Yes. This will go on your credit report. It's a bad idea to not pay a bill! You should find some way to pay this bill. Work out some sort of payment arrangment, if possible. I am not sure how long it will take. It will depend on what their policies are. If you make a payment arrangment with them, keep it in good faith (means never missing a payment) it shouldn't go on your credit report. Your credit score will be compromised if you allow this to turn into a bad debt.
2007-01-24 15:22:24
answer #1
answered by Beth 6
I was told that Cingular does not report to the credit agencies.
They just send it to collections after about 2 months.
2007-01-25 00:56:59
answer #2
answered by Jamers 2
It will go on your report, and you may have a hard time getting loans or approval for contracts....such as future cell phones....and other services for at least 3 years AFTER you pay off the debt with them. Most of these companies would rather work out a payment plan with you than to go threw the hassle and expense of sending you to collections, so pay them what you owe them and save yourself some grief later.
2007-01-24 23:31:19
answer #3
answered by catywhumpass 5
Yes it will,It went on mine.It took about 5 months,they called my house and sent letters.They also charge late fees, bill was 345,now its up to 748.good luck
2007-01-24 23:25:23
answer #4
answered by jenn g 2