A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit(s) card (ICC), is defined as any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits. Although there is a diverse range of applications, there are two broad categories of ICCs. Memory cards contain only non-volatile memory storage components, and perhaps some specific security logic. Microprocessor cards contain memory and microprocessor components.
A smart card resembles a credit card in size and shape, but inside it is completely different. First of all, it has an inside -- a normal credit card is a simple piece of plastic. The inside of a smart card usually contains an embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor is under a gold contact pad on one side of the card. Think of the microprocessor as replacing the usual magnetic stripe on a credit card or debit card.
Smart cards are much more popular in Europe than in the United States. In Europe, the health insurance and banking industries use smart cards extensively. Every German citizen has a smart card for health insurance. Even though smart cards have been around in their modern form for at least a decade, they are just starting to take off in the United States.
Magnetic stripe technology remains in wide use in the United States. However, the data on the stripe can easily be read, written, deleted or changed with off-the-shelf equipment. Therefore, the stripe is really not the best place to store sensitive information. To protect the consumer, businesses in the U.S. have invested in extensive online mainframe-based computer networks for verification and processing. In Europe, such an infrastructure did not develop -- instead, the card carries the intelligence.
The microprocessor on the smart card is there for security. The host computer and card reader actually "talk" to the microprocessor. The microprocessor enforces access to the data on the card. If the host computer read and wrote the smart card's random access memory (RAM), it would be no different than a diskette.
2007-01-26 04:56:22
answer #1
answered by lou53053 5
As The Name Implies A Smart Or Integrated Circuit Card(I.C.C.) Is A Pocket Sized Card Generally
Made of Poly Vinyl Chloride(P.V.C.).
There Are Two Types of Smart Card :
1. Contact Type Smart Card
2. Non-Contact Type/Contactless Smart Card
Contact Type : Operates By Touching Conductor Leads Onto
A Reader.
There Are Two Types of Contact Types Smart Card :
1. Straight Memory/Storage (Like Memory Card).
2. Microprocessor/Microcontroller Card.
Contactless : Operates Without Physical Contact to The
Reader.It Operates Using Radio Frequency.
Microprocessor/Microcontroller Cards Also Exist.
Thanks for Reading.. :)
2014-08-12 04:30:18
answer #2
answered by ? 2
A smart card also known as the chip card, or integrated circuit(s) card (ICC), is a pocket-sized card which has embedded integrated circuits. The two broad categories of ICCs are:
Memory cards: Contain only non-volatile memory storage components and perhaps some specific Security logic.
Microprocessor cards: Contain memory and microprocessor components
While a contact based smart card generally looks like a credit card and made of plastic, Contactless Smart cards are now available in various shapes and sizes. What makes a smart card ‘smart’ is the microchip. The microchip, which replaced the previously used magnetic stripe, allows for the storage and management of large amount of information. It also allows the performance of computing tasks through a microprocessor included in the chip. Thus the ICCs memory and processing power accommodates multiple application enabling flexibility and ease for the customer.
However please note that all chip cards do not contain a microprocessor. The credit card dimension card or smaller, e.g. the GSM SIM card, have tamper-resistant properties like secure crypto-processor, secure file system, human-readable features and is capable of providing security services e.g. confidentiality of information in the memory is not always true. Therefore not all chipcard are necessarily also smart cards.
These smart cards become active when they are inserted into a card-accepting device (CAD) like an smart card reader equipped teller machine. The CAD powers and connects the microprocessor to the computer system. For the ‘contact less’ cards you need to only sweep it close to the sensor reader that interacts with the microchip's magnetic field. These are mainly used in security and transport applications
2007-01-28 23:41:35
answer #3
answered by VPS 2
A smart card is a PC accessory. It's usually in the form a PC Card (about the dimensions of a credit card, but thicker). There are also smart cards which are more like USB thumb drives.
Large businesses and companies which have high-secrecy requirements (doctors, etc) use them to provide extra security. Usually, when someone wants to use a PC that has important stuff on it, they have to put in a user name and password. But with a smart card, they have to put in a user name and password AND have the smart card plugged into the computer.
So if a hacker manages to get into a computer system, and figures out how to get around the username/password combo, they still can't get on because they would need to have the smart card.
A weaker use of the smart card is to plug it into a computer and it will log the person on automatically.
2007-01-26 05:00:46
answer #4
answered by wax 3
I see that subject concerns look making waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. And the discomfort is wars, etc. So? possibly WW III? No i does no longer placed a card indoors the back of my hand or brow. Nor have a tattoo. because of the fact of certainty with the technologies of hand print & eye print to bypass with the bar code, then is likewise affirmation of identity & additionally loss of possibility-loose practices. precise now I see the U. S. heading for socialism & from there one between those communism & that's making way for a worldwide ruler that the U. S. will connect. yet i'm one that believes that the rapture will ensue first in the previous the falling away and in the previous the depraved one is outlined. 2Thes.2. yet together as the Mark of the Beast starts to be obtrusive in the previous the rapture, I nevertheless does no longer take something which may well be it. that's figuring out on the worldwide comprehend-how over the warnings of the LORD Jesus Christ to John in Revelation. people who take the mark & bow to the beast have not got their names indoors the e book of existence anymore. And yet yet one greater reason is for well being concerns & shifting to the interior suggestion base the region all our well being suggestion could be computerized. And a chip/mark that identity is shown with a scanning of the hand or eye. The beast could be a extensive computer who keeps each and all of the advice of a individual, with numbers putting out with a 666 code. resembling our SS & mailing zip code blended. 18 digits. 3X6=18.
2016-11-27 20:09:01
answer #5
answered by pariasca 4