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2007-01-23 19:06:42 · 5 answers · asked by sahejan s 1 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

5 answers


visit this site you may get some idea......

2007-01-24 03:44:54 · answer #1 · answered by afk 3 · 0 0

Four different systems help guide a missile to its target:

IGS - Inertial Guidance System
Tercom - Terrain Contour Matching
GPS - Global Positioning System
DSMAC - Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation

The IGS is a standard acceleration-based system that can roughly keep track of where the missile is located based on the accelerations it detects in the missile's motion (click here for a good introduction). Tercom uses an on-board 3-D database of the terrain the missile will be flying over. The Tercom system "sees" the terrain it is flying over using its radar system and matches this to the 3-D map stored in memory. The Tercom system is responsible for a cruise missile's ability to "hug the ground" during flight. The GPS system uses the military's network of GPS satellites and an onboard GPS receiver to detect its position with very high accuracy.
Once it is close to the target, the missile switches to a "terminal guidance system" to choose the point of impact. The point of impact could be pre-programmed by the GPS or Tercom system. The DSMAC system uses a camera and an image correlator to find the target, and is especially useful if the target is moving. A cruise missile can also be equipped with thermal imaging or illumination sensors (as used in smart bombs).

2007-01-24 06:57:47 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin 5 · 0 0

a missile basically has 2 parts, first is the thrust part, where u get the thrust . it is accompolished by rockets or turbines.

2) is the war head which is in the front.

earlier gyroscopes were used to control the rocket to hit a particular location.
now a days its by GPS , infra red, radar etc.

2007-01-24 05:40:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

missile works on newton's3rd law of motion here action is mass rate flow of fuel;hence create an action(force) which create equal reaction ie upward acceleration of missile;
in war missile motion is createdb by spark at fuel ;this may be by mechanichal or electrical sparking;according yo range require ment & mass of explossivetobe carried amount of fuel is given to
missile ;

explossive material also requires spark to
explose near targate ; this is done by basically electronics senor ckt ; SNSOR:- AGAIN THIS SENSOR MAY BE toch sensor, programmed ckt processed by sensing element;
by above mechanisim controlled spark explossive explodes

2007-01-24 15:09:23 · answer #4 · answered by rgfmss 2 · 0 0

actully i have no idea
but still i say it works by froce of electric current and electronic devices which are installed.

2007-01-24 03:26:27 · answer #5 · answered by devendra 1 · 0 1

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