Great Question! I'm 45 and have kissed many *blush*. I thought I all the bad kissers and the good ones until this one guy...
1. be comfortable with your mouth (order, clean, etc)
2. lean in as much as he does.
3. soft and assuming
4. moist, not wet and dripping
5. don't worry about what the tongues are going, that will come.
6. allow time to breath, take your time!
7. gently touch the face and neck
Practice on your hand - actors do. Think of it like a dance, let it happen, relax and take turns letting him and you lead!
If you feel like its getting too intense and it's moving too fast, back off and take a breath.
Have fun. I hope it's a great memory for you.
2007-01-24 14:48:38
answer #1
answered by schmitty 3
yeah you will be fine, once you get the hang of it won't be scary anymore, there really is nothing to it, guys are just happy with what they get so if its not perfect the first time it doesn't matter. how about you let him kiss you first and follow his lead, don't slip the tounge in unless your confident start with some slightly parted lips and just kiss and if you feel more confident then put a little tounge not all the way. I hope that helped you out. Happy Kissing . Remember its funnnnnnnnnnnn.
2007-01-24 14:54:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
what i think you should do is to give him a kiss but not a french one. why? Because if you are scared or feel like you are not ready then when that french kiss comes aroud, it won't feel as romantic as you thought it would be. You can consider that first kiss like a practise kiss and then the french kiss will be even better.
Or what you could do is to ask him if he would kiss you. because it sound like he is holding back and doesn't know if you are ready for the kiss. maybe he looks like he wants a kiss or he is afriad that you are just not ready. if that is the case than tell him when you are ready and then that first kiss will be great.
2007-01-24 15:02:47
answer #3
answered by saul_dlrs 1
Don't worry at all, if you guys are into each other I am sure he will be so happy just to be kissing you and not paying attention to your technique. It's like getting a great present at Christmas time, if you're super excited about it you don't pay attention to the wrapping, right?
Just relax, wet your lips a little before the kiss, kiss softly (don't munch his face off) and relax your tongue. Oh! And make sure you're in a comfortable position.
Good luck! Hope it's awesome.
2007-01-24 14:50:34
answer #4
answered by Snow White 4
First of all, don't be nervous! Guys are scared as well and everyone kisses differently. Just try it out first. If you don't like it, tell him what you do like! Don't be scared about it at all! I told my boyfriend that he needed to be more in sync with me because he was always going too far. I just told him about it and he simply worked with me on it. Trust me it takes time but you will get the hang of it. I promise!!
2007-01-24 14:49:45
answer #5
answered by To Remain Anonymous 1
There's only one first kiss, so allow yourself to feel some butterflies; that's the fun part. If you feel actual fear, then don't do it until you are ready, or you find the right guy with whom to share a first kiss.
Kissing tips: keep soft lips, NO probing tongue, and do it slowly until you figure out what you're doing--even if he's trying to suck your face off.
Good luck. Hope it's sweet.
2007-01-24 14:53:27
answer #6
answered by Karibuboo 3
I had THE most serious crush on someone heartstoppingly gorg, and after avoiding him forever, I finally did what I had seen in some movie the night before, just as I was saying goodbye, I very slowly kissed him on one cheek, and than even more slowly kissed him on the other cheek, and then he slowly moved in to kiss me on the lips...! It works, try the above.. ( :
2016-03-29 01:14:44
answer #7
answered by ? 4
It's usually us guys who freak out when it comes to the kissing part. We have all the pressure, not you. Just relax and go with it. Follow his lead, but if you get too scared or uncomfortable, explain it carefully to him. If he likes you, he'll understand.
P.S. He was probably the one who chickened out.
2007-01-24 14:50:47
answer #8
answered by A dad & a teacher 5
You don't NEED to kiss anyone you know.. just do what feels right.
But if you really need help calming your nerves, try some powerful narcotics.
2007-01-24 14:48:11
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just do it, its a natural thing. God created us perfectly so that the kiss can come natural. Just don't bite, OMG you're going to bite, sorry for putting that thought in your head.
2007-01-24 14:58:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous