It's not weird, but it likely won't matter. It might make him feel good to give you things or do things for you that you can't afford yourself. Let him know of your concerns, but don't make it more than that until/unless it actually becomes an issue.
2007-01-23 21:13:06
answer #1
answered by gelfling 7
I once dumped a guy that owned a huge yacht and had lots of money because it seemed like I was one of his prizes, or possesions. Your case seems to be the opposite, like he is the prince that loves and admires you, talks with you and lets you into his family......let him do this, he would not let you meet his family or make known to you how much he has to offer if he didn't mean it. I am glad for you, so don't be intimidated by money from his family, think of him as how you met him, a fun time and a great relationship. Money, or lack of, adds stress to any relationship, so just be real with him and love him for who you met him to be.
2007-01-23 21:14:48
answer #2
answered by kaliroadrager 5
If you enjoy this person's company, don't even think about that stuff. Some wealthy people like to date people who aren't spoiled with a lot of money, then they can have the pleasure of introducing someone to new experiences. It's exciting for them. You and this person were put in each other's path for a reason. If not for love, other benefits. For one, hanging out with him will help you realize that we're all the same. We're human. Your experience with him will help you to be more comfortable in the presence of wealthy people. Being with him will help you realize that money doesn't make a person. Heart and soul, energy makes a person.
2007-01-23 21:21:23
answer #3
answered by itry007 4
if he knows u dont make much money but still wants u, then luck u,anyway who says the rich 4 the rich & the less rich 4 the less rich.have fun while it lasts the way every one wants to hang around with pepo who have the confidence.
2007-01-23 21:16:54
answer #4
answered by lady x 3
It could be that he is just using you to gt off his jollies and then again it might not. If I were you I would be very, very, very careful with this one. Why didn't he tell you he was in law school. You said you "found" out. Tell him you would like to meet his family and see how they accept you. Be very careful, with this one.
2007-01-23 21:12:44
answer #5
answered by Anthony F 6
Would you rather go out with a man who has no job at all? I didn't think so. You chose him, he chose you, where's the money in that? Embrace him and forget about his monies and all.
2007-01-23 21:12:17
answer #6
answered by stiletto 3
nah its not weird, my ex boyfriend had a lot of money... didnt feel comfortable around him. but he was snotty. he thought he was the best.. soo... if you love this man... and he makes you smile... thats all that matters!
2007-01-23 21:32:58
answer #7
answered by answer! this 3
hmmmm..... a female that isn't intimidated by money?? that's a first... maybe you should see a doctor and make sure you're not sick..
2007-01-23 21:11:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous