Try buying a calendar. In each date write the things that you MUST get accomplished on that day. If for whatever reason, you are not able to accomplish the task on that day, then the task in question should carry over on the very next day. You must really try to adhere to this schedule. Unfortunatley , without "will", there really is no way to overcome this problem. You must really WANTto change.
2007-01-23 17:49:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i do not understand if this can answer your question, yet i'm sixty 2 and that i have felt this way a sturdy area of my individual existence. I did artwork for the state for 30 years and carried my load, yet after I were given homestead, I had to relax and kick again. I have a son and that i do not understand how he were given so influenced because he's an authorities in a international organization and travels to England countless circumstances a year on organization. I nevertheless experience like i'm lazy now and again, yet i understand now that I likely change into having heart issues again aways and did not understand it. likely why i did not have the potential to do a lot.
2016-10-17 03:04:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well you've asked the question, that's a step in the right direction. Perhaps you are vitamin deficient. Try a daily dose of Multivitamins and Vit C. Also, when I feel lazy I have to force myself somehow to prioritize. So I challenge myself first by making a 'things to do list' then I dare myself. Not silently, but out loud, I say to myself "I dare you to...." and it helps me to "git er done" and to check those things off my to do list.
Most importantly, so not to overwhelm yourself, take it easy, do one thing at a time. Lastly, Pray!! Ask God for help w/your problem. Ask and you shall receive. Good Luck
2007-01-23 18:08:42
answer #3
answered by Lucia Sugarbair 1
To over come laziness, you need to manage your time, The simplest being fixing at least two things in your daily life in fixed time without procrastinations, which are of interest to you the other day takes its own course, later you can start planning other things as one fixed thing at fixed time motivates you to over come laziness. This is the basic step, as every long journey begins with initial small step.
2007-01-23 17:53:49
answer #4
answered by ganmin 1
Acknowledging your weakness is the first path to conquering it.
Remember that procrastination is laziness to the outsider but could be a reflection of something else to you. I too can really wait for the last minute to do something. My suggestion:
Challenge yourself rather than wait for someone to find something that will fix you. It is possible that you have fear of failure or that maybe you are not motivated to do something that is not pleasant (like pick up your dirty clothes and wash them), but is it also not possible that you are just bored and not doing the things that you would really like to be doing.
It has been said that procrastination is the disease of the unchallenged. Rather than look at it as something that is fixable or not, make it a daily reward that you push yourself!
There is satisfaction in doing something just for you. So change perspective. Do it for you. And just for extra energy, pick the least favorite thing and do it first. Afterall, isn't great to have it out of the way.
Believe me, I can procrastinate. But after a while, you will see your life pass by and you will be disappointed. SEEK the reason behind your laziness.. Be methodical and work the worst to the easiest.
There is no easy fix...but like an alcoholic must not drink a day at a time, fix your laziness a day at a time too. And don't be too hard on yourself. At least you were motivated to ask.
2007-01-23 17:56:22
answer #5
answered by kishoti 5
You must always try and do exercises like running, wake up early and exercise to boost your energy. Exercising won't only boost your energy but it will also make more confident and it will give you more reasons to live.
2007-01-23 17:54:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why don't you try getting a rooster???
2007-01-23 17:55:16
answer #7
answered by curious 4
lazness can kill you .take a red bull
2007-01-23 17:48:44
answer #8
answered by ED S 2