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For the past month she hasn't wanted to have sexual relations (not sex) with me because she said she doesn't like sneeking around behing her moms back and not truthful. Shes 18 i'm 19. How can I tell her that that's normal and she can't always be truthful about these things. But in a nice way! Help please. She wants me to comfort her and bring a new perspective to it. I don't know what to say! I don't force her into anything, I respect her decision, but she wants me to comfort her and said it's normal. I just don't know what to say! any help!

2007-01-24 06:00:34 · 5 answers · asked by grinter87 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

people are getting things confused, she wants me to assure her it's normal. SHE is asking ME to TELL her it's normal!

2007-01-24 06:10:11 · update #1

I met her parents on our first date, I have seen her parents atleast 3 times everyweek for the past 8 months and her family likes me. I respect her and don't want to push her to do anything.

2007-01-24 06:11:48 · update #2

5 answers

just do it and i bet she'll really like you even more but take it slow

2007-01-24 06:04:22 · answer #1 · answered by emmamcdw11 2 · 0 0

aham... well i think u should stop telling her its normal... hiding it from her parents is not so good and also doesnt make her feel good as u can see.. the best thing would be to tell her to take u over the house and meet ur parents... be nice to them and make them trust u .. she doesnt have to tell them u r having further relationship if she doesnt want because im sure her parents will realise.. just meet them and i think this would make her feel better..( that is if u dont know them already) u should tell her that she doesnt have to do it if she doesnt want to and that u respect her.. it would also help if u tell her that she could try telling her mum about this.. shes 18 i dont think they will have a problem especially if they know she has a bf.. always be honest cz its the best..

2007-01-24 06:08:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that's no longer approximately her, it extremely is approximately you. you are trying to hurry issues and whether she DOES subject approximately sneaking round her mom, she's nonetheless attempting to get you to returned off. in assessment to adult males, females won't be able to turn their want on like a water faucet. It takes time and a point of convenience that she's for sure no longer feeling. merely stay a candy boyfriend and he or she'll soften... whilst she's waiting!

2016-11-26 23:26:46 · answer #3 · answered by wilczynski 4 · 0 0

You are encouraging her to go against her family? The people that have raised her, taken care of her, supported her alot longer than she's known you?

You should be supportive of her and proving to her family that you are respectable. Instead you are going against them behind their backs.

They are right to not want her with you. She needs a real man who can live up to responsibility and knows how much family means.

2007-01-24 06:06:38 · answer #4 · answered by janicajayne 7 · 0 0

What a jerk you are. Is sex really that important? Can't you just wait until she's ready, maybe she just doesn't want to yet. Give her a break, move at her pace, or move on. You horny little boy

2007-01-24 06:30:35 · answer #5 · answered by Therious 3 · 0 0

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