It may seem easier for you but it will be harder for her to say yes to you if you are in one or both of those states. Get some confidence and just ask her while you are yourself, because if she wants to go out with you then the original you is the one she is wanting to meet.
2007-01-24 14:48:58
answer #1
answered by doofynic 3
do not get high or drunk. that is a very dangerous thing to be doing. don't ever, evvvvvvvvvver do this. if you like this girl then just ask her out. it is not that big a deal and that is the only way you will ever know. no one is worth getting high or drunk over.
2007-01-24 14:50:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you get drunk, make sure you aren't so drunk that you slur your words making it hard to understand you. I think being drunk and asking a girl out is a wonderful way of dealing with rejection. Good Idea!!! I may try to this myself.
2007-01-24 14:49:38
answer #3
answered by Rocky 6
Having a drink or two in her company will certainly facilitate things both on your side and hers.
You'll feel less inhibited to ask and she'll feel less inhibited to accept.
All out drunk is not the solution. Getting high isn't recommended either.
2007-01-24 14:49:40
answer #4
answered by Limon 2
Dont get high or drunk you dumbass! That will make her only think that you are asking her becuase your high or drunk! Ask her out when you not one of those two. I for one woul NEVER go out with a guy that asked who was high or drunk!
2007-01-24 14:51:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Just ask her out and shut up about it. So what if she laughs in your face and tells you to die. There's other women. And if she hurts you too bad, then you can get drunk and stoned for the rest of your life and live under a bridge ashamed to show your face for fear of being ridiculed.
2007-01-24 14:50:43
answer #6
answered by onLine preDator 1
Your are thinking in a very wrong way man..
And i really Doubt that you Love her or want her..
See there is a big difference in both..
And you literally sounds like a hungry man..
Listen if you really love her then you just need to let her know this and you are done..
Cause the Power of love is that much that you even don't need to speak and you can express your all feelings..
So now chill and was out all this thoughts..
If you love her really then just feel that from inside and then see the Magic..
Don't abide her and ruin her life..
Anyways Best Luck and try to be Simple and Be What you are!!
Take Care..
2007-01-24 14:55:50
answer #7
answered by SirfMayuR.. 2
heavily chum boy, no stable can come out of your newly accompanied behaviors. those are great years of your existence and you mustn't waste them being below the effect of alcohol and severe all of the time. while she observed you she became probable disenchanted. She probable concept something different of you and you took her by skill of marvel. you will have exciting and belong without being wasted all of the time or working with that "crowd". in case you like her you need to get to comprehend her and refer to her. She's in a dating so which you need to communicate approximately friendship. the concentration must be on getting your self immediately nevertheless. it is "basically severe college" yet strikes now can make certain what you do later in existence. do no longer initiate your grownup existence at a deficit, you will remorseful approximately it later.
2016-11-27 00:24:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Oh- yes- being asked out by a high or drunk guy would make my day!!! NOT! Be your sober self- or don't. D
2007-01-24 14:49:34
answer #9
answered by Debby B 6
it would make it easier .. but the girl wouldn't take you seriously at all .. if you're having trouble telling her how you feel try talking to her on the phone or something first .. girls are usually scared too anyways just be brave and another thing.. girls aren't usually attracted to smokers.. drinkers aren't so bad .. but nobody likes kissing an ashtray
2007-01-24 14:49:51
answer #10
answered by valerieeeann 2