your friends rather than teaching your puppy to be a dog. To quote your own words.... "She is just too many problems." No. Because /somehow/ (and I don't even really know how) I put absolutely NO effort into a dog other than love and praise and I have a wonderful dog. A little bit of forethought before making another being's life YOUR RESPONSIBILITY goes a looooooong way. Sorry, hon, I don't think you're gonna get any sympathy here.
2007-01-28 02:35:12
answer #6
answered by gimmenamenow 7
personally i don't think you should be allowed to have any pet if this is how you treat and respond to them, and you most certianly should not "try again this summer". You have to keep a good record with them?!?!?! If you have a good rep with them now , then your local chapter isn't doing their job. You can drop the dog off without giving your name and you should really find a new place for this poor puppy cause it's not getting what it needs from you, But tying it to any tree anywhere or the like is a CRIME and should be charged. Your local chapter should be notified of your treatment of animals.
2007-01-28 02:04:29
answer #7
answered by alpacalady72 2
Okay now that I threw up in my mouth a little bit reading your question, I have one for you. WHY did you even get the puppy? Because it was so cute and adorable right? Did you not realize that there is SOOO much more involved than a dog's "looks"? Getting an animal is not a "trial period", you get the animal for the life of the animal. You have to be able to make that commitment BEFORE getting the puppy. Now this poor dog has to suffer because YOU didn't educate yourself on raising puppies before making the decision of getting her for yourself rather than letting her go to possibly a wonderful loving home. Do you not realize the hell she'll be in at the shelter? Have you seen the little tiny kennels they have to stay in until their lucky time of the day for a walk outside? They get little to no interaction, watered from a daggone sprinkling system in the WALL, fed through a slide hole in the kennel. They don't even get personal attention for feeding time. Do you really think she deserves that??? Aside from that you didn't even take into account the financial responsibilty of being a pet owner and now, again, she is having to suffer for your screw up. This right here is exactly why I truly believe with all of my heart that EVERY pet owner be screened before being allowed to own one. DO NOT get another dog. You'll likely only make it pay as well once you "get sick of it". You should have trained her better, this is completely YOUR fault, NOT THE PUPPY'S!!
2007-01-28 01:39:43
answer #8
answered by MasLoozinIt76 6
As a 10 yr veteran of Humane Society work... I can tell you that you are not the only person who drops their dog off when they don't want it. You are not special. Take the poor creature in to a shelter and give it up as an OWNER don't drop it off as a stray. At least give the dog a chance will ya?! And DO NOT get another dog. You obviously don't think they are a living, feeling creature. They are a throw away object in your eyes. Give animals a break..... leave them alone.
2007-01-28 01:18:42
answer #9
answered by muttly 2
Tie her to the tree she will be better off. While you are at it tie your other dog to a tree because as far as I am concerned you are too ignorant and selfish to own any dogs. Do not go get another puppy this summer because you will undoubtedly ruin another puppy because of your selfishness.
2007-01-28 03:02:31
answer #10
answered by Shepherdgirl § 7