Don't let her slap you around. Confront her and find out what the crazy HO is doing!!
2007-01-24 08:21:32
answer #1
answered by kmankman4321 4
If she's slapping you for no reason then something's wrong there...Anyway, confront her about it calmly if you really care about having any type of friendship or relationship with this girl. Otherwise, just let it go and move on. Also maybe try figuring out WHY she's acting like this. There HAS to be a reason...if not, then she's not worth it.
2007-01-24 16:24:15
answer #2
answered by coldasyou213 2
Try to avoid her. Conversation is a rational approach, but she is still on the irrational side, and might stay there as well. So if she is for some reasons important to you, wait calmly for the talk ...if not, ignore her completely forever.
2007-01-24 16:23:45
answer #3
answered by Vesna G 5
Usually people don't just slap other people for no reason...did you do something to provoke her? If she had no good reason to hurt you, I'd just try to avoid her. No one deserves to have to put up with a person like that.
2007-01-24 16:22:58
answer #4
answered by Katie 2
i think that u should ignore her...if u know that somebody likes u,u wont slap him or express ur hate to him coz u hurt him....if she did that,then shes a bad person and she doesnt worth anything(basically u!)you'd better move on and find another girl that respect ur feelings!!!muah****
2007-01-24 16:29:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
hmm.. was it an angry slap? or was it just a random slap? cuz if it was random i think she may have a crush on you. maybe try leaving her alone and see how she reacts. just be nice, say hi, and then ignore her.
2007-01-24 16:22:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
that's a very bad situation , i would ignore her then if she does not leave you alone then talk to her and if she is still being a B**** then tell some one that cares
2007-01-24 16:24:55
answer #7
answered by twilight is *#%*#!!!! XD 2
I would just ignore her and see what happens. If it continues then I would talk to her. But I think that if you ignore her you will truley find out how she feels about you.
2007-01-24 16:22:08
answer #8
answered by Candi 2
She slapped you?! Man you should stop her one day and tell her you wanna talk, then ask her why she hates you so much....see what she says then...thats the only way to stop this crap tho...talking
2007-01-24 16:22:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If she won't talk to you, try talking to her friends and see why she's so ill towards you. Or tell her friends that you want to talk to her. Or even, write a note and give it to her so she can find out how you feel.
2007-01-24 16:23:52
answer #10
answered by CTargrl 5