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I have suffered from depresstion for years, i seem to have lost the get up and go! I cant remember the last time i got up in the morning feeling happy, i either feel kinda blank or really misrible.I dont know what to do! I had a childhood in care, and sufferd alot of sexual, and mental abuse. I have had some councilling. And have been on antidepesents on and off 4 eva. I want my happy feelings back, i also want to beable to cry!! I have pcos aswell is it the mix of things that are making me feel like this? I have 2 kids one is 2.5 and the other is 7, how is the way i am likely to affect them?

2007-01-26 09:56:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

21 answers

you need to start going out and getting some sun. Take yer kids to the parkand forget you are a grownup have fun. play with yer kids. they will thank you . how you feel effects yer kids any way you cut it. they are old enough to see you look like a robot don't give them bad memories. they deserve some happyness and love.

2007-01-26 10:11:29 · answer #1 · answered by cilla1a 2 · 0 3

I also suffer depression and I have pcos i cant cry i have no emotion what so ever i think i just need to go bak on meds and do some positive things like excersize a course maybe cbt is a good one your moods will affect the kids as mine have and for that reason we must try to shift things count our blessings....the herb agnus cactus helps greatly wit the pcos and hormones have a look also at the louise hey book you can heal yourr life its amazing and will help you if you buy yudelf one thing let it be this book sweety i hope something triggers ur emotions to come bak soon its normally the silliest thing that does mine but i know excactly what your going thru its a very numbing feeling I empathise totally with you and shud you wish to e mail me feel free ... i always say tommorow is another day ...make it a good one and get that book!!!!love jo

2007-01-27 09:24:14 · answer #2 · answered by Country Girl 3 · 0 0

Taking anti-depressants for a long period is going to dull any emotions. I was depressed many years ago and I attended the GP for advice. She said that I had a choice I could either accept the roller coaster which meant that sometimes I would be very sad and sometimes very happy or I could choose the medication and go for grey through the middle. To get over depression it is important to realise that life is allways going tohave tough times and you will feel down, lonely even depressed at times - thats normal, its life. But without the downs you can't have the ups. That's the way the universe works. There is often a root cause to depression such as fear. Start working with a counsellor, work to get off the medication and have a look at your life - what is there you could change that might make a difference. I also think the ISa Experience might help have a look at their web site at http://www.isaexperience.com Things will change you just need to get into action. I know it is not easy when you are depressed but just take a deep breath and as they say "Just do it"

2007-01-26 19:54:25 · answer #3 · answered by LillyB 7 · 0 0

Hey girl....know the feeling. After my anti-depressants were linked to my heart condition my GP decided I needed to be weened off them and have a resting period (i.e, no anti-depressants) to see if my condition improved.

Anyway I was due to start some new medication once id been off the old ones for a few weeks/month however during the period of time I was off them not once did I feel suicidal or panicky like I usually did, I found that all my feelings/emotions that had been blocked for so long by all my prescribed drug use came back.....and I liked feeling again. Im not suggesting you should stop taking your tablts just telling you what my personal experience was. I have two children at present, who are 9 and 11. I have tried to shelter them from my depression as much as possible and have had a very good relationship with my ex who I have shared care with so that helps alot. Im not silly enough to think it wont impact them in some way because it will but Im viewing it as damage limitation. Goodluck with your situation x x x x

2007-01-27 09:31:30 · answer #4 · answered by doodlebip 4 · 0 0

I'm sorry to think you are so down every day,especially as you have small children, which is stressful anyway.
I have a son who is a manic depressive so I know where your coming from.
Maybe you should get your doctor to change your medication.Sometimes when you have been on something for a long time,it stops having any effect.
You seem mentally numb as you say your unable to cry,the medication you are on seem to be doing you more harm than good.

I wish you well darling, I really know the hell your going through each day.

God bless, and I really hope you get your happy feeling back again.

2007-01-26 17:41:58 · answer #5 · answered by animalwatch 3 · 0 0

You have some real reasons to feel sad but the drugs just postpone you dealing with the root of your depression. I sugest weaning off those things and get into a strong support group. It helped me. Also make sure the group members are willing to work hard with you. It will take time but sounds like you may have some time. I never used to cry but now drug free, and a lot of support, crying not so hard anymore. Read John Bradshaw

2007-01-26 11:22:02 · answer #6 · answered by meganzopf 3 · 0 0

It's going to affect them a lot I don't know what to tell you because there's really nothing I could say it has to come out of you.You don't want your kids growing up and having the same problems its not healthy that you feel this way talk to your friends so they could help you out and you are so Worth a lot no matter what people tell you i hope you get better and it goes away for good try doing something that makes you feel needed and

2007-01-26 10:19:31 · answer #7 · answered by Sexy Eyes 2 · 0 0

If you are presently taking meds for depression, they can deaden your emotions. It's one of the side effects of many psychotropic medications. Because of your age I have to ask if you are using drugs or alcohol recreationaly or as a form of self medication? Street and pharmaceutical drugs, when abused, can also deaden your emotions. And if you are using AND taking prescription drugs, that, too will mess you up. Having said all that, you should contact your therapist or psychiatrist and find out what is going on. Good luck and God bless. Peace.

