adficio -ficere -feci -fectum [to influence , work upon]; with adverbs, [to affect]; with abl. of nouns, [to treat with, present with]; 'nominem sepultura', [to bury]; 'poena', [to punish], 'beneficio adfici', [to be benefitted]; absol., of the body, [to affect adversely, weaken]. Hence partic. adfectus -a -um, [affected, influenced]; with abl. [furnished with, treated with]; absol., of the body, [weakened, sick]; of undertakings, [worked upon], and so [nearly finished].
adgravesco -ere [to grow worse] (of sickness).
aeger -gra -grum [sick , ill], physically or mentally; 'aeger consilii', [infirm of purpose]; 'aegris oculis', [with envious eyes]; politically, [unsound, mutinous]. M. as subst. [an invalid]. Adv. aegre, [with pain, regret or difficulty]; hence [hardly, scarcely](cf. vix).
aegreo -ere [to be sick].
aegritudo -inis f. [sickness] , esp. of the mind.
aegrotatio -onis f. [sickness] , of body or mind.
aegroto -are [to be sick or ill] , in body or mind.
aegrotus -a -um [sick , ill], in body or mind.
causarius -a -um [sickly , diseased]; m. pl., milit., [men invalided out of the army].
dens dentis m. [a tooth]. Transf. , things resembling a tooth, e.g., [a mattock or sickle]; abstr., of anything biting, sharp, destructive.
falcarius -i m. [a sickle-maker].
falcatus -a -um [furnished with sickles; sickle-shaped].
falcifer -fera -ferum [carrying a scythe or sickle].
falx falcis f. [a sickle , bill-hook, pruning-hook; a sickle-shaped implement of war].
fastidiosus -a -um [squeamish , nice, dainty, fastidious]; with genit. [sick of, disgusted with, impatient of]; in act. sense, [disgusting, loathsome]. Adv. fastidiose, [fastidiously, with disgust].
iaceo iacere iacui [to lie , be situated; to lie low, lie flat; to lie sick or overthrown or killed]; of hair or clothes, [to hang loosely]; fig., [to be neglected, despised; to be overthrown; to be cast down, dejected].
morbidus -a -um [sickly , diseased, unwholesome].
morbus -i m. [disease , sickness].
soteria -orum n. pl. [presents given on recovery from sickness].
2007-01-22 13:56:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous