Yes and there is only one real way, each of us was created for Gods spirit to live In us, that's why the call the body the temple, it is the temple of Gods Holy spirit, but you have to invite him in, and to receive his spirit of Joy and life not darkness and depression you can only receive this spirit in Jesus name. Go read John and see what Jesus is talking about, he is telling of Gods spirit and how to get it! Once you receive it you must read your Bible daily, it is LIVING SPIRIT, and if you don't get a dose of this living spirit your system will go into depression and darkness. The word is light and love, fill your temple with his spirit. John 3. If you try with worldly stuff like possession and money it will not bring Joy!
2007-01-26 16:04:29
answer #1
answered by bungyow 5
If by happiness you mean "feeling good" all the time, then there is no such thing as being happy always. Both happiness and depression are related to chemicals in the brain. The brain, like all parts of the body, naturally tends to equillibrium. So if you feel euphoric for awhile, the brain will have to get better at putting out other chemicals to bring you back down to baseline. So it's not possible to "feel good" all the time.
That being said, I do think it is possible to achieve a kind of peace and contentment in that balance. This takes a lot of work and effort, and more than anything else, a lot of patience. It means not getting too excited about the highs (or thinking that each new happy moment will result in a 'happily ever after') and not getting too down about the lows. They are a part of life, too.
Now, it's also possible that the chemicals can be come so imbalanced that no amount of effort on your own will "avoid" or "cure" depression. If you have had feelings of depression for more than 6 months or so, you might want to see a mental health professional. Another thing to remember about depression is that it's not always about "feeling bad" all the time, but is often more like feeling nothing at all all the time.
2007-01-26 17:28:26
answer #2
answered by Todd F 2
I have been told that increasing physical activity and talking about the things that trouble you can help lessen the sense of being depressed. I have been depressed for a while now since the divorce. I tried anti depressants but I react to them very poorly. my doc says I might not be metabolyzing the drug quickly enough so the drug builds up to somewhat toxic levels, hence the adverse reaction to anti depressants. Oh, but you asked how to AVOID depression.... Hmmm. Thats hard. Somehow I don't think there is anything to avoid it. Make good choices?? I believe depression happens for a reason but, the term "clinical" depression is far fetched. I believe the root cause for depression is not a chemical imbalance in the brain. I think it almost always comes from a situation that hurt you, changed a part of you that you didn't want changed, or maybe being held from attaining something you desire. Just keep in mind this is coming from someone who was burned pretty bad in a serious relationship and is actually depressed. Let us know if you gain any insight into this
2007-01-26 16:12:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You can't be happy all the time, but you shouldn't be depressed either. It's hard to give you a solution because different people are depressed for different reasons. Do you know what causes your depression? If so talk to the people around you that care about you. If you are not currently seeing a therapist or taking any medications you might try some good herbs. (St. Johns Wort) The best thing about taking herbs is no side effects and no prescription. I hope this helps. Best wishes for you.
2007-01-26 16:08:16
answer #4
answered by cynical jade 4
I am not a doctor, but, I can offer this information. The human body has its own chemical balance system and genetics play a big part in health. I had a lot of suicides in my family history and this depression is passed on through the genes. If it is passed to you through genetics, don't panic; you can get through this. Also, the human body goes through chemical changes 4-5 times in a life and everytime the body chemical changes, it can cause periods of depression and affect our thinking. Again, you can get through this. Without doctors or meds? Not sure, but, try some changes in your thoughts and behavior and if you are still having the same trouble, you might need to see someone. The morning thing is significant because when you wake in the morning the body is ready to accomplish something. If there is nothing planned to accomplish depression can set in. Change your routine. Wake up in the morning and plan on looking for a job, even if its only 1 application a day. Work is a great stress reliever. I don't know why your family disowned you, but, that is something to work on after you deal with your depression. As for no friends, try going to a church and praying for God's help He is your best friend always. Stay away from caffiene at night and don't eat too heavy before bed to get a good nights sleep. Alter your thinking. Tell yourself you can get through this. Be active in looking for a job, know you are a good person and have stength to do things. Find a way to make friends. Pray to only one who can help you - -God. If you continue feeling this way or the feeling gets worse, you need to see someone. Excercise is a good stress reliever too. I will pray for you. God bless you.