2007-01-26 10:32:54 · answer #8 · answered by rick m 3 · 0 0

i have only read half the comments on your question but i would just like to say that i am only 19 and i was on th everge of suicide at 13. in my eyes i took a big step and opened up, i went to my doctor and he perscribed me anti-depressants. When i started taking them i was like "yey" and smiling alot. and to be honest the best thing that they did for me was make me realise that i didnt need them!! Ever since i come off them, when i would get a bit sad and be all not happy, i have always told myself, "OY WAKE UP! YOU KNOW YOU HAVE FELT WORSE!!!"
And dude you have kids, i am sure that you love them kids, the vast majority of parents do love there kids. but when your depressed you do have a tendancy to make people around you feel a bit iffy!

Kid s aer not daft, they are very perceptive and if they dont know whats gopin on they can sence what's goin on.
Speaking personally, my mam and dad have never done us wrong, us being their 5 kids. They have always been there for us, seperated but together for us.
The point i am raising is that i live with my mam and she tries to put on a brave face for us and she has done very well, very well indeed. the truth is though that i have known since i was young that somthing was wrong. Like i said kids can feel things, tentions in the air, stress and anger! I have always felt this but never mentioned it because i never wanted to add to my parents burdens.

13-16 i was up and go! The very thing you seem to have lost. but 16 - 19 i have slowly become less and less yey. i tell my self still 6 years on that there are people worse off and it works but the one thing that never leaves me is the effects my parents had on me! dont get me wrong i love them, i really do but at the end of the day i knew the tention, stress and anger they felt, held inside and also showed. I got through school and went to college i am now in university, but there isn't a week that goes by were i dont cry a few night!

one thing i nerver suffere from was sexual abuse and i am sorry i cannot relate to that. And teh crying thing, its good to cry, it helps with things. i know you say you would like to be able to cry and i hope that some day you can, it will help you get over your problems a bit more.

Now to your kids, i hope i have expressed the way that you can effect your children. it might be hard and these words might be harsh and hard to accept and i understand if you feel that you cannot fulfill them, its ok. What you need to do is find something that makes you feel better than anything else, embrace it, and feel it, think what it would be like without it. you must have some kind of maternal bond with your children,even just a little, take your kids to the park, push them on the swings, help them climb the trees just let them know that you are there and you care. if the time you spend with them makes you just the slightest bit happier, then take that one moment of happiness and imagin it with no kids!?
there would be no hapiness, you would feel worse than you do now!!

i hope this little dissotation has helped you dude, and if all else fails, just muster up the energy to put a smile on your face, weather your with friends, family or yourself i find if you put energy into a smile and actually acknowledge the little feeling that you get, you can feel better.

Like i said i hope i have helped due, but if you do nothing for yourself and your worried about your kids, then do what you can fo rthen, give them the best dad that you can give, they wont hate you for it!! what do you have to lose!?

toodles and remeber :) SMILE! :)

2007-01-26 19:13:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first of all, think how you would be if your kids were taken from you tomorrow? would you be pleased or sad? Now if you cant cry your not really in need of depressants. This is becos people who are depressed do nothing but cry at the simplist of things. Ask your doc if he can reduce your meds, dont do this on your own, or you'l end up at square 1 or worse. Then take your kids for the best ever treat you can imagine, forget the consequences for the mo. Theres a heck of a lot worse out there money wise. Now after this you need to think of one thing you have always wanted to do in your life, but haven't done yet. NOW GET OUT THERE AND DO IT, ignore your underlying feelings, or take them into prospect, whats the worst that can happen? someone wil either say no, or laugh. Now isn't that what your wanting in life, just a laugh. go for it, and enjoy it while you do it. then do it again and again and again. x x x one more thing, does your name end with win? x x x

2007-01-26 10:10:14 · answer #10 · answered by red 3 · 0 4

Your history of sexual and mental abuse is most likely at the root of your flat emotions.
There are two common solutions that I am aware of. One works, one doesn't.
The one that doesn't work is conventional medicine (psychiatry/meds, counseling, etc).
The one that may offer some hope is a spiritual connection to others who have experienced similar trauma and learned to grow past it. try www.heart7.net .It takes a while to navigate the site.

2007-01-26 10:34:25 · answer #11 · answered by monkey777monkey 4 · 0 0

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