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well hes asked me out like...3 months ago..he still gives me hints he likes me.he did like me by the way...its just when he asked me out i couldn't hear him..long story, u probably wouldn't even believe it..if u asked out a girl 3 months ago in my case, would u ask that same girl out again, or move on??

2007-01-24 14:33:24 · 28 answers · asked by CurioslyPerfect 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

were both in 6th grade, and no i'm not too young, so don't tell me that...

2007-01-24 14:33:56 · update #1

28 answers

move on i hear big things are happing in the 8th grade

2007-01-24 14:43:14 · answer #1 · answered by Jeff B 3 · 0 0

I would say no. Mostly because if I had been ignored/rejected by one of my first crushes in 6th grade, I really would not want anything to do with that person because it would have made me feel like a fall back plan. The guy won't approach you because he would feel like he was second rate and desparate which are the last two things you want attached to your reputation in middle school. It is fine to flirt and joke casually but I would not ask this person unless their were huge reasons like some colossal break down of communication between the us. That is just me...
Are you really sure that you want to go through this? It is kinda early in the game for you anyways. You have the entirety of your high school career, not to mention the rest of your life, to flaunt your beauty, prowess and intelligence. Why start now when you know none of the rules of the game? There is a lot of heartache when you decide to attach yourself to somebody and it hurts especially the younger you start...

2007-01-24 22:47:58 · answer #2 · answered by thors13thhammer2 2 · 1 0

If you two are still close and hes still interested then dont worry about it. He's probably building up the nerves to ask again after his first failed attempt.

He's probably not even ready to start dating. Kids are trying to grow up way too fast nowadays. Relationships can be messy and end in heartbreak, your too young to really date anyway, just enjoy being friends and if your still close when your alittle older then you can start dating.

2007-01-24 22:45:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you are to young, just stay friends you got your whole life to date, why start that crap earlie, break ups only hurt real bad, focuse on better things, like school, friends, get boys off your mind, datting or going out only causes problems and drama. girl take it from some one older then you.... i know, but you probly wont, cuz when i was yoyr age i didn't, so hears some advice always follow your first feeling you have about a boy and make your desishions on that. good luck

2007-01-24 22:48:37 · answer #4 · answered by Sweetie 1 · 0 0

You'll look back at this and laugh. But anyways it sounds like the guy is shy and i don't think he knows what he is doing. Do you like this guy? I think a guy would ask a girl out again only if he liked the girl. It depends on the situation.

2007-01-24 22:42:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

3 months ago? Giiiirl get a new guy.. If he likes you, the he'll ask you. In the mean time, I'd find something else to do besides worry about a guy. 6th graders have better things to do.

2007-01-24 22:38:53 · answer #6 · answered by Love is Patient, Love is Kind ♥ 4 · 0 0

you're 11 and dating? Boy have times changed! I think you should start dating at 18. Where on earth would two 11 year olds go anyway? You can't drive, you don't have jobs or income you earned.

2007-01-24 22:40:59 · answer #7 · answered by sophieb 7 · 1 0

So you're all grown up and in the sixth grade. Then figure out your own problem. It should be easier when you really grow up and are in the 8th or 9th grade.

2007-01-24 22:42:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sweetheart you are 12 or maybe even 11.You think that you're not too young..... because you're young.You have a long way to go huni.
Enjoy your childhood.

2007-01-24 22:40:57 · answer #9 · answered by Bootsy 3 · 1 0

You could just tell him that you didn't think that your parents would let you date but now you think it's ok. I'm sure that he didn't stop wanting to date you. You can still answer yes...even though some time has passed :)

2007-01-24 22:40:48 · answer #10 · answered by Michelle M 4 · 0 0

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