I always thought girls were just naturally romantic? I have been dating this girl for over 6 months. We love each other but I am always doing the "little" romantic things for her, like flowers, writing a llove letter, surprising her with phone calls sayin I miss her and love her, etc. BUT, I rarely get any in return,,she does always say how much she loves me,,, but I need a little romance too!! What can I do?
14 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
people are different!
myself is the same. I am quite shy, and don't know how to express my feeling. But I feel a lot, also touched by the nice things the guy told me.
My suggestion is, don't ask your girl to be the same as you. She loves you in deep heart, that is more than one hundred words.
2007-01-23 23:52:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would just talk to her. Say something like "I would love for you to write me a poem", or just "I really like surprises too".
It could be that she just doesn't know that she should do this, not that she doesn't want too. It is customary for the man to "woo" the girl and, if you think about it, flowers and many of the general things that are considered romantic are very feminine.
I consider romance anything that shows extra thoughtfulness and going out of the way to make someone feel special. Are you sure she isn't doing this? Examples would be bringing you a baked good or a fruit for lunch, helping you with your studies or chore like activities, showing up at your sports event, buying you a little trinket at the store, sending an ecard, etc.
2007-01-24 08:18:12
answer #2
answered by Contessa 4
If u love someone, do not expect too much in return. Love a person for who they are and dun change them or u risk losing them. You did all that from ur heart that doesn't mean she has to do all that for u...as long as she said she love u and meant it, dun keep asking for more. Don't pick a fight cos of little things...u can talk to her and see what she says.
2007-01-24 07:45:47
answer #3
answered by DooGie 3
be open and honest with her. Believe me, I've been married 8 years and my husband reminds me all the time. I know, perhaps both of you make a list of 5 things that you would like the other person to do and swap papers. We did that and we also gave a time limit of 3 months. Good luck!
2007-01-24 07:46:30
answer #4
answered by Jerry S 2
seems like you are very calculation and want tit for tat. Why are you going around thinking: I did this and that and she did not reciprocate?
Being in love means loving doing these small things, not doing them, waiting for some return. If you do not like doing them, without any returns, and pressing yourself into it, just to be "romantic", stop doing it.
If you do like doing them, what is your complain? You are doing what you find pleasant, and should get satisfaction from the act of doing.
2007-01-24 07:45:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well as a girl i'd have to say i'm not very romantic.. i can't really do those cutesy pet names.. terms of endearment.. bah.. i always feel so fake and phoney and wierd for doing it..
so i don't :D
but i do occasionly drop off my bf treats on my lunch.. an energy drink or something just so he knows i think of him :) i don't always but if i have the time i will
2007-01-24 07:46:53
answer #6
answered by steph 6
'Date a few others to see if they are more attentive in Little ways. It is obviously important to you, and indicates a person who can think outside herself. YOUR GF does not think much outside herself. Could be she is awkward about these things. You could ask why she doesn't. I think the reason is that she doesn't know she is supposed to., That indicates a shallow person, very immature, who cannot give, because even pet owners learn to give. Perhaps she is self absorbed.
2007-01-24 07:48:29
answer #7
answered by Legandivori 7
Walking the walk is not sufficient; she must walk the walk. Nothing is as bad as being with a cold fish.
2007-01-24 07:45:19
answer #8
answered by Anthony F 6
All you can do is tell her about your wants. and if she does not respond in the way that you would like, maybe she just isn't the right one for you now.
2007-01-24 07:47:27
answer #9
answered by David K 3
hmm thats weird.. usually girls have that problem with guys not the other way around
2007-01-24 07:45:57
answer #10
answered by Panda Baby 3