Its not lame that you met someone online, but you are wasting your time having feelings for someone that has a girlfriend!
2007-01-24 04:21:04
answer #1
answered by chizzylene 4
He has a Girlfriend & she probably doesnt know about you, so what does that tell you about the character of this person? Also how do you know he was staring at you? He could have been looking at a million other girls while online what makes you think you are the only one? & I am not trying to say you ain't all that, I am just saying why do you trust somebody you dont even know? what if she is his wife & not his girlfriend what if he has kids? What if he tells a million other females the same things he tells you? Men are, well Men & they will always go for things that are a challenge & his mind he is probably thinking okay I gotta girl I shouldnt be talking to this one right here but what if I can have them both & get away with it? How awsome would that be for his ego??? & What exactly do you gain out of that? Certainly not his respect...You are better then that why dont you deal with single real life men, cause charma is a ***** & it will come back arround, wouldnt it be a shame if you had a man of 4 years & he would sit on a web cam flirting with sombody while you are sound and sleep in your bed thinking how everything is just fine?
I hope you leave him alone!
2007-01-24 04:25:22
answer #2
answered by $D*Da*Spoild*1$ 3
Sounda like you are alittle slow and this guy is probably a lot weird.
You might think it's cool that you have so much in common, but how hard is it for someone to make that stuff up, especially when they are not looking you in the face? Go find someone who doesn't stare at you for three hours and that you actually know, you can't have feeling for someone that you have never spent time with. You don't even know him. Move on now and stop with the internet boyfriend search, it can lead to more trouble than good.
2007-01-24 04:22:59
answer #3
answered by answerman 4
I met my fiance on the internet, but we were BOTH single. However if this person already has a girlfriend it is never right. Remember that if he would cheat on her, he would cheat on you.
I know you're not cheating,at least not yet.... but it still is wrong. Staring at each other on a webcam is pretty strang sounding.
He needs to break up with her first. If he is not sure that he wants to, that means he either "wants his cake and to eat it too", or he is unsure about you.
I know it's hard to beleive,because love is blind, but try to look at this situation form the point of view of an outsider, and maybe you will get a clearer picture of how things really are.
2007-01-24 10:02:54
answer #4
answered by Cuppycake♥ 6
Actually it's not that it's lame... plenty of people mett other people online. What worries me is that he has a girlfriend. That means that he doesn't think of it the same way you do, and he doesn't have feelings for you, or worse, he's cheating on his girlfriend. Either way I would try bringing it up and seeing if he feels the same way or if you're reading too much into it.
In the meantime, try to (if you're not already) meet guys in real life that you can have a deeper connection with. You can learn more about a person in 5 minutes of live conversation than in hours of IMing and Webcam-ing, at least in my opinion. Nothing beats the real thing.
Good luck!
2007-01-24 04:22:34
answer #5
answered by Effraye 3
I can honestly say I haven't had it happen to me- but a few people I know met people this way- one even went so far as to leave her husband, move to the state where this guy lived, and decided it wasn't what she wanted and came back here-but her husband told her to kiss off (can you blame him) But then there is another woman I know who is now engaged to someone she met on the net she lives in NE and him NY!! But I don't see this working either cause she is almost 30 and he is only 21!!!!
2007-01-24 04:23:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
here's my take on it. If it was me, and I started to feel conflicted about it I would quit immediately...I guess it's fine to have a little fun, but I think it's most important to go out and interact with real people, I'm not saying he is not real, but he is definitely not available, he's in a relationship, he is not asking for you guys to meet, why bother? I'm not putting down the internet as a way to meet people, I know couples who met on line and are happily married, but they only used the net as a way to meet and then they actually worked at the relationship, they made it happen and they committed, so there...I hope I was able to help.
2007-01-24 04:25:07
answer #7
answered by cookiesandwine 2
yes many people go trough this everyday many girls and guys loose their partner to the internet maybe the guy that you met online has go ten ired of the girl that he is with because 4 years is a really long time for teens. you might feel desire for this guy is maybe because he is far way and you know that you can have him by your side and you like him maybe because of the sweet talks that you have with him. well this is normal.
2007-01-24 04:27:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because you've only had limited social interaction, you've both constructed an ideal partner in your heads, using the limited information about each other that you have as a loose frame. It's not real. Turn off the monitor, and get out and meet someone you can get to know properly (you never know, they might even be single).
2007-01-24 04:21:09
answer #9
answered by future_man_uk 2
.......You STARED at each other for 3 hours? either your 13 or both of you are of the stalking/psychological problem persuasion.. This is a weird thing. I dont even have an answer for that other than if you know he has a girlfreind and your encouraging it then your not a very nice girl for encouraging it.
2007-01-24 04:21:56
answer #10
answered by chcknbizkit 2