Yes you can get a loan as long as you have a decent credit score and enough income to make the payments. However, be careful on where you buy the vehicle as a lot of dealerships will take advantage of your situation. Do your homework before you buy. Know your credit score, talk with your bank about taking the loan (don't use the dealers if at all possible), know what the car is valued at.
2007-01-24 06:30:32
answer #1
answered by stingray41042 3
2016-09-26 10:13:29
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Why could you not?
Disability (or even your ability to drive !) should have nothing to do with your ability to repay a loan.
If you have a decent credit rating
If you can establish a reliable source of income or assets to repay the lender
If you can agree on the terms and rates of the loan...
You will get a loan... its that simple.
Good luck
2007-01-24 05:26:39
answer #3
answered by ca_surveyor 7
All banks differ in policies.. but eventually it's up to your CREDIT RATING. If you don't have an income, they will accept a line of equity on your home or property as a guarantee.
2007-01-24 05:26:58
answer #4
answered by rob1963man 5
when i was getting my car, i used this site to get quotes on a car loan. i think it's a great site, check it out (it's free too)!
2007-01-24 06:18:10
answer #5
answered by bad t 1