By getting back, I assume that these activities were a habit before. You would of course be sore at first, may get a little fatigued, and maybe frustrated, but you have nothing but good to gain from it.
So what if you sit for 8 hours a day at work, you will sleep better in the 8 hours that you do get, and you will have a better way to spend your remaining time about the house.
You will also increase you energy level as well as improve your overall health. What's to loose? You obviously have the time and the desire, why not?
2007-01-23 19:25:25
answer #1
answered by konstipashen 5
You will be sore at first, but your body will get used to it and then you will be able to do more.
I think if you maintain a regular workout routine, say 3-6 times a week for an hour+, that you will find the rest of your time around the house will become more 'proactive' and when you sleep you will sleep well.
While you are sitting for 8 hours you can work on your posture, sit up straight, exhale while you tighten your abs, shoulders down. Also make excuses to get up or stand up and stretch. When you go to work park as far away (that is still safe if it is dark outside) as you can so you are forced to walk a little more than usual. Also, take a brisk walk after a light lunch. It will fight the sleepy feelings you can get from being at work all day.
2007-01-24 03:24:44
answer #2
answered by Kat 5
Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span. No food or drink in between the food and not more than three meals a day, unless u r diabetic. One shud not start off on a marathon race w/o adequate preparation over time.
2007-01-24 05:26:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
all your muscles will hurt for a while when you begin, why dont you add a little at a time. start out with one pound weights and just do some brisk walking with those in your hands. it will help your health and longevity and keep your blood pressure down and weight too, and it often helps if you have stress at work or at home, since exercise is the best way to deal with stress.
2007-01-24 03:14:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
try to plan your timetable for exercise and go slow with it and get things moving and finally you could not loose it, because you have cultivate it as a habit. may be get start off follow a video exercise for 30mins in the early morning and before sleep.
2007-01-24 03:18:43
answer #5
answered by douglas t 2
. Take a break from your desk and do a few jumping jacks and stretch those muscles. Flexiblity is the key to Longevity.
2007-01-24 03:23:25
answer #6
answered by ? 1
your probably going to be sore at first but you'll get used to all the training over time
2007-01-24 03:12:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
stick to a workout thats good for you, add a sensible diet, and you'll see results in no time. good luck!
2007-01-24 03:12:34
answer #8
answered by superyduperymommy 5