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my hair is 60% grey on top and at temples- lighter salt and pepper everywhere else. ive been doing it my self with dark blonde but i dont like the 1 dimensionality and hate the white roots. is there a technique that would make roots less noticable?

2007-01-25 05:47:57 · 3 answers · asked by hawaiikaren2001 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

3 answers

Grey hair can only be effectively covered when the developer is 20 volume! I always recommend seeing a stylist for color techniques so they are done efficiently and correctly! You could always see a stylists have them give you an all over color and highlights to add some dimension (make sure they do this in one process instead of a double process, its less damaging this way)! There are also color shampoos available at salons to help maintain the tonality! I dont recommend over the counter hair color lines because I do not like their chemical makeup... Some are metallic which causes issues if you ever use a color remover or a permanent solution that is an alkaline compound (some perms and professional permanent color)! Permanent color is your best bet for your outgrowth if you dont want any grey visibility! I would pull a semi-permanent through the cold strand to renew color and even out porosity!

Wow I prefer cream color lines over gel but you can cover grey hair with gel color lines (redken) more than effectively when used with 20 volume!

2007-01-25 05:59:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I’m surprised I never thought of this analogy before. I was making lunch for the kids and talking to my mother on the phone at the same time, been there? When you can barely focus on what your doing and a great idea hit me, luckily this one I remembered. It’s a good thing I was making PB&J’s or this would have been lost.
See my mother was asking me color questions and of course I was getting too technical trying to explain the difference between translucent gel color and opaque cream based color. Peanut butter and jelly to me made prefect sense, think about how peanut butter looks after you spread it on a piece of bread, it covers it completely and you can’t see through it. It doesn’t have the shine like jelly does but it covered everything. Consequently jelly on bread covers the bread but through the shine and new tone it provides you can still see the bread itself.

So the bread has a new overall color even though you can still see through it, the bread it is covered. Right? Ok now apply that to color theory and Viola’ you can see how cream based color is like peanut butter and translucent gel color is like jelly.

Especially Great for grey coverage clients who want to wean out of flat peanut butter one demensionality type colors.

So I guess I'm saying swich to a translucent gel color it'll look great and won't grow out harsh either...
hope that helps...

2007-01-25 13:57:01 · answer #2 · answered by Geno The Colorist 3 · 0 1

there are touch up kits for roots only

2007-01-25 13:53:36 · answer #3 · answered by Vesna G 5 · 0 0

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