Try these and try going online for more info. You know you need help. Take yourself to an ER or Urgent Care before you start cutting and get some help now, before you end up with a systemic infection if you don't bleed to death first. :-?
2007-01-27 04:48:22
answer #1
answered by ♥Minnie Mouse♥ 4
I was a self mutilator. It started in childhood. I would bang my head, hit walls, myself, then I progressed to cutting and burning. This was many years ago before the internet atc., and I felt so alone
I grew up in a crazy home and was not allowed to express myself or my emotions. In frustration I hurt myself and found it calming. My skin would cry and scream when I couldn't. My biggest triggers were not being listened to and circumstances outside of my control. Self loathing also played a part. I am a perfectionist and any mistake I made was punished.
There is a reason behind cutting. Being disrespected as a child is usually a huge factor. This problem doesn't go away on its own. It was hard for me to find the right kind of help, but nowadays there is more information and more ways to get help.
If you have insurance you may want to go through your doctor, but I didn't have good luck with that. They viewed me as suicidal even though I wasn't and kept putting me on medication. I don't tolerate drugs or medication. I suffered from codependency and depression and anxiety. FInding people and therapists that could really help me change my way of thinking so I would keep making myself miserable and to heal my inner child and love and retrain my adaptive self was essential to my recovery.
In a 12-step program I met a lot of nice, caring and understanding people as well as a few really great friends. What great resources. It took me many years to get to the point where I really wanted help. For some reason I felt comfortable in my depression and self-pity. Now, life isn't perfect, but I accept life on life's terms and I love life, with all it's imperfections...and I love myself.
Warm regards.
Here's a link to SMA
2007-01-27 13:47:28
answer #2
answered by teach_empathy 3
The first place you should go is to your parents if you can. If you can not go to your parents maybe try the school counselor. I am very proud of you for admitting that you need help. That is the first step to recovery. Now you just need to find an adult that you can confide in so that they may get you the help that you need. There are usually a number of places in almost every major city that do no or low cost counseling. You should do a search on the web for your local city. You should be able to find a place that can either counsel you or help find someone to counsel you. I hope that this helps you and I wish you the best of luck. Just remember, you have to love yourself no matter what happens in your life, or what other people say or do to you.
2007-01-27 12:44:51
answer #3
answered by KK 2
Well I'm not sure how old you are but if you are 18 you can go to your family doctor and ask for a referal to someone he knows can help with depression and the effects, like cutting. I say if you are 18 because then you don't have to worry about him releasing this information to your family because that is against the law. Either way if you feel uncomfortable going to your doctor do a search on yahoo. " cutting" and "Help for cutting" are key words that can pop up with results that can help you find a local establishment that specializes in your needs.
2007-01-27 12:41:44
answer #4
answered by prettyblueeyes101010 4
cutting is a way of "releasing tension," which can become very addictive
I don't know what is available in your community in the way of mental health, but you do need to seek psychological therapy for this...... listen, first of all.......Do Not Be Ashamed......people deal with stress and loneliness among other "feelings" in various ways. I don't know how old you are, but you need someone who is really good at dealing with teen issues, because, for the most part, this is a teen problem...not always...but the highest percentage......look in the phone book under psychotherapists, therapists, counselors.....and make a phone call, alerting them to the fact that this is an urgent matter........and that you are "ready" to get help for this............if you are under 18, confide in a guidance counselor, an adult that you hold in high esteem, or an older or best friend who would love you unconditionally.......listen, we all have "things." There may even be a support group in your area.....I don't know where you are from, but there are hot lines for everything in the phonebook, look under "crisis" and "children and youth"....if I can be of further help, or you just need someone to chat with....let me know, I am rooting for you.........to get healthy!
2007-01-27 12:55:23
answer #5
answered by amber 5
i want to stop cutting myself to Ive dun it for just about 8 painful yers.and I'm 19.Ive been cutting deeper and more violent.i am getting help.i live in carson so i don't know if my therapist will help you,but call 775-720-3183 her name is Nancy.you cud say Waltman gave me youer #.she is very nice.if you cant do that there it a book that has helped me .its called cutting understanding & overcoming self-mutilation is by steven levenkron.and hotlins to.best of luck one day at a time like me:)
2007-01-27 13:01:05
answer #6
answered by xo 2
You need professional help, stopping without support is hard to do. Start by telling one person you trust and ask them to help you find help.
2007-01-27 12:41:13
answer #7
answered by EC 2
Go to your family doctor and get help fast. You have a chemical imbalance of some sort and you need medication to stop your obsessive-compulsive behavior. There is no need to have to live like this. Please see a doctor and get help for yourself!
2007-01-27 12:52:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Tell an adult you trust and keep away from anything that can cut you!
2007-01-27 12:41:12
answer #9
answered by Juno 2