I think that it is hard or almost impossible to find someone that does not have emotional baggage. We are all destroying each other and leaving pieces everywhere. Its hard to trust anyone and its hard for many to be trusted.... I think we are all screwed up to be honest with ya. I also think that whether you have hurt or been hurt, there is someone for everyone.
Good Luck :-)
2007-01-24 05:12:26
answer #1
answered by dirt racer 1
Relationships have always been difficult but they may appear more so today due to a number of reasons. One being that a lot of people are not willing to try and work through the tough times that come with all relationships and so give up to easily. It has become a very disposable society and lots of folks are willing to view relationships this way also. In my opinion the growth of the Internet obviously has had an impact on people being faithful also and so makes relationships more difficult. Saddest fact though is that relationships are viewed as temporary a lot of the time and some people actually only stay in a relationship until someone or something better comes along.
2007-01-24 05:06:06
answer #2
answered by crazylegs 7
Cos we live in a world where we expect everything to go our way all of the time at no cost. In the olden days ppl understood that things didn't always work like that and were generally happy with their lot.
Nowadays we are told that we should respect ourselves and that we're all special. Essentially this just makes us selfish, we don't make an effort to see other ppls point of view and just expect things to work for us without putting in any effort.
If we all learnt to take the rough with smooth, put ourselves in other ppls shoes, make a few concessions and just basically not be so selfish then there would be far less divorce and many more happy relationships.
Problem solved - Good question tho.
2007-01-24 05:27:23
answer #3
answered by Genetically Modified 2
people have lost the sense of be happy with what you have.
do you blame them look at what the media shows us everyday. Doesnt matter if it is based on what money can get you, or look at all the visions of people doesnt matter if it is a billboard or on tv ect, the people are mostly beutifull and well figuered come on thats not reality. most people do not stack up to that.
Our society has a mentallity of get use throw out get another one, instead of fix what we have first.
relationship whats the difference. instead of really trying to make the relationship work, alot of people will turn away from the problem and find some one else.
Also today there is so much stress put on us. having to have two incomes to meet the bills. where is the time for family. with the work week going 24/7 how many people can coinicide there time off with their signifigant other.
the biggest stress on us is finainces gee whiz with the prices out there for what ever compared to incomes and the government takes their unfareshare. what is left over for disposable income.not much if any.
i also think that people dont care as much as they used to so our morals have dropped. where is the respect today, or the considerstion. I have also noticed that people arnt really happy. Just take look around. One day i counted how many people where smiling wasnt to many compared to people who werent.
and consider this people were not actually made to be monogunus if you get down to our primal level. Its our morals and concience that would only keep us monogunus. throw our morals and concience out and what do you have. Hence our morals and concience has dropped as a society so it is so accepted to throw the old out and get a new one.
2007-01-24 06:13:29
answer #4
answered by jhdjkhblpk;mvhyf nbjhghbmnbjgb 3
because everyone around is trying to play games and every one just shows their ''Sunday best'' side initially,hence the deception.
the facade breaks in time and you see the real person which you might not like as much !
2007-01-24 05:40:32
answer #5
answered by spin spin sunshine 4
Down to the way we live today. Pressure, money worries, in general times have taken a downward spiral.
2007-01-24 05:02:18
answer #6
answered by breedgemh_101 5
Women not acting lady like and men not acting like gentlemen.
All leading to lack of respect, consideration, patience, understanding and loving.
2007-01-24 05:30:35
answer #7
answered by smiler 1
Because in the "good old days" we mated for life. Now we don't. If you don't know any different from the one you've got, you're not gonna yearn for more are you?
2007-01-24 05:27:16
answer #8
answered by Away With The Fairies 7
Some people don't want committment. They just want to do whatever they want to do and not have anyone to answer to. It takes 2 special people in order to want the same thing and make it work.
2007-01-24 05:03:42
answer #9
answered by Lace 4
Because everybody is looking for perfection & perfection doesnt exist.
It doesnt matter how many times u tell yourself this too cos we are all guilty of it at some point in our lives.
2007-01-24 05:02:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous