Okay well the reason for me asking is well of course, I don't have any health insurance and 2, I've had this one bruise looking thing on my left calf since Sept 2006, and hasn't gone away. It's about 2 inches around, but it doesn't hurt, scratch or anything. It's not even yellow anymore, just little red & brown dots. It's just there. But I don't rememeber hurting myself to get this. Now since this time, I've gotten smaller forms of these bruises all up and down my legs, and now there's some on my arms. I'm not quite sure if this is a "burise" or what I should do to make them go away. It's been 4 months~! I work at a hospital and asked a nurse for advice and she wasn't even sure what it is. Help~?!
2 answers
asked by
➔ Diseases & Conditions
➔ Skin Conditions
I work at a hospital Part-Time as a switchboard girl, they don't offer insurance to part-timers.
04:02:08 ·
update #1