Yes. My ex-husband cheated with the woman who's now his wife.
My revenge: I didn't fight him during the divorce. I let him leave without hindering the process. Now she's married to him. If she's having nearly the difficulties with him that I did... that's revenge enough. LOL
Yet on another level, I honestly hope they're happily married. That means there's hope for the rest of us... especially the boyfriend who loves me and changed my life. *smile*
2007-01-24 05:58:32
answer #1
answered by hbond2000 2
No I have not, BUT I cheated on an ex-girlfriend and she then cheated on me out of revenge. I have to say that it was like a taste of my own medicine, it hurt me a lot and we ended up breaking up, and since then I have learned my lesson and I will NEVER cheat again.
2007-01-24 05:52:56
answer #2
answered by Specter 3
Yes I was cheated on by my now ex-husband. We were married for 10 years and had two beautiful daughters. He met a woman at work.. She left her husband, and he left me.
They ended up getting married...
The best revenge I could have ever gotten is this.. They are completely miserable now, they have both had health problems, and my ex-husband is now a angry, bald little man. And my life is better than it has ever been. I am happy, healthy, in love and have all of my hair.
2007-01-24 05:56:26
answer #3
answered by Aunt Henny Penny 5
Yes, and here's what I did. I took him back...played mind games with him for about 6 mo's (had to make sure it will last a life time! ) Then at my friends bachlorette party I had a one night stand and the next morning I went home and had sex with him without taking a shower.
I told him 2 weeks before X-mas on his dad's death anniversy. The kicker is the next morning after I told him (we got into a huge aguement) we got a call from his mom...his step bro died in a DUI accident.
Wow, now that's just karma there.....but he did something worst to me than just cheating for the record. After he cheated he became abusive b/c he thought (which I wasn't) was cheating on him b/c of the guilt I suppose. Whatever...he totally deserved everything he got and yes it made me feel a Million times better!!! :)
2007-01-24 05:55:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Never been cheated on, but I have gotten revenge on people before. It wasn't as sweet as some people think it is.
2007-01-24 05:50:04
answer #5
answered by quatrapiller 6
cheated on?? i think so... no proof... would i take revenge even if i knew for sure... no!!
the fact is that no revenge will take the hurt away. the sweetest revenge will be to build myself in status, stature, etc. and move on with my life, have a happy and fulfilled life....
2007-01-24 05:58:16
answer #6
answered by stacy 4
Yes - but I did nothing on the revenge angle - I forgave him the first time and then the second time and as far as I know he stopped!@~
2007-01-24 05:56:49
answer #7
answered by nswblue 6
cheated on, yes...revenge, no......its not good to get revenge on someone who has cheated, why would you? how would that make you feel?
2007-01-24 05:50:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
revenge may not be the most suitable thing to do,but it does give immediate satisfaction and release.I tied to embarrass them in with their peers,for in knowing someone you really get to know them in a way that no other does,so you can usually dig up some dirt for those just in cases.
2007-01-24 05:51:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
revenge is something that feels good only for a little while, but afterwards its back to just being plain pain!
2007-01-24 05:51:13
answer #10
answered by wantstoknow 4