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What do I say to FSS when I activate my VFR flight plan once airborne ?

2007-01-25 04:21:14 · 9 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

9 answers

Here's an example: After take-off and clearing the ATA (now Class D Airspace), change to whatever frequency is appropriate for the FSS covering your area (available in the AFD, or on your sectional). I'll be using my home base in the example: "Prescott (name of FSS) Radio, Twin Cessna 1718 Hotel on 122.6 Phoenix Remote." After they respond, I say "Twin Cessna 1718 Hotel, off Scottsdale (SDL) at 1234 (Zulu time) request you open my VFR flight plan to San Diego Lindberg." They will respond with "Twin Cessna 18 Hotel, flight plan opened. Phoenix altimeter 29.92."

One additional tip: Don't forget to close your flight plan when you reach your destination with the appropriate FSS, either via radio or, after landing, by telephone. If you're destination is served by a tower, the tower doesn't close VFR flight plans, and, even if you request that of them, they usually are too busy, or the request may be lost. You don't want a search effort launched while you're relaxing at home.

You're instructor may not tell you this, but here is a technique I often use, especially when going in to an uncontrolled field where there may be no land line, and no radio coverage on the ground to close your flight plan: when you are near enough the airport that you have no doubt that you can make the field, call FSS (on whatever frequency serves the area you are in), tell them you are "landing assured, please close my flight plan." Just don't do it until you really are assured of making the field (in case of engine failure, etc.), as no search effort will be mounted after you close the flight plan. This can also be useful when entering a busy metro area, going to a tower-controlled field, especially if you are in contact with approach control - they'll notice if you go down, especially if you radio a MayDay, and search/rescue efforts will start immediately. Thus, you can close a VFR flight plan when nearing the airport under ATC control - just use your judgment.

2007-01-25 07:27:42 · answer #1 · answered by 310Pilot 3 · 1 0

After you have been departed by the tower you can call FSS just like a any other call, once they respond you can tell them you are VFR from airport X to Y do they have any weather adviseries or whatever you would like to know..

Don't worry you will have atleast one panic attack.. all part of the game.

Ensure you have all your groundwork done!!!! flight plan, check points, frequencies.

Don't be afraid to let anybody know you are a student pilot on solo. Most professionals will slow it down a bit and work with you better!

Still remember my solo.... man was that a great thing!!!
Good luck and have fun

2007-01-25 04:34:11 · answer #2 · answered by shovelkicker 5 · 0 0

As the nation's radar coverage is enhanced, the VFR flight plan becomes less and less important. Most of the United States is under radar coverage, and flight following is 100 times more valuable than obsolete search and rescue services. Unless you are in a remote area, you should use the services of air traffic control and forget the flight plan.

That being said, many other have correctly answered your question of how to open your flight plan. My question is...don't you think your CFI might be a more reliable source than this fine Yahoo Answers community???

By the way...have a great flight!!

2007-01-25 17:58:12 · answer #3 · answered by sfsfan1 2 · 0 0

When you call them just state "______ Radio, (type of plane) (full tail number) listning on whatever station your on". When the come back, they should ask what they need just state "(full callsign) is off (departure airport) at (time of take off). Would you please activate my VFR flight plan to (arrival airport)." They will activate and confirm, then ask if you need anything else usually. Good luck.

2007-01-25 05:27:52 · answer #4 · answered by cbh12052000 2 · 0 0

You report the A/C tail#/Call sign. And request they activate the flight plan. No big deal.

2007-01-25 05:34:30 · answer #5 · answered by herkco 3 · 0 0

Good answer shovel but remember to tell them an abbreviated briefing.Close flight plan.Good Luck.

2007-01-25 13:52:51 · answer #6 · answered by thresher 7 · 0 0

I'm a student pilot In Egypt, I'll tell you a typical script of a flight from El-Arish airpot to Potsaid airport

Me: Arish Tower, sierra uniform- bravo india alpha good morning
Tower: SU-BIA good morning, go ahead
Me: IA request taxi to route portsaid
Tower: Taxi to and hold short of RW34 via alpha
Me: hold short RW34 via alpha, IA

I start taxing, and at the holding point

Me: IA request line up
Tower: IA line up approved rw34
Me: line up RW34, IA

after line up, on the RW

Me: IA, Ready for take off
Tower: IA, climb 1500 ft rw heading, wind 330 10 knots, cleared for take off, rw34.

Me: 1500 ft, rw heading, cleared for take off rw 34, IA.

after I take off and upon reaching 1500 ft

Tower: IA, contact radar on 125.05, good day
me: 125.05, good day

after changing to 125.05

Me: Arish radar, IA good day

Radar: IA, radar contact, cleared on course, climb and maitain FL 60, report 25 nm out..

Me: cleared on course, climb and maintai fl 60, and we'll report 25nm out, IA.

at 25 nm out

Me: radar, IA now 25nm outbound ARH vor.
radar: IA, contact portsaid on 120.7, report having 2way communication with portsaid.
me: contact portsaid, report 2way com., IA.

me:port said, SU-BIA good day.
portsaid: SU-BIA portsaid, good day, go ahead.
me:IA, now on radial 268, 25nm outbound ARH vor, maintaining fl60.
portsaid: IA, report overhead port said vor.
me: we'll report overhead, IA.

upon reacing overhead

me: portsaid, IA is now overhead
portsaid: IA, cleard for vor approch, rw 10, report when completely outbound.
me: vor rw10, report cmpletely outbound, IA.

when completly outbound

Me:IA, now completely outbound
portsaid: IA, continue approach
me: IA

2nm out

tower:IA, now in sight, cleared to land, rw10
me: cleared to land, rw10, IA.

after landing u may be switched to groung frequency.

the catch is that u have to always remember that on the other side or the mic is a human being, you can always ask his to "say again", you can even ask him to speak slowly, it's not a shame, no one will judge you, even the greatest pilots now had their "MIC FRIGHT", it's completely normal, whenever you're handed over from one frequency to another, all u have to do is state ur airplane call sign, and add a nice good morning or good after noon, they can already see you on the radar monitor, and where do you come from and where you're going if u filed a flight plan....ah, u may be asked to squak ident, which is pressing a little botton on the transponder called "IDENT", this makes your aiplane model on the rader screen blink, so it would stand out from the other planes in the airspace and the controller knows where u are, note: your actual airplane does not actually blink, just ur image on the radar...lol.

now go flying, have fun captain.

2007-01-25 06:06:56 · answer #7 · answered by Karim G 1 · 0 1

im not to sure the man abouth looks correct

however good luck !!!!

I hope to be in your possition when i am older


2007-01-25 04:42:07 · answer #8 · answered by thomaswheeler1991 2 · 0 0

"Please open my flightplan"

2007-01-25 05:49:18 · answer #9 · answered by lowflyer1 5 · 0 0

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