well... something is making it fall out... stress.. the way she styles it, products she's using...
tell her to sit down and think out of everything she's doing to her hair... start with the problem.
then she has to go to a trichologist [hair specialist] and get her hair treated... she can take the list with her too so the trichologist can see what she's doing [they ask u anywayz so it's easier to have it right there] and she can tell ur friend what she needs to do, what products to get etc
I started going to trichologist.. they're a lil more expensive but most things that are worth it are. She said for our hair type [african descent] Mazani and Optimum are good brands and to stay away from Panteen&Garnier& VO5, they're the worse
if she has extra money she can use pantogar. it's a safe pill you take once a 3times daily and withing 3mths your hair is thicker. it takes a while becuase hair grows in cycles
2007-01-25 05:17:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hi it depends on what is causing her to lose her hair. If its to do with heat styling or products then she will have to stop using them and condition well and massage her hair with a conditioning cream every day and massage the scalp as often as she can as this should stimiulate the blood causing the hair to grow. If her hair is falling out due to age then i dont think there is much you can do, there is tablets called Nourkin you can take, but if its just falling out in clumps then she might have alpecia i think its what you call it where your hair falls out and the only way she will know is if she visits the doctor.
My hair was falling out and going thin bacause of all the dying and straigtening my hair but when i stopped dying it and got a good conditioner then it got back in shape after a while.
I think afro hair is the driest types of hair and needs a special shampoo and conditioner i know you can buy it online. and i think Sallys sell if if you have a sallys near you. Maybe she could try this if she doesnt already and she may need to use a leave in conditioner also avon liquid leave in conditioner is brilliant. Dont worry if it doesnt make hair super soft the first time, the more you use it the more it will work with her hair. I been using tresemme shampoo and conditioner for dry and bittle hair as my hair isnt in much good condition it snaps off and has loads of dry and splitends from straigtening too much. And as long as i left the conditoner on for 3 mins it gets my hair lovely and soft and repairs the split ends and protects fromheat damage and other damage.
2007-01-25 17:04:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You dont mention if she has had any chemical treatments as these would cause hair to fall out if over processed. Afro hair has less water content then cocasion hair and so treatment is different. Also she may have alopecia caused by stress. Best to see a gp or a good afro stylist for more info
2007-01-25 13:15:58
answer #3
answered by Miss RoZy 4
This is a good guide with a step-by-step method to get your hair back http://hairagain.toptips.org
Male hair loss is the most common type of hair loss.It's caused by increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in certain parts of the scalp, and is passed on from generation to generation. There are many factors that can attribute to hair recession or massive hair fall. You can try to regain your full head of healthy hair by following natural methods: they are cheaper, they have no side effect and very often more effective than conventional one.
As said above an interesting guide you can follow to get your hair back and prevent future hair loss without dangerous chemicals and drugs, and without expensive supplements or painful hair transplants is available on this site: http://hairagain.toptips.org
2014-09-22 13:21:45
answer #4
answered by ? 2
Hi there,you stated that your friend is losing hair,is she losing large portions which is causing baldness?If so this could be a medical condition known as alopecia.The best suggestion I can make is that she go to her GP/doctor,who will provide her with further information.If it is alopecia he may put her onto minoxidil,which is a treatment for baldness/or thinning of hair.Also protein is a must have ,along with other 'hair vitamins' which can be found in 'perfectil capsules'(also good for skin and nails)As for her concern regarding conditioning.there are plenty of hot oil treatments available at stores/pharmacies.She could also consider a hair oil for everyday use which will have long lasting benefits and smells sweet too,I would recommend vatika,which comes in a variety of different aromas,for a variety of different problems.Hope this helps,regards roma
2007-01-25 13:27:46
answer #5
answered by babyk 2
i went through a similar phase after going blonde my hair is very wiry very curly , what i had to do was just stop washing it so often brush it only once every two days when washing not use shampoo or conditioner do not brush it when wet and definitely do not dye or perm it, go to salon get them to trim the dead ends once every 4 weeks, it will take a while mines still falling out but a lot less than it was also its thickness has come back(tell her not to stress herself out over it because stress will make it worse)
2007-01-29 05:23:39
answer #6
answered by 0000 3
No wonder she is upset, she will look terrible with a patchy baldy head, she could try a hat of some description, a wooly one would be sensible during this cold spell, when the summer comes she could swap it for a cooler summer hat.
She could try a wig, they come in lots of colours and styles, try www.worldof wigs.com or www.coverupyoubaldy.com
2007-01-25 13:14:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
when she uses a relaxer make sure that she use the same one every time she does her perm then tell her to put some supa grow hair grease in her hair and use vitamine E in her hair and pls dont use the curling iorn as much and kepp it braided a lot because it allows your hair to rest from chemicals an heat all the time i hope that this helps good luck
2007-01-25 13:13:18
answer #8
answered by Brandi S 4
this is a good remedy for alopecia (hair loss):
take a strong multi-vitmain+2 grams of Vitmain C & 2 grams zinc. there'll be zinc in the multi-vitmain but take the extra dose as instructed on the bottle until the hair begins to grow normally.
Also, check out this site, has really good info on herbal remedies, what to eat, vitamins etc & pracrical tips. Please type Hair loss & look thr' all results.
2007-01-25 16:04:48
answer #9
answered by glgl 5
You don't say how old she, or if she has a medical condition like diabetes or is on medication...but stressing out is a pigging thing for this as well.
Plenty of vitamin B2, minimal washing and treatments, but certainly see a doctor.
2007-01-25 13:12:17
answer #10
answered by trebs 5