2016-03-15 00:30:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't have time for something brand new but I do have something to cut and paste that I wrote maybe 10 minutes ago. Sorry I don't have more time right now. This might be the most original info you get in response. Good Luck.
I had to go back and add this too. Meds are such a complicated issue. They are NOT all the same. Find people who have been there, why, what did they do, how did they get out? Orgs like N.A.M.I. and local support groups are the best source of real information. Meds can be what gets you though, like a grieving widow on Wellbutrin or meds may be absolutely essential to you. Insulin for diabetics is like how lithium is for bipolars. Yes, it is, I know exactly what I am talking about. Their are also "traps" like how Xanax can stop a full blown panic attack. But using Xanax to cure the problem long term is like expecting morphine to fix a broken leg, besides this particular one is addictive. Most of them are NOT however. Reputable Drs. don’t give anything addictive for long term use. And because you get sick if you stop taking it does not mean it is addictive (like insulin). You would need maintenance Zoloft instead to stop the chemical reaction that is causing the panic reaction in the first place. Yes sometimes it is just a chemical reaction. Of course your life affects your mind but most people don’t realize how your natural mind dictates your life. My life has been better and been worse but it never changed until after the lithium.
ALSO if you would like a spiritual spin on depression that does not imply that you are either retarded or possessed by a demon I highly suggest these, you will need an msn ID for one of these links but it is worth the trouble.
Fighting the blues is easy, that is what I do every day of my life.
2007-01-26 16:09:30
answer #6
answered by Buttercup Rocks! 3
I have tested this approach for 4 years.
Depression comes from suppressed anger at people or things that have happened.
Ask God to show you all the people you are angry at and write the names down as they come to your mind. Forgive each person. Ask God to show you all the things that are still making you angry and then renounce those angers and forgive those people. You can try this and there is almost always noticable results. If you do this further in a systematic manner, you can remove one by one the angers that show up as depression by these types of prayers.
Ignore these people with their inapplicable sermons. What I am saying here is pray simple prayers directly to God and let him show you what anger you should renounce or who to forgive, as you do this, He will faithfully reveal every one if you keep doing it. Then you ask forgiveness for the angers and ask Him to help you forgive the persons involved. Step by step you should see depression decrease and decrease. You can apply this systematically. I did this and undid 20 years of depression. Progress was made when I started, but it did take a longer time to make full progress, but it was worth it, I am more at peace now.
2007-01-26 17:23:17
answer #7
answered by Thomas B 1
Don't think about the past, especially those things that make you very sad. Focus yourself on other things like sports, food or making friends. No improvement after doing this, then better to see a doctor because your depression is in a serious state.
2007-01-26 16:13:29
answer #8
answered by James Louis 5
Yes you can.. you just need to fill your heart with love.
I would suggest tat you attend this course called POV.. it teaches people how to appreciate themselves and their lives, how to put down past burdens and be happy ALWAYS.
All you need to do is three things:
1) Register for POV
2) Attend POV with an open mind and take part in all the exercises
3) Constantly remember what you have learnt and apply in your life and you will soon become happier and happier.
If you are looking for consistent happiness that radiates from within, this is the course that you MUST attend.
You can read more at :
In fact, there is one coming to Singapore soon. You can sign up with me by emailing me at
2007-01-30 00:33:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Here's what works for me: first, do a LOT of soul searching. Figure out what your life long dreams are (this excludes any relationship goals). Write them down with a date you wish to achieve them by. Next, write down a list of steps you need to take in order to make your dreams reality. Then take the first step. As you work towards your dreams you'll meet people with similar goals. Make friends with these people. Happiness is found in the journey, with like-minded friends sharing your struggles and accomplishments.
2007-01-26 16:13:59
answer #10
answered by Michael E 5
well one can never be 100% happy 100% of the time. it just is nearly impossible! you can e content and in a good mood most of the time but sometimes things happen as they do in life that are upsetting. its about how u deal with these things. u can avoid depression by spending time doing things u like- hobbies, spending times with friends/family so u dont get bored and then lonely. engaging ur mind keeps it mentally active filled with interesting things and u almost dont have time to be depressed. when things do happen its good to talk about it with someone u feel comfortable with. sometimes a counselor is necessary for more complex issues.
2007-01-26 16:12:59
answer #11
answered by charli_red1218 3