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Does anyone know if there is an online letter anywhere sort of explaining what you need to put down in a letter if you are starting up a group lottery in the office. I basically know that everyone has to sign it that we agree to split the winnings and that it is their responsibility to pay the person getting the tickets before the tickets are purchased. We just want to make sure that we cover our butts. We know the basics of what should be in the letter but if anyone knows of an example of an online letter stating the rules and regulations it would be helpful. Thanks

2007-01-23 02:57:52 · 1 answers · asked by Wondering 2 in Games & Recreation Gambling

1 answers

Why bother with a form letter? you should be covered if you keep accurate records of who paid into the fund for the drawing. you could set rules such as..the money must be into so and so by noon on tuesday for the Wednesday drawing...of course we just have one person collect the cash and write the names down when he collects it....

2007-01-23 03:16:23 · answer #1 · answered by kerfitz 6 · 0 0

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