well depending on what your trying to achieve im not sure your question didnt say if your trying to gain muscle mass or lose weight or ???? so ill hit the basics.
Muscle mass:
You will need to examine your diet closely. are you eating enough to build up your weight so you can build muscle mass??? are you eating the right foods to much junk and not enough nutrition and you won't gain anything. GNC or bodybuilding.com has proteins and supplements you can take to help boost your workouts. taking whey protein or any type of body building protein will help. You also need to be strength training with weights and cardio. if all your doing is running on the tread your not going to be seeing much of a "rip" or weight gain. of if you stay with the same weight week after week isn't going to do anything either a gradual increase of weight will help with building muscle mass. talk to a personal trainer at the gym and they can tell you what exercises you need to be doing to build up muscle or get that ripped look:
Weight loss:
No sodas, tea, too many juices, alcohol. no more fast food period and you can't work out for an hour and then snack all day on chips and high fatty foods and then sit on your butt the rest of the day. Cardio and light weight training will help with the weight loss. Eating healthier portions of food and less carbs and junk food will help. three meals a day with a light snack is the middle of meals is ok. Atkins and south beach work that is until you start eating the carbs and meat you’ve been avoiding. its best to just eat in moderation and eat filling foods. Also make sure your target heart reight is 140 any less and your not doing anything to burn off the fat.
also drink lots and lots and lots of water 8 full glasses a day is recommended or a gallon of water a day. this will keep you hydrated and you won't be as sore the next day after your work out. if you go to a local gym as the people around what they do to pump up or lose weight. most are willing to help you out or point you to the right person or direction.
hope that helps :-)
2007-01-23 19:41:14
answer #1
answered by athena9980 2
Maybe, you're not doing it right. You have to do some cardio first, reach your heartbeat level, and then lift some weights, and then cool off (stretch).
Also, watch your diet too. You can't see result just by going to the gym, or dieting alone, it goes together. Try avoiding carbohydrates, and introduce more proteins on your diet. Eat lots of fresh fruits, and if you can avoid meat, replace it with fish, and also, eat lots of vegetables, they are a good source of fiber, which can help eliminate toxins in your body, thus helps in reducing weight.
If you want, you can hire a personal trainer. That way, you can see results in as early as one month. But of course, you will still be following a diet plan.
Good luck.
2007-01-23 19:32:47
answer #2
answered by jocjac 2
Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span. No food or drink in between the food and not more than three meals a day, unless u r diabetic. Please keep proper record of ur vital measurements.
2007-01-23 21:25:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The problem is most likely your diet- also, if you're not challenging yourself enough in the gym, nothing will change. But frankly, it all comes down to the diet. You're eating wrong.
2007-01-23 19:23:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Stop drinking sodas, snack on carrots instead of sweets, eat more fruit, drink lots of water. That might help.
2007-01-23 19:27:40
answer #5
answered by Chris 4
its most likely because of your nutrition and your workout program.
I just found this site today that I am refering ALL of my clients to.
It gives you access to over 43 workout websites. I think there is over 1000 total workouts in there. http://www.freeworkoutpass.com
2007-01-23 19:41:14
answer #6
answered by In Better Shape Now! 2