Yes I would.
2007-01-24 15:10:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
well guys are tricky, which you probly already know but most of the time they do have feelings for you and there hitting on you to sorda get a hint about the situation so if you have feelings for this person flirt with him and hit on him back to show that there is a connection, but if you don't have feelings for him then kinda cut him off short when hes hitting on you and he should get a hint. I hope this was a little bit helpfull to you...
2007-01-24 23:09:56
answer #2
answered by Sweetie 1
Depends on what kind of a guys he is. Some hit and never ask out. Some hit and ask out.
2007-01-24 23:05:17
answer #3
answered by Layne 6
It kind of depends on how he is hitting on you. I have had guys who have just been friendly, suddenly out of the blue ask me out, and honestly it was weird because I never saw it coming. When a guy totally puts himself out there with flirting, he is possibly going to ask you out if he gets a good signal from you. OR he is just a big flirt who likes a lot of girls giving him attention.
2007-01-24 23:06:12
answer #4
answered by kalea_kane 6
Yes hopefullty sooner so you won't get a lot of bruises from him hitting on you.
2007-01-24 23:07:33
answer #5
answered by Rocky 6
This comes from a little bit of experince and as much as I hate to say it guys are just afraid to be told no or be let down by some one they are intrested in. Maybe he is afraid you will say no.
If you think he is intrested and your intrested drop a hint for him.
or take the bold move and ask him's a 90's thing!
Don't listen to your friends find out for yourself!
2007-01-24 23:08:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If all he does is hit on you, but does not ask you out, he is:
a) Not sufficiently into you.
b) Not a gentleman.
Either way, you don't need him.
So chill (don't feel that you need to do anything beyond normal friendliness), and wait to see if he makes a proper move.
2007-01-24 23:06:24
answer #7
answered by cyclgrrl 3
out? like a date? not if he's "hitting on you" if he were interested in a DATE he probably would have asked already, he's probably hitting on you looking to see if you might be an easy score
2007-01-24 23:07:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well it he has been hitting on you for a long time and still have not asked you out my guess would be either he is afraid too or he is just ****** with you but I dont know you should try asking him out unless you dont want to go out with him.
2007-01-24 23:06:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It depends on how interested YOU seem in him TO him. Give him the signs if you don't want to tell him straight. Just don't give false signs like one of my past experiences had.
2007-01-24 23:05:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
if a guy is hitting on you then call the cops hitting is not goood for you
2007-01-24 23:09:14
answer #11
answered by wadeozzie 1