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Omaha:10 players,40 cards dealt out,leaving 12 in deck [which on average would be 3c,3d,3h,3s]...flop comes with 2c thereby leaving only one club in the nine remaining cards...so would the odds be 1.86:1 as the books say or would they be closer to 4:1 against ???

2007-01-23 10:21:46 · 4 answers · asked by andy m 2 in Games & Recreation Gambling

4 answers

you have no idea what cards the other players hold so it is difficult to use it. So the odds of the next card being a flush is the number of unseen hearts divided by the number of unseen cards. So if you have 2 hearts in your hand, plus two other non heart cards, plus two hearts and one non heart on the flop. The odds of the next card being a heart would be 9/45 = 20% (9 hearts left, 45 unseen cards). The odds of a heart coming on the turn or the river is that same 9/45+(36/45)*9/44 = 36.36% of the time. Your cannot make those assumptions about everybody else's hole cards

2007-01-23 10:46:41 · answer #1 · answered by Bill F 6 · 1 0

When calculating odds to make your hand, you always make the assumption that all of your outs are live. Otherwise, it would be impossible to figure. In this case, Omaha is the same as in Texas Hold 'Em. 4:1 against making the flush.

2007-01-23 20:33:33 · answer #2 · answered by Shawn A 2 · 0 0

You see 7 cards (your hand and the flop), your % to hit (if you don't have 3 clubs in your hand) on turn: 37%, river:18%

Take care

2007-01-23 18:56:37 · answer #3 · answered by pokercoach 5 · 0 0

if you use a poker odds calculator this will show you instantly - http://www.***************************/poker_odds_calculator.html

2007-01-23 18:41:51 · answer #4 · answered by sassy g 2 · 0 2

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