You don't say where abouts in Australia you went. I think we're a pretty friendly bunch, unless you came across as arrogant and unfriendly. I've been to NZ too and found the people in some areas friendly, and others quite the opposite. There are friendly and rude people where ever you shouldn't really generalize
2007-01-26 22:48:59
answer #1
answered by sharkgirl 7
Well i.m an Aussie and I think the only difference between us is 2 hours by plane and we are better at sport. Canadians are a great bunch cant understand how you had trouble.Aussie humour is some times hard to take ask the Kiwi,s,but they give as good as they get my last trip over there I coped heaps, would not have it any other way.
2007-01-27 16:24:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Kiwis cannot pronounce the letter (I) example, fish and chips comes out as fush and churps (note the two different Is in that lot), We can pick a Kiwi as soon as they speak, while most Aussies do not speak proper English, we tend not to garble it too much, the Seth Efricans (Kiwi talk) speak Kiwi as well. We tend not to put like in everywhere, unlike some, nor do we start with Okay. But our kids are starting to talk Yank. We can spell English properly, unlike Americans, sadly a lot of that junk is also coming in.
2016-05-24 04:53:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What?? You must have met some asshole aussies, we like canadians in general, and much prefer them to yanks lol. But kiwis are pretty friendly as well, they're probably two of the best countries in the world in terms of the people and the lifestyle etc. etc.
2007-01-26 22:44:05
answer #4
answered by etphonehome 2
kiwis talk funny aussies say six, kiwis call it sex
kiwi land is the last place u fly to before u start coming back
2007-01-29 17:42:41
answer #5
answered by old dick withers 3
You did just answer your own question.
I'm an Australian living in NZ. I lived in Australia (Sydney) for 6months. When I started the new school, i found people were extremly friendly. But people walking past me on the street, wern't so.
People at my old school in NZ were not friendly at all. Although people on the street are friendly.
There are friendly and unfriendly people everywhere.
We generally like Canadians better than Americans.
2007-01-27 21:37:08
answer #6
answered by ★☆✿❀ 7
I found that most of the aussies i came across gave me **** about being a canadian. And the kiwis were friendly as.
If you've answered your own question, why ask?
2007-01-26 23:00:55
answer #7
answered by TheWeeKiwi 3
Kiwis have class, and are extremely friendly and outgoing. So are the vast majority of Aussies, but as Tony B puts up his childish little comments you gotta wonder about the Aussie mentality - or is it just him lol
2007-01-27 09:38:55
answer #8
answered by michelle s 2
Michelle S - No, Its just Him!!!
We could have been one country. NZ Voted to remain by itself. We (Aussies) still tend to tease them as if they were family..... You should hear what we say about Tasmanians!!!!
I am sorry you had a problem with Australians while you were here. Maybe your next visit will be better!!
2007-01-27 19:11:58
answer #9
answered by kllr.queen 4
The difference between an aussie and a kiwi:
Aussies take the mickey out of the kiwis and the kiwis take the mickey out of the aussies.
(but there are more of us aussies - so we win!)
2007-01-27 02:40:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous