I have met other Shar-pei owners and they have all said that the Shar-pei is prone to really bad odors. They are prone to yeast infections of both the ears and the skin along with an oily/greasy skin. Yeast infections really reek.
"Chinese Shar-Pei are prone to primary seborrhea (seborrhea oleosa). Symptoms include: yellow to yellow-brown scales, greasy coat and skin, itchy skin, skin infections and a rancid odor."
I Googled Shar-pei odor and got this:
A lot of excellent info in these sites. Good luck.
2007-01-25 21:41:38
answer #1
answered by doggzma 3
She may be a dog, but not even a dog deserves to get hit. If she's urinating on herself, it's probably because, you've made her afraid of you, from hitting her. Hitting an animal is cruel and abusive, and not the proper way to disipline a dog. That does not solve or help, anything. If you train your dog, the proper way, without involving abuse, then you should not have many behavioral problems. As far as the smell, it may be her anal glands. You can take her to the vet and have them expressed. Just because, you never had a problem, with your first puppy, doesn't mean anything. All puppies are different. Give her a break, she's still learning things. Training takes time and patience. How would you feel, if every time, you did something wrong, you got hit for it?
2007-01-26 03:51:23
answer #2
answered by Chihuahua Lover 5
Shar-Pei's can have an odor from bacteria forming within the wrinkled skin. If it is only happening after discipline, she could be getting a belly-ache from being upset. And you know what happends when we get belly-aches...
If it's her skin, you will have to be persistent in keeping her very clean. They need more care than most breeds because of their wrinkles. Although this is what makes them endearing, it can also be annoying too.
In regards to discipline, I have noticed that it is usually the noise and not physical contact that the animal responds too. Try smacking a rolled up newspaper on your hand next time she does something bad. You may not have to hit her at all to make her behave. Just something to try as I'm sure you feel bad after you smack her.
2007-01-26 03:22:25
answer #3
answered by Bexx 3
Dogs have glans at the anus. Of coarse I would not EVER recommend SPANKING her regardless if she's a dog or not. When you do this she is probably tensing up and and gets scared,those glands are being squeezed by her clenching her bum. These glands were used in the wild to send sent signals to others.
Try not to spank her, but still be authoritative. Use other means of non-aggressive discipline to correct her. And always praise her for the things she does right. After a while she'll see the difference.
2007-01-26 03:24:25
answer #4
answered by gord's360 3
Spanking a dog (and yelling at them, too) does not teach a dog "a lesson."
All it teaches them is to be afraid of their owners.
An overly afraid and anxious dog will begin exhibiting other behavioral problems and soon the smelliness will be the least of your problems.
So we'll look for your next question sometime later about why your dog is aggressive towards people, won't stop barking, pees in the house, refuses to move an inch when on-leash, and/or a littany of other problems.
2007-01-26 06:10:00
answer #5
answered by maxximumjoy 4
I think you scared her. If I were your puppy, after spanking I would poo all over your house! But dog's are too good. Poor thing.
Do you know that every puppy is different? They are also very smart, so you should try other kinds of discipline.
She's scared when you spank her, and probably gets the wrong message.
This link could be useful.
2007-01-26 03:56:23
answer #6
answered by Silvia N 3
Shar Pei dogs are very prone to skin problems. Take her to the vet.
2007-01-26 08:05:15
answer #7
answered by KathyS 7
It is her anal sac releasing fluid when she is afraid.
If you have to resort to physical violence, than you have just plain lost it..there is NO reason to discipline a dog with violence or harm of any kind. Just ask my dogs. They obey me because they trust and respect me, and not because they think I might do them harm.
There is not even any reason to raise your voice to a dog. They obey with a quiet, controlled voice much better than to screaming or yelling..
If you must resort to hitting, then you don't know the very simple basics of dog training..It is not an ignorant dog, but the owner.
The key to training is giving clear and concise commands, consistency, patience, and having realistic expectations.
Think about your favorite school teacher..were they the threatening ones, who couldn't get good control of the classroom? or the patient, calm teacher, who instilled confidence, respect, and gave you a good self image.?.
Who did you learn the most from?
( I also raised 23 foster children without yelling or hitting)
2007-01-26 03:35:06
answer #8
answered by Chetco 7
dogs do not spank each other- so this is not an appropriate measeure in dealing with your dog.. she does not understand what u are communicating to her... all she knows is that the people she trusts are inflicting pain on her.. SHAME ON YOU.... my guess would be that the spanking is extrememly frightening to her and her anal glands are spraying - which only happens under extreme fear or stress... YOU need to enroll in a obedience class in order to understand dog behavior, needs and training... god bless your dog.. and please do not resort to hitting your pet
2007-01-26 06:11:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well , you need to train her , a really good training course will be the sit-stay-fetch , http://sitstayfetch.deals-guide.com , it would help you with your dogs bad behavior , good luck with her
2007-01-28 14:40:56
answer #10
answered by Kristina A 3