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well im asking a guy to a turn-about. and im new to this school, and every girl asks the guy in a really cute way. I know he'll say yes but I don't know how i should ask him, so any cute ideas would be nice (other than car polishing).

2007-01-24 14:41:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

well this is what I did... I got this box and put a bunch of the guys favorite candy in it and then I got a plain white t shirt and wrote in permantant marker at the top "will you go to (the dance's name ) with..." and then in all different colors write a million different names in washable marker and then yours in a colored permanant marker. Then have insructions on a piece of paper saying for him to wash the shirt and then call you with his answer. Its fun doing it too. I had so much fun. Good Luck!!

2007-01-24 14:47:28 · answer #1 · answered by suzie147 1 · 0 0

Well you should ask him before its to late. Um well i dont know about cute ideas for asking a guy to a dance. Maybe a lone rose with a note attached to it (on nice red paper) asking him.

2007-01-24 22:50:55 · answer #2 · answered by gotansas 3 · 0 0

I recently got asked to a similar dacne and I was asked like this: SHe cut open a tennis ball (my fav sport) and stuck a note inside and also handed me a bag of my fav cnady (dove choclates. the note siad that i should unwrap the doves and unscramble the letters and then give her my answer. what she did is she unwrapped each dove cholate and put one letter inside in the shape of a heart and then closed them all up and put them in a bag so when i unwrapped them it siad ________name of dance__?

2007-01-24 22:51:10 · answer #3 · answered by HEY 2 · 0 0

I think u should get pink balloons and draw lil piggy faces on them fill them with helium and put them in a box..then on the box say i will go to u when pigs can fly!!

2007-01-27 11:35:06 · answer #4 · answered by Kip D 1 · 0 0

Tell him that you would like to boost your popularity and would love to treat him to a night of bumming around and doing nothing but hanging out with him... he prolly already knows he's hot.
Just Have Fun! --and tell him that is what you wanna do.. have fun too.

2007-01-24 22:46:01 · answer #5 · answered by HA! HA! HA! 5 · 0 0

just ask him. dont make it fancy just ask him. good luck

2007-01-24 22:46:51 · answer #6 · answered by Joho 7 · 0 0

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