The Americans call that "Acceptable Collateral Damage".
Almost makes it sound like a fine business decision, don't it.
2007-01-23 18:51:41
answer #1
answered by Jack 6
And what's your definition of a bad person. Is a bad person who sees an injustice and do nothing. My belief is that if a few starts a war and the many stands by and do nothing, their no longer innocent. I hear so many here complain about the evil of the War in Iraq and I ask them what did you do to stop him. When they say nothing, I sometimes tell them, that they were just passively supporting him. THe thing is , its easier to protest wars in AMerica. AS for avoiding killing the innocent, that is impossible, Army can only take steps to reduce killing innocents. I know the US has purposefully shot children, but what I was told was that some iraqi's use children as look outs.
If thats true, they become fair game. I am a little upset that small children are shot over rock throwing, but it is technically self defense.
2007-01-24 03:06:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Once KPS Gill ( the ace policeman credited with wiping out terrorism from Punjab) posed with the same question replied that sometimes innocents get caught in the crossfire between the good and evil forces and nothing can be done except for according them an martyr status.
Everything is Fair In Love & War.
At times women and children are targetted delibrately in war to create fear and bring down the morale of the oppressed. Womes and girls being abused sexually is one such weapon. This happen in very extreme conditions.
But I do not subscribe to the the War Against Terrorisn being carried out in the Middle East by America as it is doing so with the sole intent of capturing the oil resouces of the middle east
2007-01-24 03:59:57
answer #3
answered by basics 2
First off, use the free spell-check, it'll help us that don't speak Martian. Secondly, there has never been a war that has been prosecuted without the death of innocents or 'collateral damage', it's only the fact that the media splays it one-sided all over the TV screen these days. The mere fact that they don't show what it's like to have adrenaline-pumping terror off and on for hours while you're entering areas that need mopping up or clearing for the guys who have to do the killing is why this question is even posted. Try and understand both sides of an argument before you ask a question...
2007-01-24 03:16:41
answer #4
answered by wetdreamdiver 5
You have to realize that the people we are fighting use women and children as shields. They also use children as suicide bombers and as fighters, but it is a shame that innocent women and children are sometimes killed. The british, americans and the other coalition forces do all they can to avoid it, but 99 percent of the innocent people killed are by the iraqi death squads, on their own people.
2007-01-24 10:45:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In most all wars they start with looking for a Diplomatic solution when that breaks down they go kill each other and a lot of innocent people for a while, when they get tiered of fighting and killing they stop and go back and look for a Diplomatic solution again.
2007-01-24 03:02:42
answer #6
answered by lonetraveler 5
It should be the endeavour of the military to forewarn the innocent about the impending attack so that they find themselves in a safe place. But, the problem is that the offenders would like to use the common people as a shield against the attackers. In modern warfare, this cannot be helped.
2007-01-24 02:57:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Then you shouldn't start a war as that's when many people are killed, both innocent and bad.
2007-01-24 02:56:00
answer #8
answered by Unazaki 4
America wants to prove it is a world power
2007-01-24 02:56:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
that's not good and we try not to kill innocent people but in a war zone sometime it happens
2007-01-24 03:07:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous