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We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Yahoo End of the Year
Patronage Bonanza held on the 30/12/2006. Your e-mail address attached
to ticket number 883734657492-5319 with serial number 7263-267, batch
number 8254297137, lottery ref number 7336065782 and drew lucky numbers
14-22-28-37-40-44 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have
therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of £500,000.00 (i.e Five
Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds).

This Lottery is approved and licensed by the International Association
of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This lottery is the first of its kind
organised by YAHOO In view of this, your Five hundred Thousand United
Kingdom Pounds (£500,000.00) would be released to you by any of our

To file for your claims, please contact our claims director:

44 Moorfields London EC2Y 9AL UNITED KINGDOM

For processing and remmitance of your winnings, you are required to
contact our designated claims agent with the following underlisted


Please note, in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications
please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers all
correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change of address
your claims director. Congratulations once again, from all members of
staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.

Your Sincerely,
Mrs. Amelia Hunts
Online Promotions Manager
Uk Administrative Unit

2007-01-23 08:30:37 · 4 answers · asked by nabsnabs1 1 in Games & Recreation Gambling

4 answers

Yahoo is well aware. Look at the email address. It is not an official Yahoo email address.Look at the questions I have answered on this site in my info. There are so many winners there could not be enough money to pay them all.There is no International Lottery.This is a Nigeria scam. Yahoo/MSN, U.K. and Australian lotteries, football lotteries from the same counties, Global-Link, World Poverty, Microsoft, Free Lotto, which now seems to have it's own people answering gambling questions on this site claiming they have won which is a total lie, and hundreds more. I am a retired Police Officer that has years of experience investigating Internet scams and frauds. This is an old one. The common link to them getting your email is on line surveys. Yahoo does not give it's stock holders money away nor does it give it's email subscribers address's to lotteries. The only way to win in a lottery is to buy a ticket, if you didn't you could not possibly win. Here is the website of the 17 nation law enforcement task force that investigates cross border Internet crime. You may file a complaint there. www.econsumer.gov. Also go to www.ripoffreport.com and browse complaints and you will find many having the same doubts as yourself about these scams. Below is a typical scam and how they work it. They just go under a thousand different names. They are asking you to send a prepayment to collect your winnings and they want you to send it by a money wire service. Lotteries do not just pick your name out of thin air, and just so happen to have your email also. No Internet service provider gives their email list out to lotteries. If you did not pay to play you could not possibly win.

recieved letter of winning $65000.00 Pacific Player International lotteries,please contact claims agent miss linda strong at 204-951-7582. Second letter came with a check for the amount of $2,470.00 To deposited in my bank account for processing fee,a week later check cleared my bank. I contacted my claims agent over the phone she advise me to wire the balance of $2,341.00 to a Mr Edward Culwell in New York,New York.I called miss linda strong to advise her of the western union confirmation number,to date can not get in touch with linda strong just her voice mail, I know now that it was all a RIP-OFF and now Iam in the hole with $2,470.00 with my bank.... Please send HELP... THANK YOU VERY MUCH

2007-01-23 11:00:03 · answer #1 · answered by ohbrother 7 · 4 0

I have just received it too! I was looking for more information about it in google when I saw your question. It has to be a scam, it always says that we have received the 1st price in a contest in which we did not participate, and it follows with the same fake lottery spam technique, that is, trying to get us to give away personal information. The question here is how come no one from Yahoo advised us that there is a scam going on using (in a fraudulent way) the Yahoo brand?

2007-01-24 21:01:55 · answer #2 · answered by lain2121 2 · 0 0

No, I don't use my real name. It's too rare in the US, and I do have a couple of rabid stalkers I'd rather avoid. I think Lyra's a beautiful name, though. Wasn't that one of the Muses or something? Mine is what I wish my name was, and my hope for my life and the world. Shanti means "Peace".

2016-05-24 01:46:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

SCAM SCAM SCAM dont answer dont give your details just delete the rubbish they are FRAUDS.If you win a lottery they do not want to know your nationality, marital status, age,sex, ect plus to win you must first purchase a ticket.

2007-01-23 18:32:59 · answer #4 · answered by flossypants 4 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers